The Lasts of the Tales

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On Winterfell, all of Autobots and Equestria Girls were sad with the loss of the Unsullied, Thunderhowlers and the knights of House Stark. Rodimus walks to the dead body of Beric Dondarrion. He touch his chest and he was saying "I will turn into me, Beric. My flaming sword is ours. Thank you, my bastard" Rodimus walks back to his friends. Sideswipe feels happy that Ser Jorah survives, the Last Targaryens: Sunstreaker, Daenerys and Jon (Aegon VI) Prepares for a ritual, the Guardian Knights holds the torches of the dead bodies of the Unsullied. Burning over a dead army. Windblade holds Bran's wheeljack along with Sansa and Arya. But our friends will never long forgotten. We remember them forever.

Inside the castle of Winterfell, Daenerys prepares for the ceremony of the rise of Sunstreaker Sunfyre. She holds a wine glass to him and he was sitting on the long table. Rodimus and the Equestria Girls stands together including Dragonicus, Steelbane and Stormreign along with Thunderhowl as their holomatter human forms. "Tonight, we remember our heroes who sacrifice ourselves, to defend this country" Sunstreaker nods to Tormund "To the Dragon Queen!" He shouts to all "To Arya Stark, the hero of Winterfell" Daenerys said twice "Hail, the victorious Sunstreaker Sunfyre!" Dragonicus lifted his wine and everyone cheer his savior and the party begins.

