Bonus Surprise 4

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"Mama, fill that red balloon"

"Red is my favorite you know...?" I looked at him tying that red balloon. His fists locked under his chin, elbows on counter and lips in a cute pout.

"But that nothing to do with me bursting red balloon on Mami" mukti's son for a reason.

"Why Mami only? Burst this on your mother" I suggested filling another red balloon for him with red water.

"Mumma will kill me" he pout and squeezed a purple balloon to check if I tie correctly.

"Mami ka darr nahi tujhe...? By the way it's first holi of your sister. Any plans?" I asked completing my task of filling all his balloons with color water.

"She is just a month old mama.... How can you be so stupid? She can't play holi" he made face like dad makes always at me when I do blunders---- only in his eyes----- for me they are far better things to live an entertaining life.

"Stupid....?" I raised my bro. He is just trying to betray me. After using me to fill his balloons he is showing me cold shoulder on a simple question.

We are celebrating holi in April. Malhotra's known for their uniqueness but this time we are just being ridiculous due to Dr. Mukti Kapoor.

Mukti delivered Mia Abhimanyu Kapoor on very next day of my birthday. Again a premature baby but we were lucky that Mia was healthy enough that after a week on ventilator she recovered fully.

We couldn't play holi in march because of------ new born baby---- no--- her mother, mukti didn't let us have fun because she was a new mother who couldn't play so she snatched everyone's happiness in return.

As much as I celebrated arrival of Mia, I hate my sister for not letting me play holi. But now her so called 'mummy ji' permitted her she will play holi and let us too.

"Offo mama... Aap kitne buddhu ho. My sister is too chhotu saa. I'll just put a tika on her head, the smallest warna dadi maaregi" he smacked his forehead with one hand because other hand was busy lifting bucket of balloons to run from me. Now.

"Ruk tu mukti ke bacche" I ran after him but he hide behind his dadi.

The only person to whom I can't misbehave is 'the mummy ji' aka 'dadi' aka 'Manik she is mukti's mother-in-law so behave'.

That chhota packet showing me his tongue hiding behind his dadi. Bahar aa batata hu!!

"Is everything okay, Manik?" She asked in her stern tone with one look at me and other on her grand child.

"Ya... Yes aunty. How are you? Happy holi. No actually belated happy holi" by the fuck I'm so nervous around her may be because she is glaring me as if I was about to beat her grand child. No woman I love him even more than you love him.

"Happy holi. Where is....."

"Manik bachaaaaaoooo" I heard Nandini running towards me and cabir behind her with a water gun in his hand.

I spread my hands for her to enter in and when she did I turned around with my back to Cabir and face towards Nandini while she hide herself in my chest.

He unloaded that entire gun on my back. Cold water dark pink in color saoking my back.

He huffed and threw gun with a thud surrendering his hands in air when I turn towards him.

"What is this manik" he asked titling his head down to look at my wife still hiding in me.

"Well... She is known as my wife. This is water gun, she is 'aunty' and you are monkey" I pointed each and everything to him with an obvious look.

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