Winterfell (Part 2)

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Winterfell, at the halls. Rodimus walks and he meets Beric Dondarrion for the first time with his eye-patched "Hi, I'm Rodimus" He said "Beric Dondarrion. You must be a bastard" Beric shake his hands to Rodimus "I'm not a bastard, I'm a friend to Sunstreaker Targaryen" "Ah, Sunstreaker, friend of Daenerys? Or just a cousin" he reply "This is a good sword" Rodimus sees Beric's sword to his belt and he found it, he holds the sword and Rodimus demonstrate him "What is your power?" Beric ask him "Your sword can protect you from my voice" He holds the hand from the blade and he activate his flaming sword "Whoa!" Rodimus gasps with his sword and he turn of his flaming sword "What about you?" Beric demonstrate again and Rodimus activate his large Flame Sabers igniting by his sword and Beric amazed to him "What an amazing sword. It's a work of gypsies!" He shock "I am honored that you would recognize me for what I am." Beric pats Rodimus' shoulder and he thinks that he's another Lightning Lord. Then, Windblade sit downs to the training room, writing his novel about Winterfell. Then Arya Stark arrives to Windblade and she said "You're friend was kind. Who is Sideswipe?" Arya said to Windblade "He's my boyfriend, and brother of Sunstreaker. What about you?" She close the book and ask to Arya "What are you doing here?" Arya reply to her "I'm training too! I want to be like you, an assassins!" Windblade smile to Arya "But being like me will kill you." Arya holds the Needle and Windblade look upon her sword's tip, then Windblade holds the Stormfall sword for a training challenge "I see you have a sword. What is that?" Arya said "Stormfall. And you're gonna like it" Windblade smirks and two of them are in badass training. Sideswipe impress their training Windblade with his acrobatic movements and he taught her a new move "Try this!" He throw his sword to the air and he catches it immediately but Arya fails. Then they both feel that someone is watching them "Slick! I told you not to!" Windblade groans to Sideswipe "Sorry, It was a catch. Come on, Wheeljack is waiting for you" he said and Windblade stand up and holds Arya's hand. At the wall, Wheeljack and Sci Twi were working to make gun turrets to the walls of Winterfell and Sideswipe shouts "Hey, what is all this?!" "Turrets! That will kill Wights' ass!" Sci Twi keeps fixing the defenses while Windblade and Arya walk to them and say "Hello!" She looks at their armor and says "Wow, you two look so cool!" Sideswipe and Windblade blush to her compliment and she asked to Windblade "What do we call you?" Rainbow Dash arrives to Sideswipe and she saw two girls stand each other "Oh my gosh, you look awesome" She said "Hey, Dashie, now is not the time. We have to make turrets for defenses" Sideswipe said "Also, bombs, traps, etc, everywhere" Sunset Shimmer holds a tablet for the lists for defense of Winterfell "Good thinking Sunset. This Wights will kill off. We'll finish this turrets that White Walkers think that Winterfell is invincible" Rodimus said to all of them. They finished the turret and they're ready. At the shuttle. Sunstreaker along with Ironhide, Applejack, Rarity, Jazz, Pinkie Pie, Lightning Dust and Bluestreak are heading to Valyria. The Shuttle touchdown into the ashes of the city. Sunstreaker holds the sword Dragonsabre to see the unknown creatures came "What kind of doom world is that?" Ironhide said to Rarity about the story "One that is destroyed. Long ago, the world of Valyria was once peaceful place. Where Aegon Targaryen lived there, was vibrant and beautiful world. But then the Fourteen Flame burst the fires of the volcanoes came, when Aegon and Valyrians leave this place, they died, vanishing into the lava pit. And so that is the ancestral place to the Targaryens, never to return. Until they enters again" She said and Sunstreaker saw the lava rivers and the volcanoes firing into a ash of smoke. Sunstreaker saw a building that is similar to House Targaryen's sigil "A Three-headed beast who comes in the doom world. That could be