Winterfell (Part 1)

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In the bedroom, Sunstreaker keeps sleeping during his nightmare. But he saw another vision of Sunstreaker touching a Throne and Sunstreaker fades to his dream and he saw King's Landing deserted, and Daenerys touched the Iron Throne for the first time, but Jon Snow arrives to her for a last kiss, but Sunstreaker was scared, he's stab Daenerys on her chest and Sunstreaker drops of his Power Badge of Ice failing in the ground. After the dream stops Sunstreaker wakes up and holds the ice discs for an attack. But Sideswipe was there on the door "Brother, Alpha Trion awaits you" He said while they were looking him. Sunstreaker goes to the Kappa Supreme's round deck and Rodimus saw that black hooded cape was here "I take my leave" Rodimus said to Sunstreaker and he's wearing his medieval suits are made by Rarity. Now, Alpha Trion unhooded himself and Sunstreaker gasps to him "Alpha Trion" he bowed "I am the one you came to save this story. Daenerys is dying. she'll not long survive that evil that now spreads from The Wall. The Power Badge of Ice has failing. But Night King's power grows strength in the Long Night. Daenerys' life is now tight the fate of the Iron Throne. The Long Night is upon us Sunstreaker, the end has come" Alpha Trion said "You will not be our end, but hers" He reply but Alpha Trion knows that they found another attack "You were right to war, and to victory. Cersei's armies marched on King's Landing as you know about in secret that Dany forgot that there is another attack from Dragonstone. A Fleet of the Iron Ships eliminated Rhaegal to his death. They'll be strike for the next four days. You're outnumbered Sunstreaker, you need more dragons" He said but Sunstreaker haven't "They are none" "A Three-headed beasts who come in a doomed world" Alpha Trion knows, Sunstreaker gasps and he saw the Guardian Knights were came to Valyria, the doom world but Sunstreaker knows "The answer is... traitors! You will call upon them to fight. They didn't believe nothing. They answer to no one" He said "They will answer to the Reign of Targaryen!" Alpha Trion made his new sword who belong to Sunstreaker and he dubs the sword "Dragonsabre, Sword of Ice and Fire, forged from the Valyrian Steel and Transformium" "The blade was found, shall return to King's Landing" He said and he smiles "Sunstreaker, this is a talisman that you can summon an army and your dragons to walk anything on this world. There is only forward, put aside the bastard. Become who you're born to be, go to the doom world of Valyria" Alpha Trion says with sadness "Until then, I will say to anyone" He adds and he leaves. Sunstreaker wears his black and yellow medieval outfit and all of them amazed that he's ready "Friends. I speak to Alpha Trion, were going to interfere this story. We'll by using... this" Sunstreaker holds the Dragonsabre and all of them gasps "Oh my stars! Now that's a Blackfyre" Twilight Sparkle said with her glasses "Not just any Blackfyre. It's Dragonsabre, Sword of Ice and Fire. But, we will go to Winterfell" Sunstreaker said "We'll by taking the dragons, they are the strongest creatures on this planet" Rodimus said and he smiled at Sunstreaker "To the North, to the Ice and snow. And we'll ride to Winterfell!" He said. Now, Kappa Supreme teleports and touchdown the ship to the outskirts. The gate ramp opens and Sunstreaker walks into a snowy and cold world. Sunstreaker and the others saw Winterfell. They rode their ship to the castle, "This is it? We're here?" Rodimus said. "Yes, Winterfell is preparing their defenses. Also Windblade has joined too after Rainbow Dash want's her" Sunstreaker smirks and Sideswipe shrunk his pupils. Rainbow Dash bump his elbow and Windblade joins Rainbow Dash over 18 crews. Sunstreaker saw the horsemen coming to Winterfell "Oh, great. These guys are here! Riders of Winterfell! What news to the fortress?" Sunstreaker shouts and the Riders are coming to the ship. The Autobots and Mane 9 were surrounded by Horses with swords and spears. Then Jon Snow appears to Sunstreaker "Why do you come to us? There's a human and the other wearing this blocking eyes riding on a floating ship. Speak quickly!" He said, then Jazz comes to him "Give me your name, Bastard Master! And I shall give you mine" he said to Jon and he out his horse and walks to him "I