The Iron Throne

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On a grand Ceremony of the Red Keep, Sunstreaker Sunfyre wears a golden coronation outfit was based on Sunfyre that he has golden scales that glisten in the sunlight, and pink wings at the cape of his king. Daenerys Targaryen and Aegon VI Targaryen, were kneeling down all of Guardian Knights were standing on the Iron Throne, forming millions of swords in the hands of Dragonicus, Steelbane and Stormreign formed a mighty Dragonstorm. The people of King's Landing, Autobots, Equestria Girls and Thunderhowlers including the Unsullied and the Dothraki armies were standing, now Rodimus, Wheeljack and Bumblebee holding the Three Crowns of Westeros from the pillows of Sci Twi, Sunset Shimmer and Fluttershy, beheading from the ancestors of Aegon, Rhaenyra and Viserys, the bronze, the ruby and the iron were place into their heads of the Kings and Queen of Sunstreaker, Jon and Dany. Now, Rodimus say to all others speaking of the coronation "Now come the Last Targaryen risen! And may be blessed" He said, Sunstreaker with Dany and Jon standing up and look upon their people, cheering with a clapping hands for happiness, Now Sunstreaker Sunfyre was now claimed the Iron Throne and he gives a speech "This day does not belong to one man, but to all. Let us together rebuild this city, and we may share in the days of peace." now all of the People in King's Landing were happy in the sight of King Sunstreaker, descendant of Sunfyre and Great-Great grandfather of Aegon II. Now Sunstreaker speaking a song in Valyrian language, that he is the destiny of The Prince That Was Promised, the Dragon Queen and the King of the North... A Song of Ice and Fire:Hae elēni ā iepagonTcheret gere vēja pelothosTchaïmè leda kivio yn tegonTchere iā mili banoDori mēha eee tchaïmè naTchoile ka eee tchaïvei jaTchaïmè elēni ja elakotTchémé geleves ja peloghoTchaïmè tchiani jaTchémé geleves jaNow Sunstreaker walks into the carpet seeing House Stark family: Sansa, Arya and Bran bowed to him and Autobots and Equestria Girls bows to respect from his king. Sideswipe enters to Sunstreaker as brothers, holding hands together as a hand in shoulder "Valar dohaeris" he smiles to Sideswipe and Jon Snow giving thanks to Sunstreaker to bow his king. But Sunstreaker went one missing, Daenerys didn't walk on the carpet, she went alone and sadness to rule the Seven Kingdoms. Sunstreaker has a one chance to bring her greatest gifts "Daenerys..." he said holding her cheek and looked upon him "Everyone will bend the knee" Sunstreaker smiles and he bends the knee with Jon, Jorah, the Autobots, Equestria Girls, the Guardian Kngiths and all of the people in King's Landing were bending the knee to Daenerys at the Red Keep. She was having a tears of joy, bring her happiness in life for our greatest gifts. And all of King's Landing was not in ruins, it was restored.Sunstreaker:And thus it was, the era of Daenerys' Conquest was ended, and the Fellowship of the Multiverse they return inbound for our Friendship and Leadership, bringing love. Over four years passed, I was becoming the King of the Seven Kingdoms to a place that is a familiar sight... we have hope.After Sunstreaker with Jon and Daenerys went to Winterfell for a grand visit. All of people of House Stark seeing the Three rulers of House Targaryen were visited on Winterfell. At the long table, Rodimus along with Wheeljack, Bumblebee, Sideswipe, Jazz, Ironhide, Punch and Bluestreak along with Sunset, Equestria Girls, with Wallflower Blush and Lightning Dust were holding a mug of victory, they were tired of fighting and they were in peace. Sideswipe looks upon his brother with Dany and Jon bowing to Sansa and Bran Stark for greeting and all of Bastards were happy in peace, now, all of them were sipping and drinking their mugs and they stopped. Sideswipe was looking upon Windblade and Sunstreaker were talking each other, but... Sideswipe has one little plan, he take a sip again and he stands up to talk Sunstreaker. Rodimus and Sunset were curious about Sideswipe's wedding plan to Windblade on Winterfell.Sideswipe and Windblade were finally married to the wedding ceremony at the hall of Winterfell, Sunstreaker clapping his hands and he felt happy together. Until, Sunstreaker was stayed on the room and writing a new novel of a story. Over three weeks, Sunstreaker finished his story at his room, he was very tired of writing in a quail of an ink and a typewriter of this paper. Sideswipe arrives to Sunstreaker's writing room and he ask "Brother, what is it?" "It's been four years after the final pages was