them" Sunstreaker runs fast and the others follow him. The whole crew is looking for any sign of life. Then, Sunstreaker and the others enter inside the building and they find a dragon skull and a dagger. Ironhide grabs the dagger and said "Valyrian steel, maybe it's the key to open the gates" "Maybe it could" Sunstreaker holds Dragonsabre to opens the keyhole of the Grey Gates, he opens the gate and it transforming that it was a Cybertronian technology "Cybertronian technology!" Bluestreak gasps that the gate is opening to a big door. Inside the huge room, they found many things that they didn't know. "Be careful everyone, this place was forbidden for centuries" Sunstreaker holds the torch seeing the skeletones bury in the ground. There's a table with ancient books, there's a Dragon Egg, and there's a map of the Doom World. "What is it?" Pinkie Pie touches the Dragon Egg "Don't touch, they're going to awake" Jazz touches Pinkie's wrists. Sunstreaker finally reach to the tall ruin halls of the dome. He sees a statue of three dragons "This is a trap!" Sunstreaker gasps. Then... a Cybertronian came to Valyria and listen his voice "Who enters my domain?" and he fades on that he's a Guardian Knight of Iacon, his name was Lord Dragonicus. Sunstreaker came to Dragonicus and speaks "One will have for your refuge" Sunstreaker holds Dragonsabre to Dragonicus "The Guardian Knights do not suffer the living to pass" Dragonicus said "You will bend the knee" Sunstreaker argues him "I am a knight of Cybertron, and this is a place of dragons" Dragonicus said "The way is over" He said and he summons the Guardian Knights to came for Sunstreaker and his friends "It was made by those who are Knights. And the Knights keep it" Dragonicus joins Steelbane and Stormreign, brothers of Dragonicus was based to Aegon Targaryen. They showed their weapons and said "We will kill you all!" "Steelbane, Stormreign, I summoned you to fulfill your oath!" Sunstreaker walks to them "None but the House Targaryen may command me" Dragonicus said and Sunstreaker holds Dragonsabre to use the talisman to reform the Guardian Knights. Dragonicus holds the sword swining to Sunstreaker and Sunstreaker clangs the large sword of Dragonicus and his sword was unbreakable "He's unbreakable!" Dragonicus gasps. And Sunstreaker stabs the sword to the ground and made a rumble of thunder came "I am unbreakable!" And the Guardian Knights were scared to Sunstreaker that he's the Last Targaryen "Fight for us... and bend the knee" Sunstreaker said to them "The Oath is not for you" Dragonicus said "Why did you say that is not for you? Bend the knee" Sunstreaker argues the Guardian Knights "Sunstreaker, we waste our time!" Rarity said to Sunstreaker "I am Sunstreaker of House Targaryen, of the old Valyria, I will take it what is mine! Bend the knee. And I will hold your oaths fulfilled. Bend the knee!" Sunstreaker shouts to the Guardian Knights with Dragonicus, Steelbane and Stormreign. "What? The last Targaryen does not obey the order of the Guardian Knights?" Dragonicus said to Sunstreaker "If you don't obey, I have my word! Bend the knee! and I will summon you from the fires of Valyria!" Sunstreaker shouts and the Guardian Knights were scared that they found a rumble of earthquake to Valyria! "We surrender!" The Guardian Knights bend to their knees to Sunstreaker. "You deceiver!" Steelbane holds the sword to Sunstreaker Targaryen and he speaks with Valyrian language "Lykirī Steelbane!" Sunstreaker points the sword and Steelbane gasps that Sunstreaker was a Targaryen who speaks Valyrian "Dohaerās Vēsperzys" Steelbane apologizes Sunstreaker and he bend the knee including Dragonicus and Stormreign. "No, we apologize you, Vēsperzys!" Stormreign said to Sunstreaker "You will serve me. Valar dohaeris" And the Guardian Knights holds the swords together to chant his word "Valar dohaeris" Dragonicus, Steelbane and Stormreign joins Sunstreaker Targaryen to become the King of the Guardian Knights "Now, what is your plan, master?" Dragonicus said. And Sunstreaker knows another way to save.

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