will shut your eyes, blocked-eye. If you had eyes that you can see in the ground" Then Jon Snow remove his sunglasses and he can see. Sideswipe holds the bow for fight "You will help me or you will die!" he shouts and the Unsullied holds the spears to Sideswipe. Sunstreaker stand down to Sideswipe and Sunstreaker greets Jon Snow and introduce his name "I'm Sunstreaker of House Targaryen, last of my name, King of the Andals and First Men, Free Peoples of the Seven Kingdoms, this is our allies: The Autobots and Equestria Girls led by Rodimus, and my brother Sideswipe. We are allies of Winterfell and of Daenerys, your grace" He said to King Jon. "Winterfell is in danger. This is a siege from the North. We've lost many men and to these invaders. We need more forces. More swords to defend ourselves against them. Not even Daenerys owns her queen" Jon said and the Unsullied stand their spears to halt down. "You come with us" "I can help. Wheeljack made our newest defenses. We can stop the White Walkers, and I will join you" Sunstreaker joins to Jon and the team are heading to Winterfell. They arrived to a frozen place and they saw the walls of Winterfell. The gates opened and the Riders are entering the fort. They met with the army of Winterfell and they received weapons and armor. The Autobots and Equestria Girls goes to the hall meeting and Jon Snow greets his army for refugees to come to Winterfell. In the audience, Jon Snow introduces them "This is our new allies, the Autobots and Equestria Girls. We came for our refuge to Winterfell" He said, Sunstreaker finally saw Daenerys visits to the team and she reunited him "Vēsperzys?" She speaks with Valyrian Language means "Sunfyre" and Daenerys hugs Sunstreaker for our visit and she heard about him "Why are you here? You cannot go there" "I came, Dany. But, I can help to stop the White Walkers. These great defenses will prepare for the next cycles" Sunstreaker said "No army has never breached the 30-foot wall, more set foots inside the Horns of Winter" Rodimus said to Sunstreaker but Bran Stark came with a wheelchair with Sansa Stark "This is a no speechless mindless White Walkers. These are Wights, they're mutated zombies and they cannot stop you" He said and Wheeljack responded him "I can make big arrows. Even you can stop sitting on the wooden throne!" He said "Enough! Great house, you'd say, how many?" Rodimus said to Bran "Hundreds. Thousands. Millions." He answered. "Then we must build a defenses around Winterfell. We will defend ourselves! But we have a weak spot. The gate" Jon Snow said and they saw the gates were opened to let the enemy get in. "Millions? Eh? How is it come to this?" Rodimus said to Sunstreaker "With luck that I will not search in vain. Bluestreak, Ironhide and Jazz along Pinkie Pie, Lightning Dust and Applejack will go to Valyria, and send refuge to the Free Folk. The rest of you will fight in the North" Sunstreaker said and his shuttle arrives preparing for leave to Valyria. Sunstreaker grabs his sword "I will lead your army, and our friends to defend the castle. But there is an ally that you prepare" Sunstreaker holds the Dragonsabre and Jon Snow holds the sword of Longclaw, clang together as one "We will, Sunstreaker" Jon said. Now, Sunstreaker and the others are going to the Doom world of Valyria. In King's Landing, Cersei Lannister sits the Iron Throne and she heard a horn blowing and entering the gates of King's Landing, but it was not just the Iron Fleet. It was the Star Seekers, led by Thundertron himself, he enters the gates to Cersei and Thundertron bows to her and he ask "I'm Thundertron, knight of Lannister. The Star Seekers needs your refuge to King's Landing. Many people are dying because of the White Walker invasion" He said to Cersei and she gets angry "The Star Seekers? We don't know them! And why should they get refuge here?" Thundertron gets angry and transforms into a lion beast symbolize the sigil of House Lannister, roaring to Cersei and she amazed to Thundertron and transforms again "We can stop Daenerys Targaryen, and House Stark from destroying King's Landing. Now... We will join you, my queen" Thundertron bend the knee to Cersei and she's smiled that Star Seekers becomes allies of Cersei Lannister, and Thundertron leads for House Lannister to stop Daenerys once and for all.

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