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On the cities of King's Landing were all hope had begun. The Battle of the Thunderhowlers were charged against the Star Seekers fighting into the plains of the west. Rodimus with Sunset Shimmer rides with an unknown soldier form by a wolf, riding faster and faster into the roads of the city reaching to the Red Keep. On the battlefield Thunderhowl holds the Wolfguard, the sword of the Thunderhowlers slashing the Star Seekers troopers and Thundertron, his brother facing him "I've waiting a long time for this, brother" He said, now he duels Thunderhowl fighting by the sigils of House Stark and House Lannister "You cannot control the Seven Kingdoms! We are the rebellions of House Sunfyre!" Thunderhowl shouts to him "And it's a good thing we bought a challenger" Thundertron said and had a fierce shout, yelling from the southern sea. The Star Seekers chanting and all of Thunderhowler soldiers are sense of a coming. Now, the stampede of Cybertronian Elephants charging to the armies of Thunderhowlers marching into the plains of a battlefield, stomping Daenerys' armies and all of Thunderhowlers were screamed in agony "No!" Thunderhowl gasps and he keeps fighting to Thundertron, fighting his brother, over his brother. "Elephants, Thundehowlers! Prepare the spears, the fangs and the swords form align and we will show that we can stop Cersei's elephants!" Bluestreak shouts to all soldiers and they howling the wolves into beast modes "CHARGE!" Bluestreak raises the sword with Lightning Dust running charge to all Thunderhowlers fighting Cersei's elephants. They charging the spears and the swords with their fangs of the wolves biting the feet of an elephant, killing the rider and destroying the armor of the elephants. Thunderhowl had become angry while he was fighting, hearing Thundertron shouting "He has no right to speak for you! I am your leader, not him!" "We were brothers once, and you pay for the Seven Kingdoms to me!" Thunderhowl shouts and keeps slashing their swords together. Bluestreak and Lightning Dust rode a soldier wolf running fast and he holds the spear firing into the shot of an elephant to fell down to all elephants. The Tidal Wave using cannonballs to firing on the ground to kill all the armies, The Blackfyre Predacons screeching to the skies with Dragotron Steelbane and all Predacons flying with dragonfire blazing to the ground of the western plains of King's Landing. Rodimus and Sunset finally came to the gates of the Red Keep "Wheeljack!" Rodimus gasps that Wheeljack returns "Oh, I'm glad to see you" Wheeljack hugs him "Let's go!" Rodimus with Autobots and Equestria Girls are walking into the stairs and Rodimus gasps that the gate is locked "It's locked! Maybe fire can!" Rodimus holds the Flame Sabers starting to firing the gates of the Red Keep. Daenerys' dragons flies into the Star Seeker ship, Tidal Wave. Firing a blast explosive of Wildfyre cannons. "You hold the gate! I'm going to mind control the people over the ground bridge!" Wheeljack holds the power of Mind Control, sending millions of people evacuate to leave by using ground bridge to King's Landing. Thundertron slashes Thunderhowl fighting each other with their swords. Rodimus fires the Flame Saber again. Now, thousands of Star Seeker soldiers are collapsing to the ground. Thunderhowl falls on the ground, bleeding badly. Thundertron slams Thunderhowl's head down and he has a sinister laugh "So, brother, now you're mine..." And after he stopped, and hearing a screech of a dragon coming from the flaming plains of the west. And now it finally returns, Daenerys look upon the firing vertical flames of the plains and she saw a new ally emerge. Sunstreaker, walking into the fires and he was the unburnt forming a demon-winged from the wings of a dragon. Dragonicus screech and Sideswipe joins Bumblebee, Fluttershy, Jazz, Pinkie Pie and all of the armies forming into Sunfyre Rebellion: An armies of Cybertronians of House Stark, House Targaryen and House Sunfyre. Never