Sunstreaker Reveals his Identity

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Canterlot City, present day. At midnight, Sunstreaker went sleep to his room, and then... his eyes struggling to his nightmare, and he finally saw about the prophecy since Sunset Shimmer touched Daenerys Targaryen's vision. And now Sunstreaker whimpers his mind and he saw the future: Sunstreaker goes inside his dream, and he walks the tunnels filled with Wildfyre jars over a thousand in King's Landing, he touched first and he gasps to change his dream, Sunstreaker saw Daenerys Targaryen burns King's Landing and the people were hopeless and he's confuse. And finally, he goes to the Iron Throne room where he saw Aerys Targaryen "The Mad King" shouting his words "BURN THEM ALL!" He shouts "No..." Sunstreaker confuses him. And he saw Jamie Lannister holding a sword to become a Kingslayer, killing Aerys at his back. And now Sunstreaker close his eyes and he feels traumatizing his mind and Aerys shout for the last words: "BURN THEM ALL!" And Sunstreaker wakes up after his nightmare and he gasps "NOOO!" Sunstreaker gasps and throwing his ice disc into the wall. Sunstreaker shocks that he felt a nightmare. Then Sideswipe enters to Sunstreaker for his help "Brother!!" Sunstreaker shouts to Sideswipe and he opens the door and turning on the lights "Another nightmare?" He said grabbing a glass of water from the nightstand. "It was a nightmare! I can't believe it!" Sunstreaker says and then Sunstreaker drinks the water and Sideswipe knows "Hmm... Sunstreaker, I know you saw Daenerys before you speak Valyrian Words. But why did you have a nightmare over 26 times?" Sunstreaker nods and he drink more water and then Sunstreaker tells "I'm afraid of what will happen if she'll burn King's Landing." Sideswipe frowns and looks at the window "What do you mean?" "Sunset Shimmer said it... "There was a Mad King, in a great grand city... is dead" I know what it is... Get sleep, and you'll wake up tomorrow" Sideswipe goes out of his bedroom and Sunstreaker see the sights of the window, it was winter, but Winter is Coming. In Canterlot High School, Sunstreaker keeps reading a Song of Ice and Fire Books over 100 of them. Sci Twi and Sunset Shimmer saw him that he's hallucinating "Rodimus, what's wrong with him?" Sunset said to Rodimus "I don't know, he keeps solving problems. Sunstreaker knows about A Song of Ice and Fire lore. But he keeps reading a lot. I'll talk to him" Rodimus walks to Sunstreaker's bedroom and knocks to enter. "Hullo, Sunstreaker?" Sunstreaker turns around to him "Yeah? What is it?" "You keep having nightmares about the future. Don't you think its time to stop?" Rodimus said "I can't stop, I keep dreaming about this... I need to know what will help! I belong to her!" Sunstreaker said to Sunset "You mean, Daenerys. Why are you belong to House Targaryen?" Sunset said to Sunstreaker "I saw a vision of the future, when Dany burned King's Landing, and I learned from it. But my named was after by the Dragon of Aegon II... From the book called "Fire and Blood" Sunstreaker said to the others with Bumblebee, Fluttershy, Rarity, Sideswipe and Rainbow Dash asking to him "Fire and Blood? That was a prequel to A Game of Thrones novel" Sideswipe holds the book of the title and read it out loud "A Game of Thrones: Fire and Blood" Twilight Sparkle hold the book too and she reads it out loud "Are you belong to Aegon Targaryen II?" She said "Yes... Because my name was Sunstreaker... It's was my ancestor, Aegon II, rode a beautiful dragon had golden scales as shine as the sun. His dragon's name... his name... was Sunfyre" Sunstreaker holds the picture of Sunfyre the Golden dragon and the others saw that Sunstreaker was a Targaryen after Sunfyre himself. "Wait... you're not a Targaryen" Rodimus said to him "I was... But I must know my answers" Sunstreaker finds his way "I know him, from the national library. His name was Groom Q.Q Martingale, every fans wanted this book, looks like the book has been released!" Rainbow Dash holds the release book of A Song of Ice and Fire: The Iron Throne. "Groom Q.Q Martingale, I thought It was earth-saying to Geroge R.R. Martin" Sunstreaker knows that Groom Q.Q Martingale was Equestrian version to George R.R Martin "Pardon me, Sunstreaker. Do you recognize his man" Wheeljack said "Well, Groom Q.Q Martingale was just the author of A Song of Ice and Fire. But... he was look like George R.R Martin. Well, I'm going to talk to him" Sunstreaker sighs "Okay" and now Sunstreaker is going to the national library in Canterlot to meet Groom Q.Q Martingale

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