The Ride of the Thunderhowlers

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Drogon, Rhaegal, and Viserion are flying fighting the Star Seeker's Ship, Tidal Wave using their dragonfire to burn the Star Seeker pirates. Wheeljack flies with Rhaegal and Sci Twi ponified with her wings to mount Rhaegal with Wheeljack "To the cities, fight to the cities!" Wheeljack shouts to Daenerys' armies "Go back to the city!" Wheeljack shouts the Unsullied to charge back. Wheeljack saw the Tidal Wave moving slowly approaching to Daenerys' armies "Send these foul pirates to the abyss!" Wheeljack shouts. The Unsullied firing the catapults to fire the Jets to crash down to the city. The Star Seeker's ship is damaged while the two dragons fly above the Star Seeker's ships and they're getting closer to the city.Then the Blackfyre Predacons came, followed by Dragotron along with Darksteel, Lazerback, Twinstrike and Ripclaw flying to the skies using their claws for fighting the Unsullied and the Dothraki and Stark troops. Wheeljack rides Rheagal along with Sci Twi rides Viserion and Daenerys rodes Drogon challenging the Blackfyre Predacons with Dragotron, Darksteel and Ripclaw fighting one-on-one! "Shoot!" Darksteel commands and he fires a volley of missiles at Rhaegal and Drogon. All of the missiles hit the dragons and the cannons fired by the city fire the missiles to the city. "The people!" Sci Twi gasps "Let's this hope for this. I'll activate the Ground bridge to evacuate the city, making millions of people empty!" Wheeljack said "And the Wildfyre? They're going to explode soon! You must mind-control them!" She said "I will!" Wheeljack flies with Rhaegal and landed to the Red Keep, he activates the ground bridge and mind-control every people of King's Landing for evacuation! "To all soldiers, men, women and children! Head to the Ground Bridge at the Red Keep, hurry!" Wheeljack shouts for all people of King's Landing to evacuate. The Star Seeker armada is damaged as well while the dragons are destroying the Star Seeker's ship, Rhaegal, Viserion and Drogon are counterfiring, but the turrets keeps fighting. The Star Seeker turns hundreds to fight the ground with Unsullied, Dothraki and Stark troops for agony. Wheeljack rodes with Skullitron with Sci Twi and Dragotron transforms and landed to face them. Wheeljack holds to Dragotron and he ask "Go back to the doom world! You cannot enter this city with your grace!" He shouts and Dragotron said "Did you not know death when you seat, young man? This is my house!" He holds the dragon head sword lifting up by a fire charging and blasting to the ground. Wheeljack and Sci Twi grunts by a shockwave "You have failed, the reign of Targaryen will fall!" Dragotron sees to Wheeljack and he holds the sword he stops that he heard a wolf howling to the west. Dragotron leaves and transforms into the beast mode. Thundertron saw the armada coming to the west plains of King's Landing. Now silently the host of Thunderhowlers moved forward into the field of Kings Landing, pouring in slowly but steadily, like the rising tide through breaches in a dike that wolves have thought secure. Rodimus saw the walls and smokes of King's Landing was sieged by the Star Seekers, he went scared and Sunset holds him "Courage, Rodimus. Courage for our friends" Sunset said. Thunderhowl transforms into robot mode and he felt his brother Thundertron comes nearer to him "It's the Thunderhowlers you skullywags! Go to the walls! Defend their behind!" Thundertron said and the Star Seekers marching into the walls and preparing for attack. Thunderhowl walks to their armies and warns to everyone "Ironhide, Bluestreak, and Rodimus, prepare for your armies are coming pass to the wall! Move, a field of Darkness!" Thunderhowl shouts and Rodimus shouts to all Thunderhowlers and speaks with a mighty speech coming than before "Arise, arise, Riders of Stark! Winter is Coming, blow the Horns of Winter! A song-day, a cold day, the Ice and Fire rises!" Rodimus shouts and Thunderhowl transforms to a wolf and they're ready for battle "Ride now! Ride now! Ride, ride for ruin, and for King's Landing!" He shouts and chant his Valyrian language "VALAR MORHULIS!" and they chanted to all Thunderhowlers with Sunset along with Ironhide and Bluestreak along Lightning Dust and Applejack "FORTH TARGARYENS!" With that he siezed a great growl from House Stark his banner-bearer, and he growl such a blast upon it that it was burst asunder. And straightway all the growls in the host were lifted up in dancing, and the howling of the wolves of Thunderhowlers in that hour was like a storm upon the plain and a thunder in the mountains. "Ride now, ride now! Ride for King's Landing!" Suddenly the knightmaster cried to Daenerys' armies and the wolves ride away. Behind him his banner blew in the wind, black wolf upon a field of light-green, but he outpaced it. After him thundered the wolves of their house, but he was ever before them. Thunderhowl ride there, the black wolfleader on his helm floating in his speed, and the from of the first roared like a breaker foaming to the shore, but Rodimus could not be overtaken. Fey he seemed, or the battle-fury of the ancestors ran like new fire in his veins, and he was borne up on Winterfell like a god of young, even as Thunderhowl the Great in the battle of the Long Night when the world was young. His Flame Saber was onward, and high! it shone like an image of the dark cloud, and the grass flamed into green about the black feet of his steed. For afternoon came, afternoon and a wind from the sea; and light was removed and the hosts of Star Seekers wailed, and terror took them, and they fled died and the fields of wrath flew over them. And then all the host of Thunderhowlers burst into dance, and they dance as they flew for the dance of battle was on them, and the fires of their dancing that was fair and terrible came even to the Star Seekers.

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