before that Sunstreaker was related to Sunfyre the Golden and his great-grandfather Aegon II, first of his name. Now he moves back and shouts to all soldiers for the stand: "Guardian Knights of House Targaryen, and House Stark, my brothers! I see in your eyes, the same fear would take the heart of me! A day may come, when the reign of Targaryen fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of Kingdoms! But it is not this day. A era of conquest, and thousand swords where the Robert's Rebellion comes crushing down! But it is not this day, today we fight! By all that you hold dear, on this good west. Together we stand, Sunfyre Rebellion!" And all of the Dragonstormers rises their swords higher and higher with the Valyrian blades. Then Sunstreaker rodes Dragonicus charging higher and they waiting for a battle "Send the rest!" Thundertron said to Brimstone, now the Tidal Wave landed on the plains of the walls. Multiplying all of Star Seekers into 1000. But the Dragonstormers had 500 Guardian Knights, the Star Seeker armada marching forward and Sunstreaker saw the eyes of Thundertron and he speaks by a whisper "Sunstreaker" He whispers, Sunstreakers holds the Dragonsabre, the sword of Ice and Fire. And he saw Daenerys farther sending for help. But he looks upon Sideswipe and he nods at him. But Sunstreaker needs a good feeling about his ancestor, whispering one last time: "For Aegon" he whispers and Dragonicus raise the wings and flies into the skies. Now Steelbane and Stormreign joins the flight and all of Guardian Knights running in courage! They formed into a rectangle around them, and Sunstreaker charge and speaking his rage "DRACARYS!" And the Guradian Knights form all of dragons flying in the skies to kill all of Star Seekers troops. And on the ground and fighting all of troops. Thunderhowl along with Steelbane and Stormreign slashing each other. But the Blackfyre Predacons charge into the walls of the west. And Sunstreaker holds with Dragonicus. He closes his eyes for helping a rescue. Now Drogon, Rhaegal and Viserion fights Dragotron, Darksteel and all Predacons were fighting "Daenerys Dragons! The dragons are coming!" Bumblebee saw during in a battle. Now Daenerys helps with Sunstreaker fighting the Blackfyre Predacons in the skies of King's Landing, Rodimus finally breaks the gates of the Red Keep and Sideswipe jumps out to the Red Keep to help "Time to kill Gregor!" Sideswipe holds the swords by using his real name. The Autobots and Equestria Girls runs inside the Red Keep, Cersei saw the intruders coming "Guards! Kill them! Mountain, smash them!" And the Mountain turned to face the intruders coming from the north. Rodimus jumps with Sideswipe and kicks the Mountain's head and after Sideswipe holds the sword and stabs into his head! "The Mountains turns into "The Volcano!" In your face, head-smasher!" Rainbow Dash said "After her!" Rodimus runs to Cersei Lannister that she is a coward. In Tidal Wave's bridge, Cannonball is heading a new captain of the ship. But then he gasps that someone touching on the finger. Cannonball gasps and he saw Windblade "My name is Windblade, I want you to know that. That is the last ever going to see, as an Autobot smiling you as you die" She smirks but Cannonball whimpers. Windblade uses her leg choking to Cannonball "I am going to kill you" She stabs to Cannonball's chest and he fell down. She smirks and she holds the steering ship to rotate the ship moves forward out in King's Landing "Sunstreaker, Tidal Wave is moving out!!" She said with her comlink "Very good, Windblade. Dragonicus! Sovetes!" Sunstreaker shouts to Dragonicus to flies to Daenerys and Drogon. Sunstrreaker stops and he keeps thinking and following his new objective, but he needs a choice "Sideswipe" Sunstreaker turning on the comlink with Sideswipe at the Red Keep "Yes brother?!" "You stop Greyworm. But do not harm him, just lure him out!" Sunstreaker commands to Sideswipe and he's going out to take Greyworm! Sideswipe rodes Skullitron fly high to catch Greyworm to