The Bells (Part 2)

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At Dragonstone, Sunstreaker Sunfyre and the others went on a meeting on the Westeros Table "Daenerys has passed beyond my sight. The ending of the tale is deepning" Wheeljack said to Sunstreaker "Daenerys had a dragon we would know it" "There's only a matter of time, friend. You'd suffer a defeat, yes, but... behind the cities of King's Landing our enemy is regrouping" Wheeljack said but Jazz sitting at the table of Westeros "Let her stay there, let it burn. Why should we care?" "Because millions of people inside King's Landing now stand between Daenerys and the Iron Throne... she'll sent her to her death" Wheeljack depressed but Sunstreaker found "No. There's still hope for Dany, she needs time and safe passage across the cities of King's Landing. We can give her that" "How?" Jazz ask "Push out Daenerys' armies, empty this land. And we gather Rodimus with Bluestreak along with Thunderhowl for full strength to the plains of the west" He said but Jazz coughs when he sip the beer "We cannot achieve victory through strength of arms" Dragonicus said "Not for ourselves, but we can give Daenerys her chance if we keep the bell rings fixed upon us. Sending help to the Star Seekers" Sunstreaker said but he found a diversion "A diversion" Sideswipe smiles "Star Seekers helps, small chances of sucess! What are you waiting for?" Jazz said "Daenerys will suspect a trap, you will not take debate" Wheeljack said but he can "Oh, I think she will" Sunstreaker said and he's going to the throne room of Daenerys, Sunstreaker speaks to her "I'm listening" "On behalf of the armies of House Sunfyre, I ask that you giving an alert, a refuge of your armies so that they might fight their lives" He said "I will not send any refugees, while Tyrion warns me before my armies" Daenerys reply "That armies host will attack this city if we do not come to terms" Sunstreaker said to her "Your allies do not sway me" "What about your plans? Does it not tell you our cause is just. The people are inside the city, and you are standing down your armies when the bell rings and ruin your death" He said but Daenerys argues him "What did your armies of Sunfyre come to our aid for the promise for standing reward?" "A new army has come!" "An army? What choice do you have but a soldier our birthright for women and children? The ransom our future and exchange for our freedom?! Is this some sort a trick? Tell me, Sunstreaker of House Sunfyre. Why do you freed Varys?" She asks him "Because I send Varys to change allegiance. That's why I escort him" Sunstreaker said and Daenerys saw Jon Snow and Tyrion what he did about Varys freed but she turns into Mad Queen "Begone! Get out and leave" She shouts and Sunstreaker feels angry that Daenerys didn't want her debate. He opens the door along Sideswipe and Wheeljack "Brother! Is she mad?" he said "She's lost my side, that means I was out" Sunstreaker went out in Dragonstone into Guardian Knight's camp, Dragonicus, Steelbane and Stormreign asks Sunstreaker to Daenerys "I was now lie in Daenerys' debate, a mad queen. But a mad queen remains. Daenerys hears nothing about the peoples and the bells. We've been strangely fortunate, since I was a dragon dream in Equestria from this universe. Daenerys moves to strike the city of King's Landing" He said "From the Battle of Winterfell showed our enemy one thing. he knows the Reign of Targaryen has come forth. Cybertronians are not weak as supposed there is courage still strength enough to challenge her" Dragonicus said to Sunstreaker "Daenerys fears this, she will not going to burn King's Landing uniting one banner. The Star Seekers must raze King's Landing to the Ground. Before Aegon's Conquest that he collect thousand swords to made the throne. If the bells of King's Landing must surrenders, Star Seekers must be ready for war" He said to Steelbane "Tell me, why the Thunderhowlers are the first attack to come to ours? But do we owe Targaryen" He said but Sunstreaker can "I will go. They must be warned" "No! They will be, you'll lead the second attack, from the smoking ships that went down in the sea. Understand this, things are now in motion that cannot be undone. I will go to King's Landing and I won't be going alone" Wheeljack said staring to Sci Twi but she's scare to enter the city. Wheeljack walks with Sci Twi "all the inquisitive girls, Sci Twi. And Sunset saw you're future. Come on!" He shouts and Sci Twi keeps following him. Wheeljack met one of his warriors of Guardian Knights "Hey, knight! What's you're name?" "Skullitron, master" Skullitron said with his skeletal Cybertronian body "You have a dragon mode?" Wheeljack said and Skullitron transforms into a dragon, mounted with Sci Twi "How far is King's Landing?" She ask "Guardian Knights uses Space Bridge to quick travel. Sovetes, Skullitron, show us the meaning of haste!" Wheeljack shouts to Skullitron and he flies up to Dragonstone in the air. Sunstreaker armies are marching into the Space Bridge to leave Dragonstone into Valyria "Sunstreaker!" Daenerys shouts but he ignores "He leaves but there is no hope" Varys said "He leaves because he's a traitor" "You know how much he