A Knight of the Cybertronians

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In Winterfell, Wheeljack, Rodimus and Bumblebee with Sci Twi Sunset Shimmer and Fluttershy saw the tunnels inside from the death statues of House Stark. Wheeljack activates his glasses to scan the year detector "Wow, these are the ancestors of House Stark" He said "After Ned and Robb died, only Jon, Sansa and Arya are the only ones" Rodimus walks holding the torch "So, where's Arya?" Bumblebee said to Sci Twi "She's having sex by a boyfriend" Twilight said shocked but smiling "I know, I know." The group goes to the deepest tunnel. And Rodimus saw the burning dead body of the Children of the Forest forming a spiral "My Primus, who burn this? I thought Beric did it" Rodimus knows that Beric Dondarrion "But what is this spiral?" Bumblebee saw the spiral that it found "He said it. A Message from the Night King" Wheeljack found the ashes of the body and translated into DNA. Rodimus sees the message is written on a piece of paper "The Night King wrote this in his diary" Bumblebee read the words "The long night is coming... the cold will be eternal.... and the darkness shall rule again." Rodimus, Wheeljack, are defenses are complete?" Bumblebee said to Wheeljack "Yes. But..." he stops and he hears a mechanical wolf howling to the night "White Walker?" Bumblebee shocks "No, we have to find out!" Rodimus activates his flame saber and the six of them running fast. The Cybertronian Wolf came the walls of Winterfell and keeps howling "Open the gates!" Rodimus shouts the guard to open the Gates of Winterfell. The Wolf came to Rodimus and his friends, Rodimus unarm his weapons, he walks slowly to the Wolf and Rodimus touch his nose. Now the Wolf transforms into a Cybertronian Guardian Knight holding a sword with a head of a wolf guard and a shield "We apologize, men of Winterfell. I am here for you seek from Sunstreaker Targaryen" he said "Who are you?" Bumblebee said to the stranger "I am Thunderhowl, Knight of the Primes. Or should I call the leader of the Thunderhowlers, Cybertronian Knights of House Stark" Bumblebee said confused "You're not what I expected from a Cybertronian Knight" Bumblebee said "We send a message from the Night King. That you said Winterfell is coming. But my men, are ready to strike tomorrow" Thunderhowl pledge to Rodimus "Gather our men, make 500, and arrive tomorrow" Rodimus accepted to Thunderhowl and he transforms into a wolf and he howls loud, he's heading out to the snow and Wheeljack found him "Thunderhowl? Knight of the Prime? Maybe they are Guardian Knights in Westeros" "And Essos too, Sunstreaker was on Valyria sending help to our allies. He'll be back" Rodimus said and he goes back to Winterfell for making the defenses. At Valyria, Sunstreaker along with Ironhide, Bluestreak, Jazz with Pinkie, Rarity and Lightning Dust. Dragonicus and his brothers have a meeting while they're holomatter forms as humans. Sunstreaker and the Guardian Knights made a decision "This is but a taste of a terror that Night King had unleashed. The Long Night spreads that the sun is going down, you must fight Lord Dragonicus!" He said to Dragonicus, then Steelbane knows that Thunderhowlers are coming "Tomorrow, 500 Cybertonian Knights enters WInterfell for defenses. Thunderhowl is loyal, their men will return and fight for Winterfell" He said "Thunderhowl? Here on Winterfell?" Sunstreaker said to Stormreign "We have our ally. Now we are Dragonstormers, Guardian Knights of House Targaryen" He said and Dragonicus stands up "There could be 1000 Cybertronian dragons here, now. Drogon has leaving Valyria and cannot help us. I know that it is you want of me. That I will not bring further death to our people! I will not risk open war" Dragonicus said to Sunstreaker "A Game of Thrones is upon you, when you win or die?" Sunstreaker said. Then, Dragonicus found his prediction after Daenerys' death "When the last I look. Sunstreaker Targaryen, not Bran Stark was not the King of Westeros" He said, and after Pinkie Pie drinks his last sip of soda can and she burps "So, what is your decision?" Sunstreaker said to Dragonicus "Gather our men, and were ready" And he prepares. At the ruins, Stormreign arrives and gathering the Cybertronians for help "By order of Sunstreaker Targaryen, the Wall is fallen. We make for our refuge at Winterfell! Do not return back to our doom world, and prepare our strength now!" He said, The seven are going to ride a shuttle "They going to the North when they should stand and fight! Who will defend Winterfell?" Jazz said to Sunstreaker "He was right about this, Dragonicus accept his decision, Bantis zōbrie issa se