stop. During Greyworm stabs all Lannister's soldiers, he look upon at the back, it was Sideswipe fighting with his spear fighting each other "Nakho Greyworm!" Sideswipe shouts his Dothraki language "Kifindirgi tat yer zhorre mai lekh?!" (Why do you have mother tongue?!) Greyworm shouts and Sideswipe "Give up, Greyworm! It's all over" Sideswipe replied in the same language "Mokh!" Greyworm says and he moves the spear and fights to Sideswipe, he swifts his reflection and he holds the spear and fighting each other. Dragonicus to flies to Daenerys and Drogon following him to stop burning King's Landing. Jon Snow saw Sunstreaker is fighting Daenerys with two dragons. Now, Drogon and Dragonicus flies out in the plains and Sunstreaker shouts to her and Dragonicus bites Drogon's neck. Dragonicus and Drogon fell down into the plains and they crashed! Thunderhowl slashes Thundertron's face into blue Energon Blood, Steelbane and Stormreign fires him and fleeing away into the wall. Daenerys whimpers in pain and she saw Sunstreaker holding his sword. Dragonicus holds Drogon but Rhaegal and Viserion helps to stop Dragonicus from hurting. Steelbane and Stormreign arrives to stop Rhaegal and Viserion. Sunstreaker use his angry grin on his teeth and Jon Snow came holding Longclaw and he shout "STOP!" He lifts the sword and Sunstreaker holds Dragonsaber clanging the metals of a sword and they fighting each other "I know your father is Viserys! Because you're adopted, Jon Snow!" Sunstreaker shouts "Yes, exactly, but my mother died as my childbirth, but you'll never be a king again!" Jon shouts and Sunstreaker spits his mouth to his face "Do not talk to me like that!" "I AM YOUR KING!" Sunstreaker shouts and clanging their swords to Jon and he keeps facing each other, Sunstreaker looks down on the feet and stomping Jon's feet "Ah!" Sunstreaker pushed Jon and he fell down. Daenerys feels in pain and she moves back that Sunstreaker is going to kill Daenerys like Sunfyre bathe Rhaenyra Targaryen just before. She was stopped on a stony rock and she was scared to him, now he holds the Dragonsabre lifted up high and he felt angry to Daenerys. Daenerys feels merciful to Sunstreaker and finally... Sunstreaker was finally confused to her seeing her eyes of a fear girl who never be a ruler of the Seven Kingdoms. Sideswipe were slowly fighting to Greyworm, swifting his spear and kicked out and lied. Sunstreaker and Daenerys closed their eyes upon each other and he remembers from the past, a long time. Their memories shown, seeing happiness to Sunstreaker and Daenerys were having peaceful during the days when Bookworm gifted during the Multiversal Havoc. Sunstreaker opens his eyes and he let go of his sword falling down and Daenerys saw the people, their armies and their lives. Were in fear in pain, suffering, and death. Thunderhowl slashes Thundertron's face into blue Energon Blood. Daenerys cries in her tears that she believe what has her become "What have I done?" Daenerys cries to Sunstreaker and after Jon Snow stabs Sunstreaker on his stomach with a dagger "NO!" Daenerys shocks and Sunstreaker was in pain like Sunfyre did, injured like a broken wings. Jon gasps that he accidently stabs him and Sunstreaker was whimpering in pain "Jon, if you stab me first. That I have to tell about my secret... She was going to kill the people on King's Landing, thier men, women, and children inside the cities. She was like her father, after she was burned... She claimed the Iron Throne, because you were the one who stab herself, and Drogon melted it. The House Targaryen is falling down. You see that I was injured like Sunfyre, I was going to kill Daenerys like your great-great grandmother Rhaenyra! But I didn't, I'm sorry, Jon and you Daenerys. Your world is falling, it wasn't your fault, Dany. They made you doing it, you'll never hurt our people, you'll never hurt me." Sunstreaker apologizes to Daenerys "Please, you are my queen, Dany... my Khaleesi" Sunstreaker smiles and he cries to her and she came to him, hugging in apologize. Jon