The Siege of King's Landing

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On King's Landing, Wheeljack and Sci Twi are inside the halls of the Red Keep, they keep walking unlike the tour guide of him. "Aegon made the Red Keep over 300 years passed" Sci Twi said walking into the floor map of Westeros "The Iron Throne, Throne of House Targaryen, took every thousand swords during Robert's Rebellion" Wheeljack stands to the floor map "Why the Throne had hundreds?" Sci Twi ask "Because after the Targaryen generations went falling down with a thousand swords missing by the hands of Guardian Knights. After that the throne will be bigger. And King's Landing will be bigger as ever. After it was hundred swords left" Wheeljack said "But why did the bells stands surrender?" She ask "The bells is the device where the Star Seeker's ship, Tidal Wave drop down to the skies. The Star Seeker armada will strike Daenerys' armies so that the Cybertronians are stronger to kill the race of men. When the bells sets in the city, the battle's begun" Wheeljack said. Sci Twi was very impressed looking the rooms of King's Landing "King's Landing, very nice. Where to next?" "There's no time for that, Sci Twi, If Daenerys' armies were hopless to Star Seekers, help will come" Wheeljack said "If they get to Cersei Lannister and direct line to Iron Throne, their ancestral place. She'll destroy the Red Keep" She said "Well, we see at the top and watch" Wheeljack said and they keep walking out to the stairsOn Valyria, Sunstreaker Sunfyre and the Guardian Knights were ready at the barracks of knights sending hundreds. The drums and trumpets were beating the war music of the Targaryen theme. Sunstreaker along with Jazz, Sideswipe, and Bumblebee had a plan: Mountain Head Smasher's weakness "You have to kill this Mountain, the blood spills like a volcano" Sunstreaker said with simile and speaking Valyrian to Guardian Knights to Dragonicus "The main weakness is the head" (Se main nakostobaves iksis se bartos) "When the Mountain soldiers goes down and capture Cersei Lannister for death" (Skori se blenon mentyr is ilagon se keligon Sersi Lanistor syt morghon!) He said to the Guardian Knights and nodded him, Sideswipe walks to Sunstreaker and he has a way "Sunstreaker, what a great plan" he said "Thunderhowlers is the first strike to lead Rodimus and Thunderhowl in King's Landing. Brother, even I could save Daenerys, I have to kill her. Just like Sunfyre burns Rhaenyra" Sunstreaker said and the Sideswioe ask "No, you have to confront her. Confront your glory, follow your family" He said and he touches his heart. On the battlefield, hundreds of warriors go marching with the war machines while the dragons fly on the sky. And they went on a second fight standbyAt King's Landing" Wheeljack then looks to his left and right seeing some ships in the bay. "I didn't see" Sci Twi said "Any second now... when Drogon and their brothers flies down, all of Iron Fleet will eliminate. We'll see" Wheeljack said silently but Sci Twi is patient is seeing the ships are preparing the attack. The Dragon are looking to see as well the dragons. They're going to land on the ground with a lot of speed and then fight against the Iron Fleet. "There it is!" Sci Twi gasps. Daenerys rodes Drogon and the three dragons burst the Iron Fleet with giant crossbows. "Look at that, they did it!" Wheeljack said happily and Sci Twi smiles back to him. She's happy seeing her brother so excited about this battle."Not yet, she'll have a second phase. See right in the west? There's an army right there, I hope she'll break the gates" Wheeljack said pointing the walls of the west gate. Daenerys sees them. The fire blasts the gates of King's Landing and the unsullied army arrives the city along with Dothraki and Starks, Jon arrives the attack and they kill every soldiers in the city. Cersei saw Daenerys had three dragons burning the defenses of King's Landing but she needs a plan to ring the bells. "Ring the bells. She'll know what to do" She said. All of Cersei's armies stand down to Daenerys' armies, the people are evacuating and they yelled "Ring the bells!" they said. Daenerys stand down with Drogon, Rhaegal and Viserion waiting the bell rings. Wheeljack and Sci Twi saw their armies.... and the bell begins to rings... "Time to go" Sci Twi said looking at Wheeljack. "We should be there soon, you know it?"Daenerys didn't hear the bells anymore, but the bells was not the stand of surrender... it was the beacon to the Star Seekers' message, now Daenerys gasps that the giant ship, Tidal Wave, Wheeljack and Sci Twi shocks that the Star Seekers came "They came for help! That's because the bells stands for help!" Sci Twi excited "No... they'll destroy Daenerys' armies. We have to go down, now!" Wheeljack shouts to her. Thundertron walks in the bow of the ship, the Star Seeker armada was ready of the attack "Our opportunity to claim Valyria has been lost, due to the treachery of Daenerys Stormborn. But from our fortress of Red Keep, we will instead seize control of this world! Star Seekers, transform and rise up!" He shouts and Brimstone is ready "I thought you never ask! Come my pirates, attack, attack, ATTACK!" He shouts and all the Star Seekers transform into their jets flying in the skies of King's Landing! The Star Seeker armada is huge and they battled Daenerys' armies to stop, Daenerys feels confuse that Sunstreaker was right about this "Sunstreaker was betrayed me" She whimpers and Drogon with Rhaegal and Viserion went for a full retreat. Wheeljack gasps that Daenerys' armies are retreating. "I must go!" Wheeljack goes up to the stairs to Cersei Lannister. Cersei smiles that the Star Seeker armada pushed Daenerys' armies at the cities of King's Landing "The reign has ended!" She shouts and Thundertron sees Cersei and he bowed to her from the bow of the ship, Wheeljack went upstairs to Cersei and the Mountain guards holds the spears to block him "CERSEI! STOP! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Wheeljack shouts "Don't you see, Thundertron is with me, I made a deal with him to stop her armies" Cersei said proudly. "And how can you trust him? He's a traitor!" Wheeljack said "How can I not? This man saved my life" Cersei said and then Thundertron sees the people of King's Landing were scared. "Push him out!" Cersei said the guards to push Wheeljack "NO! NO! YOU MUST STOP!" He shouts and they closes the door, Wheeljack went mad and he goes down and shouts to Skullitron "Skullitron, get me up there!" he said and Skullitron transforms into a dragon and Wheeljack rides him flying out to the walls of King's Landing, Thundertron saw a dragon come "Fire that dragon, Cannonball!" He shouts to Cannonball and he fires the big turrets, Wheeljack and Skullitron dodges the shots of the turrets and Skullitron went faster to reach the wall. Daenerys armies shouts to all Unsullied, Dothraki and Stark armies for retreating "Abandon your posts! Retreat! Retreat!" Daenerys shouts to all but she's confuse and she saw another dragon, it was Skullitron screeches him and Wheeljack rides to him. At the stairs, Cersei gasps that the door is breaking through. Sci Twi came and she use her telekinesis to push the Mountain guards away to the Keep, and she's mad to Cersei and Sci Twi give a punch to Cersei three times and she fell down, Sci Twi stomps her feet to Cersei and she's fainted. Wheeljack warns Daenerys and he ask "STOP! Everyone! Prepare for battle!" he shouted to everyone and they're preparing for the defense.

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