ended, Sideswipe. It has never been healed" Sunstreaker said and Sideswipe looking at the book and Sunstreaker's another book entitled "A Song of Ice and Fire: A Game of Thrones, by Groom Q.Q Martingale. And King Sunstreaker's Glory, by Sunstreaker Sunfyre. You've finished it!" Sideswipe smiles and Sunstreaker closes the book and he saw a million pages to publish on the library "Not quite. There is million copies to publish this book" Sunstreaker said. On a noontime of Winterfell, all of Thunderhowlers were marching with a riding wagon, Sunstreaker and the Autobots with Equestria Girls rides a wagon for departure to King's Landing. But The Guardian Knights found a way to leave Westeros "Tell me again, my king? Where are we going?" Thunderhowl ask "To the harbor, Thunderhowl. The Guardian Knights recorded us with a message, bringing from the last ship to leave Westeros: Sunstreaker said but Thunderhowl questions him "My grace, any chance to see Ned Stark, my old friend of mine? The one I saw him..." Thunderhowl said to Sunstreaker but he felt sorrow about what happened to Ned Stark "I'm sorry Thunderhowl, I'm afraid he's executed" Sunstreaker said honestly about what happened Joffrey Baratheon executes Ned Stark "Oh, a Baratheon pity. I wish that there is a King of the North one last time" Thunderhowl sighs and Sunstreaker smiles walking in the winter roads. In afternoon, at the King's Landing habor bay, all of Autobots and Equestria Girls were entering Kappa Supreme, but Thunderhowl gasps to see the new ship, Kappa Supreme has gifted us "Whoa, what is that sight when I see before..." he said, Dragonicus Steelbane and Stormreign bowed to the Three Rulers of House Targaryen, Stark and Thunderhowl including Sideswipe and he brought a speech "The Guardian Knights of Ice and Fire has ended. The time has come, to return our homeworld" Dragonicus said "The planet calls us home" Steelbane found Cybertron at the Space Bridge from the sunset view, Thunderhowl went happy and he ask "I think I'm quite ready for another quest" he said and walking through Dragonicus, holding each other from Thunderhowlers and Dragonstormers. Then Sideswipe prepares for the farewell to all "Goodbye, my old friends. Looks like my work is done. Here at last, at the end of the sunset. Comes to the end of our fellowship" He said but the others went sad "Do not forget your past will fade in you, all you have to do is to remember our good deeds" Sideswipe reply and he's ready for the farewell, but Sideswipe ask Sunstreaker to leave Westeros "It is time, my brother" he said, Daenerys and Jon were confused that Sunstreaker leaving "What do you mean?" She said "We have to save King's Landing, Dany. But it has been saved. But I'm no longer Targaryen" Sunstreaker said honesty "You don't mean that. You can't leave" Daenerys sobs to him but Suntreaker tries to leave Dragonsabre, the Sword of Ice and Fire was made from Valyrian Steel, given to Daenerys Stormborn "Now is your turn to rule the Seven Kingdoms, Dany" He said to Daenerys but then he went for the last goodbye, Suntreaker hugs Jon Snow, Arya Stark, Sansa Stark and Bran Stark. And lastly, Daenerys hugs Sunstreaker with a tears of joy bringing hope and love. Suntreaker kissed her forehead to goodbye Daenerys. And Sunstreaker is ready for leaving Westeros, Sideswipe holds his brother's hand walking slowly. Now Sunstreaker enters the ramp of the ship, and Sunstreaker look upon Daenerys and Jon were smiling each other, and Suntreaker walks inside the ship. Now, Kappa's engines were rising up to the ship and travels to the Space Bridge, bringing Guardian Knights home to Cybertron, and Autobots with Equestria Girls were leaving to Equestria, the Human Dimension.At the Red Keep, Daenerys and Jon Snow arrives with their three newest descendants of House Targaryen, bringing love to our family. And on the Iron Throne, there is a window with a glimpse of a shadow of House Sunfyre, Targaryen, Stark and the Seven Kingdoms formed the eight rays of the star and a Cybertronian Knights' symbolSunstreaker: My dear Daenerys. I see you when the first time we met, our new generation will have one and whole for many years. To bring peace to this world, for love, and hope of our kingdom. But this multiverse will be the greatest adventures will go on.


From our note to David Benioff and D.B Weiss

I saved Game of Thrones Season 8, and you ruined it. You lose, I am the King! Sunstreaker was the King, not Bran Stark. Now is the time to saved Game of Thrones Season 8 after House of the Dragon series. Thank you

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