Snow drops Longclaw for apologizing him. But then Dragotron catches Daenerys with a feet grabbing to her "DANY!" Jon Snow shouts "Dragotron!" Sunstreaker shouts by the Blackfyre Predacon name, and he was in pain of a wounded dagger "Here, I will help you" Jon Snow holds his hand to Sunstreaker and he grunts to remove the dagger "I'm gonna ride Drogon, and you rode Dragonicus. Go!" Sunstreaker speaks softly and Jon Snow rides Dragonicus with Sunstreaker rides Drogon. Now Daenerys and Sunstreaker's Dragons were followed. Dragotron transforms and kicks Thunderhowl and fell down "My grace, we got the Dragon Queen!" Dragotron said to Thundertron "We did it! The Dragon Queen is ours!" Thundertron shouts to all Star Seekers and then Drogon arrives to firing Thundertron. He screams in firing pain and Dragotron transforms into dragon to firing Drogon, then Rhaegal flights at the feet biting Dragotron's feet and Daenerys fell down "Ahhhhh!!!!" "Hang on, Dany I'm almost there, Drogon, sovetes!" Sunstreaker shouts to Drogon to speed faster to catch Daenerys on the mount of Drogon. Thundertron grunts and he shouts to Dragotron "Do something!" he shouts and Dragotron transform into a dragon to follow Daenerys' dragons "We need to get those two apart" Sunstreaker said to Daenerys, but Drogon was scared to see Dragotron's attack "You gotta block him out, Drogon, do you trust me?" Sunstreaker speaks to Drogon and he commands to trust him "We can do this, you and me, as one." Sunstreaker touches the scale of Drogon and he flying forward to the Tidal Wave "Okay, Drogon, let's kick this Blackfyre Predacon one more time!" Sunstreaker shouts to Drogon and flies faster to catch on the ship. All of the people in King's Landing and Thunderhowl saw Sunstreaker riding Drogon "Take him down, my King!" He shouts and all Dragonstormers and Thunderhowlers cheers for freedom, Sideswipe looks Drogon at the top "Go, get him!" he smiles and Thundertron shouts at the bow of the ship "Stop those Dragon Queen's Dragons!" and Dragotron follows to Drogon, he screeches his mouth and Sunstreaker is ready "Ready to unmount, Sunstreaker" Daenerys said "Stop them!" Thundertron shouts "NOW!" Sunstreaker shouts to Drogon and Dragotron firebreaths on his mouth and Drogon lift ups and Sunstreaker unmounts him in the air. Thundertron laughs but she gasps seeing Sunstreaker was disappeared, it was Daenerys rode Drogon. Then Jon Snow rides Dragonicus forward and Sunstreaker mounts him and he dragonfire on the Tidal Wave. Thundertron screams in fire from Dragonicus attack with Sunstreaker and Jon. Sunstreaker saw the firing engine and he's unamused "Not again" Jon Snow moans and not impressed. "Guardian Knights! It's now or never!" Sunstreaker shouts to Steelbane and Stormreign joins Rhaegal and Viserion transforms into robot to mount Daenerys' Dragons, They help together to lift up in the skies "Hold on guys, hold on!! Yeah we did it!" Sunstreaker shouts and all six dragons were landed on the walls of King's Landing, Sunstreaker with Daenerys and Jon were together as the Last Targaryens, Sunstreaker throws the Dragonsabre with flaming sword, stabbing to the ground to form fire circle to Thundertron "You cannot defend King's Landing, it is over now" Sunstreaker said but the smoke was fading and Thundertron smiles "Or is it?" and the three Targaryens gasps seeing Dragotron coming and he fire breathing the three, now the Guardian Knights defending the Last Targaryens forming a shield to protect. Thundertron chuckles in a firey smoke and Sideswipe gasps that Sunstreaker, Daenerys and Jon's lost "Brother!" Sideswipe gasps and he's in shock seeing Dragotron coming but the smoke moves away and after he saw a miracle prophecy coming for House Targaryen generations. Now the smoke fades out and they combined into a three-headed beast was forming a sigil of House Targaryen: DRAGONSTORM! Dragonstorm was combined from Dragonicus, Steelbane and Stormreign and the scales of the dragon was a swords, millions of swords were collected into the