ossȳngnoti lēdys" He said by his Valyrian language "Huh?" Ironhide questioned "The night is dark and full of terrors. The sun will shine rises. Like Sunfyre the Golden" Sunstreaker walks away to the shuttle "Hey! The shuttle's this way!" Rarity said "No. Dragons is my favorite ride, Dragonicus!" Sunstreaker shouts to him and transforms into a Cybertronian Dragon, Sunstreaker mounted and Stormreign with Steelbane transforms into dragons too "Cool!" Bluestreak impress thier dragon modes "sovetes Dragonicus" Now Dragonicus roars his mouth and three dragons along with Cybertronian Knights transforms like the Dragonstormers. Now the six are riding a shuttle, heading to Winterfell and ready for attack. In the morning, Bumblebee, Punch and Wheeljack eats breakfast with their bowl on a stew. They sip on a spoon and having rest each other. Rodimus keeps fixing the turrets on the wall and he speaks "Gentlemen, we do not break till nightfall" Rodimus said "You want breakfast?" Punch said by a grey skin with black hair grabbing his stew "Well I sip it" Rodimus said honestly "You have one yes, what about second breakfast?" Bumblebee said to Rodimus and he groans and continue fixing the wall "I know, I know" "We really don't need to break yet. We are almost done" Wheeljack said "Agreed. So let's get some work, and I'll get the next round" Rodimus said and he gets a cup of coffee. Sideswipe presses his hologram at the table of the room, he had a video call to Sunstreaker "Hey brother, is that your dragon?" Sideswipe said to Sunstreaker "Uh, yeah. This is Dragonicus, and you?" "There's another, Thunderhowl is waiting this afternoon. I'll fetch a good price" Sideswipe smiles and Sunstreaker had a cute smile like Daenerys "Thunderhowl? Is he from Westeros? How did he know? Listen, I'm sorry for not telling you. Meet you there" Sunstreaker waves his hand to Sideswipe waving goodbye and turn off his hologram. During the meeting, the Autobots and Equestria GIrls and the Armies along with Daenerys, Jon Snow, Bran Stark, Sansa Stark and Arya Stark having their plan for defenses of Winterfell "So what can we do?" Rodimus said to Bran "I don't know" Bran said "I guess those defenses are good, nice working Wheeljack" Sansa said to Wheeljack that he design the turrets from the Walls of Winterfell "But this nightfall, Thunderhowlers are coming. And they're going to refuge now" He said and the armies dismissed their plan. "What? Why?" Daenerys said "Because we have allies. Your friend Sunstreaker had lots of dragons, from Valyria in short" Rodimus exits his plan inlcuing the boys and Equestria Girls and Daenerys scoffs her mouth. At dusk of Winterfell, Sideswipe sits down on his bed, but Windblade arrives to Sideswipe and comfort him "I know you're brother is okay" She said "It's just the way things go. Outcast, that's all they see" Sideswipe said to Windblade and she holds his face and she said "I see you, Sideswipe. But I thought you ever love me, Slick" Sideswipe kisses Windblade and they both bend on the bed. Sideswipe kisses her neck and they removing clothes on each other. He removes her pants and he massages her legs and she enjoys it. He takes her panties off, then his penis penetrates her vagina and she moans and relaxes herself for Sideswipe pleasure. at night, Daenerys and Jon Snow have a talk to see the statue of Lyanna Stark in Winterfell "Lyanna Stark, my brother Rhaegar raped her?" she said "No! She didn't. But I have to tell you my real name. My name... is Aegon Targaryen" he said to Daenerys and she's embarrassed to him "Congratulations, You're a Targaryen" Rodimus finally see the two and they shock "What are you doing in here?!" Jon angers him "I have to tell my armies are coming. But I---" Rodimus stops and he hears a horn coming and they're finally here "That is no Horn of Winter" Jon runs fast including Daenerys. Tyrion Lannister saw the Thunderhowlers became hundreds of Cybertronian and he shouts "Open the gates!" Tyrion shouts, and the guards opened the gates. The Thunderhowlers came in the castle with the knights, a lot of them. They gathered outside the hall and they waited for their commander Thunderhowl to come. Jon Snow saw a miracle of refugees in Winterfell "How is this possible?" Jon Snow said "I bring word from Sunstreaker of House Targaryen. The Cybertronians once existed between men and giants. Long ago, we fought the Children of the Forest and die together" Then Rodimus smiles that they came "I knew you came, Thunderhowl" Thunderhowl steps out from the crowd "We've come to fight alongside men once more." Thunderhowl smiles and they're ready for battle!

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