"We celebrate tonight! Let's drink to our heroes! To the fallen!" yelled Jorah. Rodimus, Wheeljack and Bumblebee drinks their beer including Sunset. Sunset spits her mouth by a horn "Eww. Gross" Sunset disgusted this drink and they laugh together. Sunstreaker didn't want his beer, he wants more "Hey, Wheeljack. Bring something stronger" He said "Beer?" Wheeljack reply "COFFEE! Bring two at the ship quarters. There's a coffee machine over there. Bring it to me" Sunstreaker responded Wheeljack and he's heading out to make coffee to Sunstreaker and Daenerys. Windblade and Sideswipe are having a drunk challenge for drinking count. Sideswipe becomes drunk but Windblade was too tough "Want more? I got 20!" She smiles "Not so fast, Windblade. I got 15!" Sideswipe points and the people gasps and Tormund pats Sideswipe's back and vomits his mouth. The people laughed at him and Sideswipe laugh too, Sunstreaker chuckles with Daenerys. Wheeljack arrives to Sunstreaker "Here you go. One for the king and one for the queen" He said grabbing two plastic cups of coffee and Daenerys questions this coffee "It's not the good kind of coffee, but it's okay" They drank their coffee and Sunstreaker asked Sunfyre "You're a good fighter. You deserve a drink" Sunstreaker and Daenerys were both drinking coffee together. After a few drinks of Windblade and Sideswipe, he went dizzy and fainted down in the chair. Windblade laughs to him and Windblade is the winner "Game over!" She winks to Sideswipe. Pinkie Pie and Jazz are having a river dance to the party music playing from the speakers. Punch and Wallflower Blush are dancing together too. Daenerys saw Sunstreaker's friends and Sunstreaker must talk in secret "Can we talk tomorrow, a meeting that will help" he said to Daenerys. Daenerys nodded and she looks around and sees Bronn. Daenerys is surprised at seeing him here. Sunstreaker sighs that he felt that he belongs to the family. The next day. Rodimus Wheeljack and Bumblebee with Sunstreaker Sunfyre along Lord Dragonicus, Steelbane and Stormreign. Having a meeting with Daenerys, Jon, Tyrion, Sansa, Missandei and Greyworm seeing the map of Westeros for new plan. As the group walked into the hall, they saw Daenerys and Jon talking about something serious. Daenerys asks Jon "Are you sure? You can trust him." Jon says "He has proven himself worthy. But... there's another attack come from the river. The Greyjoys or the Iron Fleet, heading to Dragonstone for the next four hours. I can blockade them" Sunstreaker said to Dragonicus "I agree, the Guardian Knights will hold them" Jon tells his brother, Bran and Missandei "We'll need your help for a little while. Don't worry" Daenerys smiled and she hugs Sunstreaker "Thank you so much!" Sunstreaker walks out and the meeting is dismissed. The Guardian Knights arrives to Dragonstone at early morning by using space bridge. The Thunderhowlers arrives to the hills of the fortress. Sunstreaker rode Dragonicus by his dragon mode. Rodimus and Bumblebee rides Steelbane and Stormreign with Sideswipe and Wheeljack, waiting for their signal that the Iron Fleet is coming. Now the Iron Fleet came to Dragonstone. The Iron Fleet has twenty thousand soldiers including Ironborn, Yara, Theon, Euron and Iron Fleet ships. They arrived to Dragonstone. It seems that it's too late to block the ships from entering the port. "You may go no further! You will enter Dragonstone!" Sunstreaker Sunfyre argues him and the Iron Fleet laughs "Who are you to deny us passage?" Theon Greyjoy said to Sunstreaker "Sideswipe, fire the arrow past the person's head" he said to Sideswipe, he use the bow for shoot the man "Mind Theon!" Bumblebee whispers him and he moves Sideswipe's arm and release the arrow and accidently shoot the man on his head. "Oh! Leave now, we warn you! Prepare for doom" Wheeljack shouts the Iron Fleet and Theon laughs at him "You and what army?" He said and Sunstreaker smirk that he made a diversion "This army" He said, now the armada of Dragonstormers flying down in the air. Burning the Iron Fleet with their flames. Many Iron Fleet soldiers died from the fire. The Iron Fleet retreated back to the sea. The Iron Fleet fired many arrows at them "Release the beast!" Theon shouts and Sunstreaker saw Daenerys' fleet is fine. But... there's another attack coming... "A Predacon?" Rodimus gasps "No..." Sunstreaker found a new enemy approach: the Blackfyre Predacons, and one of their leaders was Dragotron, Ferocious and terrifying, Dragotron is the Demon Emperor of the Predacons. Originally created by the mad scientist Shockwave. "Shockwave, you monster!" Wheeljack gasps and Dragotron blazes Daenerys' fleet with his fire breath and blasts. The dragons burned many ships with their flames. "How dare you! Guardian Knights, stop the Predacon!" Sunstreaker commands the three dragons and they battled Dragotron to defend the fleet. But... Dragotron won't give up easily. He fires his massive cannon and destroyed the ship, Dragotron retreat back to Dragonstone "The Armies! Thunderhowlers, bring people to safety!" Sunstreaker commands the Guardian Knights. "Dragonstormer, protect the fleet from the ocean!" The Guardian Knights commanded the dragon to fly down to the sea. A big wave was created to move the ships, and the Guardian Knights flew safely to the beach. Sunstreaker and Dragonicus lands down to the beach "Everyone alright?" Sunstreaker said the Autobots and Equestria Girls "Missandei? Missandei? MISSANDEI!" Greyworm shouts that Missandei went missing "The Predacon captured her!" Dragonicus said while he's in robot mode "Who is that dragon?" Sunstreaker said to Dragonicus "They are Blackfyre Predacons, led by Dragotron. As I feared. They are here to destroy us!" "Guardian Knights, go to the walls of King's Landing, and I'll burn Cersei Lannister" Sunstreaker said "Dragotron is dangerous. He will kill us if we let him run free!" Rodimus shouts at him "If Missandei dies, all of this story will end" Steelbane said to him. "No. I think we have a plan..." Sunstreaker has a plan for tomorrow. At King's Landing, Sunstreaker Sunfyre along with Autobots and Equestria Girls with Daenerys' armies but no Guardian Knights and Thunderhowlers went into diversion. Cersei Lannister captured Missandei after the Preadcon got her "Let the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms come forth!" Sunstreaker shouts while he's mounting on horse. "You! Stop the fighting!" Cersei called to Sunstreaker. "She's with me, she's safe" Cersei orders her guards to let the queen's servant leave "A justice serve upon it!" Sunstreaker argues her "They're certain clues negotiations, brother. Let her go" Sideswipe stand down to Sunstreaker. Then, Cersei comes to Missandei for execution "Do you have any last words, now is the time" She's said to Missandei and walks away. Now Missandei breathe and she says for the final words "DRACARYS!" She shouts and echoes herself. Now the Mountain holds the sword and after they heard a screech of a Dragon came. Sunstreaker smirks to Cersei "How is this possible!?" She gasps. And now Dragonicus sreeches and flies down to the gates. He roars to Cersei and Sunstreaker mount the dragon, Sunstreaker will give an arguement "She sait it. If I want you to burn, you have to let her go" He said angrily and Dragonicus screeches to Cersei and she nodded to the Mountain to let her go. Missandei walks to Dragonicus' face and Sunstreaker drops down. He hugged Missandei and Greyworm hugged her. Now, Sunstreaker stares to Cersei and the Autobots, Equestria Girls and Daenerys' armies were out in King's Landing and return back to Dragonstone.

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