Bonus surprise 3

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Clock showing quarter past eight in the morning when I came out of bathroom. Wet hair but too lazy to dry them and too lazy to wear anything on my naked body so end up stealing a white shirt from his wardrobe.

He was still sleeping on his stomach; mouth fell agape and soft snoring sound making him cutest human on the earth. I climbed up bed under quilt and kissed his lips. His eyes barely opened and closed again and turned sideways facing me.

"Happy Birthday baby" I again kissed him and hand moving down around his torso and then more down under his shorts. He let out a groan and opened his eyes fully. My hand was about to grip him but he held my hand and laid on his back encircling his other arm around me.

Let's play naughty today!

"Happy birthday Mani...." I kissed his forehead, his nose, his cheeks. One arm snapped under his head and other still in his grip under his shorts.

"Thank you..." his voice husky and hoarse making him more sexy than he already is! His eyes red and puffy due to alcohol he consumed last night. He is smelling like mixture of vodka and wine but still hottest smell ever I could inhale.

"Best birthday ever!" He said pulling me on top of him. My legs either side of his torso, straddling his body and bent over to kiss him again.

"First birthday after wedding" I cooed kissing his cheeks. He doesn't have chubby cheeks like me but still they puff up whenever I squeeze them.

He shut his eyes tightly when I move a little on his bare stomach. I was wearing nothing so I could imagine what things he is suffering with right now. I could see veins on his eye Petals and veins of forehead popped up showing intensity of situation.

I initiate another kiss to calm him down and one thing that could calm him down is... me. His hands moved towards my thighs and then travelled back to hips squeezing them making me groan in kiss.

"You didn't gift me I asked for" he complained with tight lips and my mouth fell agape in O shape.

"Mr. Malhotra you were busy consuming alcohol instead of your sexy wife" I smacked his bare chest and flipped hair on my shoulder. His hand come under my shirt tickling me a little.

Last night we had his birthday celebration because for today till evening Papa reserved him as MI also turned twenty-eight with him and for evening, I have a surprise for him so we decided to throw party last night only.

When I asked him what he want in gift he bluntly said 'One whole Night' I was ready to give but he himself ruined it. He consumed so much alcohol yesterday with Aman and Cabir and after party ended, he passed out instantly forgetting about his own gift.

"I'm feeling like a fool right now" he said with an irritated face. Leaning down I kissed all over his face squeezing his cheeks and roughly shaking his face. Sometimes I feel like smash his face completely with my hands. he is so cute sometimes and hot everytime.

Bahut pyaar aata hai inpe mujhe.

"Stop making doe with my face" his voice shaky because I was squeezing and smashing his face.

"I love you Mani...." I kissed his nose and left his cheeks which are red now. He blushed... he fucking blushed. A small smile fighting to come on his lips when I smirk at his red ears of blush.

"Do we have scope tonight?" he asked tracing my erected nipples showing from that white shirt which turned transparent due to water drops coming from my hairs. He smirked making me turned red now. Manik Malhotra never loses so how can he leave chance of taking revenge of 'who-is-blushing-now' challenge.

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