loves you?" She ask Varys but he doesn't answer "If he were here, I'd have him by now" "Aegon's Conquest" Daenerys says and she drinks her wine "We don't have time for this" Daenerys said and she's ready on her first strike on King's Landing at morning. In the Star Seekers' ship, Tidal Wave. Thundertron was looking the hologram monitor of Dragonstone but Brimstone knows about the weakness "Targaryens' armies has one weakness it's the bell rings. When the bell sets in and the ship fell down" He said. Thundertron making a cannonball of explosive Wildfyres into the jars "How, how the Wildfyre is explosive? What kind of device that bring down the Targaryen and Starks?" He reply to Thundertron "If Daenerys' armies breached the city, then she will fall" "Even if it is attack, Daenerys had three dragons form a diversion. But there no such force" Brimstone said and Thundertron saw 5000 Star Seekers chanting to his leader "Steady, brothers! Steady!" Thundertron shouted to them "Stand firm. Do not waver. This is our hour of triumph! The Star Seeker's call!" He shouts again and the Star Seekers chant louder "The Star Seeker's Call!" "A new enemy has rising. This victory, is at hand! Today, the land will be stained in the blood of Targaryen! Fly to King's Landing! Lean none alive... TO WAR!" Thundertron raises his sword and the Star Seekers shouts "There would no Targaryen... and Stark" he said to Brimstone "Now, Brimstone, time for the last push" Brimstone nods to Thundertron and the Star Seekers get ready on their attack on King's Landing, but there's no need for them to worry. At morning Skullitron landed on the plains of King's Landing, Wheeljack and Sci Twi introduces the city "King's Landing, homeworld of the Iron Throne" he said, and Wheeljack rides a horse with Sci Twi entering the castle of the Red Keep, Wheeljack enters the gates and unmount his horse, Wheeljack and Sci Twi manages to greet Cersei Lannister "You must be careful, Cersei Lannister is a tyrant. We ever seen her before the execution of Missandei and Sunstreaker rescued her. Do not listen further" He said and the two are entering the Throne Room. Cersei Lannister greeted them both with her "Hail Cersei Lannister, sister of Tyrion Lannister and Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. I came a warning to Daenerys' armies and with counsel" Wheeljack said to Cersei sitting the Iron Throne "Perhaps you explain this... Why is your ally capture this prisoner?" Cersei asked him "It's not easy to find a way around the bells, Cersei" Wheeljack said "This man is not a friend of Daenerys" Cersei said "What do you mean?" then Sci Twi appeared "You said that there's a dragon come after the Iron Fleet burns. Who is it?" She said "I will not take secrets" "Not is the time. Cersei, the enemy is coming in the walls. They will stop you" "They will come! The bell rings, the Star Seekers came, they will protect the city" She said the truth "Star Seekers?" Cersei asks but Sci Twi wasn't answered "And what do the Star Seekers want from me?" Cersei asks "I will no longer take any words. The Last Targaryen is ready, the Descendant of Sunfyre is here to stop you, Scrap-headed queen!" He said his Cybertronian vulgar and Cersei stands to him "The Seven Kingdoms is mine! Leave!" She points the finger to the two to leave. "I'm afraid, I can't do that, Cersei. You should know the Star Seeker's Call" Sci Twi said "Then Sunstreaker will send him to Thundertron" Wheeljack said "Thundertron?" Sci Twi didn't remembers his name "He's a leader, a beast form was based on a Sigil of House Lannister, "A Lannister always pays his debt" but it changed into "Hear me roar!" I'll send to him... by the raven" He said "Raven?" Sci Twi questioned. At the camp from Valyria, Sunstreaker walks into the hologram room from the crashed ship, He sending a message to Thundertron and he opens the hologram "Sunstreaker Targaryen..." He said "I know that you hunted me, and you will stop her armies. No?" Sunstreaker said to Thundertron and he introduces his sword, Dragonsabre "Behold the sword of House Sunfyre!" He shouts and Thundertron laughs, he fades and seeing the future: The Star Seeker's Call to King's Landing and eliminate all Targaryen armies to sweep. Sunstreaker gasps that Daenerys and Jon Snow will be gone. And after... Sunstreaker needs a message to Rodimus from Thunderhowlers. Bluestreaker found an alert to Sunstreaker "Wheeljack and Sci Twi are entering the Red Keep of King's Landing. But now is the time to ride in the next two hours" "Time has against us" Thunderhowl said and he prepares the ride. Sunset Shimmer hesitate from her fear and Rodimus comforts herself from her soldier outfit "Sunset, don't afraid. Be strong. You've already done this once" He said "I'm not used to this" She said and the other soldiers prepare too. Bluestreak, Ironhide and Punch are ready to ride the wolves with Thunderhowl "Prepare to move out!" Ironhide said "In case, we ride at noon!" Thunderhowl said, Rodimus and Sunset wear their helmets together and Thunderhowl shouts "Ride now! Ride now to King's Landing!" He shouts and his troops mount their horses to ride to King's Landing.

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