hands of Dragonstorm, to symbolize the hope of House Targaryen Generations! Dragonstorm look upon Sunstreaker, Daenerys and Jon look upon his dragon. But now Dragonstorm is ready to challenge Dragotron, screeching in fierce combat fighting Targaryen against Blackfyre! "A three-headed beast was a sigil!" Daenerys gasps "It's Dragonstorm!" Sunstreaker gasps and Dragonstorm fires to Dragotron and they battled each other, all was in combat and it was a mighty fierce! Dragonstorm was gathering to all Blackfyre Predacons forming good sides including Daenerys Dragons joining together "No! I will ride Dragotron myself" Thundertron mounts Dragotron and Sunstreaker with Daenerys and Jon and Sunstreaker knows about his legacy "Now, do you get it? This is what is is, to earned Targaryens' loyalty. The endgame has begun!" Sunstreaker shouts "Never! Star Seekers, come on!" Thundertron shouts to all Star Seeker armada and Dragonstorm was a mighty king to command all dragons for firing the Star Seekers. Thunderhowl joins Dragonstorm as Targaryen and Stark forming a wolf and a dragon, now the battle was begun. Dragonstorm fires all Star Seekers but the Predacons joins in dragonbreathing fire to stop the Star Seeker armada! Daenerys and Jon Snow were impressed in battle and Drogon fires his right peg leg of Thundertron and he fell down to the mount of Dragotron. Dragotron went weak and after Dragonstorm was ready for the final blow and Sunstreaker shouts in Valyrian words "Dracarys!" Now Daenerys and Jon joins Dragonstorm's command and Dragonstorm was using an inferno of fire, firing to Dragotron forming a melted metal. Dragotron was weak, and in pain, his red eyes were fading and Dragotron was finally gone, turning into a mighty statue of metal. Dragonstorm screeches in freedom and all of Dragons and Predacons were screeching in victory "the Dragonstorm, will bring a hope to House Targaryen!" Sunstreaker said to Thundertron, and after he went was a coward, he stops and look upon to Thunderhowl, his brother holding a sword for the execution from his head "In the name of Sunstreaker of House Sunfyre, Last of His Name, King of the Andals and the First Men, Hero of the Seven Kingdoms, and Descendant of Sunfyre. I Thunderhowl of House Stark, Lord of Thunderhowlers and Watcher of the North. Sentence you to die" he said softly and Thundertron accept his death and he bend to Thunderhowl, now he raises the sword and he slash onto Thundertron's head "Farewell my brother" Thunderhowl said to his brother, Thundertron. And soon Sunstreaker hugs Daenerys and Jon for forgiveness, now the Star Seeker armada were surrendered to the King. And Sideswipe and Rodimus holds Cersei Lannister for arresting, Sunstreaker saw her and he ask for herself "Cersei Lannister, you are under arrest for tyranny of the Seven Kingdoms, now Greyworm will give you an execution to your death" Sunstreaker said to Cersei and she speaks nothing "Gūrogon zirȳla" (Take her) Daenerys said to the Unsullied marching to Cersei into the prison wagon. Sideswipe smiles to Sunstreaker and he hugs him, he gasps that he was stab on his stomach "You're bleeding" he said "Don't worry, just a scratch" Sunstreaker said to Sideswipe "And that's how you called it a Sunfyre" Sideswipe replied, and now Tyrion Lannister arrives with Greyworm with Missandei, Jorah and Tormund, Arya and Windblade and friends of Autobots and Equestria Girls were happy to see the Last Targaryens lived once more. "Sunstreaker Sunfyre, Daenerys Stormborn, and Aegon VI. We brought you these gifts from the mighty Dragonstorm. We gathered our million swords. Now, The Iron Throne shall be millions once more" Dragonicus said to the three and Steelbane with Stormreign joins Daenerys' Dragons for giving a happy victory "We changed, Dragonstorm has now connected to the Iron Throne, now... I will be king" Sunstreaker smiles "I know your will, and I will be your queen" Daenerys said to Sunstreaker and Jon Snow, and all was changed in peace.

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