The Bells (Part 1)

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At Dragonstone, Sunstreaker Sunfyre was sad. He look upon the window with a sandy beach. Then, Sideswipe opens the door for talk "Sorry, can I?" "Go ahead" Sunstreaker nodded him. Sideswipe close the door and he speaks softly "Sunstreaker, Varys betrayed us. He's spying that..." "Let me guess? He's executed?" Sunstreaker said to Sideswipe while stop his mouth "Yes, brother. But Dany turns into a Mad Queen. You can save her" "No... She'll kill me." "Calm down." Sideswipe pat Sunstreaker's shoulder "You're not the only one who want to help her, it's just you're the Last Targaryen connects all things. Before Aegon, and after Daenerys" "This is my kingdom!" Sunstreaker shouts to Sideswipe and he's scared "Sunstreaker. Don't be with her, I need you with me. And I need you to be glory. Glory in Fire" "I don't know how..." "Trust me" Sideswipe left the room. Sunstreaker walks to the closed doors of the Westeros Table. He gasps that Daenerys hear the voice "Someone has betrayed me" She said to Tyrion "You mean Varys?" "I told him what to do. He thought that I knew nothing about this. The fool." "Lord Varys has always been a faithful servant." "I Must let him die" Daenerys said and Sunstreaker was feared himself. He goes out to Dragonstone at the Kappa Supreme. The Guardian Knights saw Sunstreaker was walking fast "All has turned in vain ambition! She but she can use her grief as a capes. Over Eight seasons that Dany was normal. Now she turns to a Mad Queen." Sunstreaker said to the Guardian Knights "Is this true? How do you know?" Dragonicus said to Sunstreaker "It was Varys, he spoke earlier. He knows about secrets. That Daenerys will destroy King's Landing in the next 30 hours" "What does he say now?" "He says that she wants Destroy. With no other choice, we must interfere her before the execution" "But that won't change anything. Her dragons are too strong" "I concur, Wheeljack can mind-control her" Sunstreaker said to Wheeljack and he gasps "Me!?" "Yes. I'm giving you the title of Guardian Knight, you're going to save the Mad Queen" "What about my own revenge on Drogon?" "No, you're coming with me to Dragonstone" Sunstreaker said to Wheeljack and he nods "Fine" Wheeljack said along with Rodimus. And they're ready for interfere tonight. At the top of the fortress. Wheeljack saw Varys with Drogon prepares for execution. Wheeljack closes his eyes and he can connects to her "Lord Varys, I--- Release that traitor to Sunstreaker. He'll be an excile" She said with her mind-control. The Unsullied and Greyworm release Varys for free. Rodimus smiles that Wheeljack interfere Daenerys "You've done it!" He whispers at the top with silence. Sunstreaker holds the telescope in the hills, he saw Daenerys and Jon Snow kissing on the fireplace, Sunstreaker turns off his telescope and he feels disappointment. "Sideswipe, go to the castle, and what Tyrion said his word" Sunstreaker said and Sideswipe bows to him. Rainbow Dash and Sideswipe swifts fast to the throne room, two are in outside of the window and Tyrion has a plan to Daenerys for warning "ready the unsullied, tonight you sail for King's Landing to join the norther army" she said "If the city surrenders, they will ring the bells and raise the gates, please if you hear them ringing the bells call off the attack" He said and Sideswipe knows about this "The bells, this is the one where Dany burn King's Landing. We have to warn him, Rainbow Dash. Fly me there" She flies to Sunstreaker and Sideswipe shouts for a warning "THE BELLS OF KING'S LANDING! THE BELLS IS THE KEY! Targaryen call us for aid!" he said to Sunstreaker Sunfyre and the Guardian Knights. Rodimus and Sunset were silenced with Autobots and Equestria Girls. But Sunstreaker is ready "Then Sunfyre will answer! Muster the Dragonstormers!" The Dragonstormers are preparing for refugees in secret. Sunstreaker talks to Rodimus for lead the attack "Assemble the army at Dragonstone, as many Thunderhowlers can be found. You have 24 hours, on the noon, we ride to King's Landing. And war!" Sunstreaker yelled and Rodimus prepares to lead the attack "Brother. I will join your fight. Please, my kin" Sideswipe bends the knee to Sunstreaker "I'm glad that you came, you must be... Sideswipe, master of the Dragonstomers" "Well. I have to give the order" he said to Sunstreaker "Good luck" Sideswipe said and Sunstreaker leaves the room with the others. He tells the Guardian Knights to standby to Rodimus "Guardian Knights! Rodimus will lead the first attack on King's Landing and first... Sunstreaker have a speech" Dragonicus introduces Sunstreaker and they ready for his speech and Dragonicus speaks with Valyrian words "Daenerys Stormborn send us a message to King's Landing. That she's going to kill every people in this city. And we will stop her, and that will change our tale. Every dragons fly to the skies. The Seven Kingdoms will be united. You tell them the Last Targaryen calls to them, we can fight now, with me? My men, women and children! And we will show to House Targaryen. That we will stop destroying King's Landing! And that this" He lifted the banner of House Sunfyre and he continues "This is our house!" Sunstreaker shouts and Dragonicus shouts "Bisa iksis īlva lentor!" and the Guardian Knights cheer to victory. Rodimus and Thunderhowl joins the battle to fight King's Landing, Thunderhowlers are the first refuge to rescue House Targaryen. They create a circle around the castle with Thunderhowlers and they're ready for the siege. And the dragonstormers were ready. "Now is the time, the end begins! We must win this war! Sesir Kipi!" Rodimus shouts with Valyrian words and the Thunderhowlers howling in the dawn, and travel to King's Landing, from west, to south and the east.

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