Straight boys?

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(Sorry, I ran out of gifs)






Richie's POV

Me and Eddie were with Mike in his room. There wasn't much to do, we were waiting for mom to get done making dinner. Eddie played a ball, throwing it at the wall and catching it.

Thump, Slap, Thump, Slap.

"Jesus, can you stop that Eddie!" Mike says while turning towards Eddie.

"Fuck off, Mike. There's nothing better to do." Eddie said while rolling his eyes and not even facing Mike.

Before Mike could respond we heard a muffled ringing sound.

"CAN ONE OF YOU GET THE PHONE PLEASE!" Mom said. Mike sighed and went downstairs.

We waited for a little until the ringing stopped.

"IT'S FOR YOU RICHIE!" Mike yelled after a few seconds of being on the phone.

I look at Eddie and he looks at the door then back at me to tell me to go downstairs.

I sighed and got up walking to the door, opening it and closing it behind me.

As I reached Mike, I saw him waiting impatiently with the phone in his hand, then handing it to me and going back upstairs.

"Hello?" I said, while waiting for a response. "Hey, Richie!"

I knew who it was immediately, Will Byers.

"Oh, Will! What ya call me for?" I asked.

"Oh, I just wanted to tell you something.." The boy said in a sus tone.

"Okay? What is it?" I said in a confused voice, getting kind of worried.

"Well, I just wanted say sorry for earlier, If I said something that offended you or something." Will said in a calm and genuine voice.

"Oh, that? It's fine Willy boy! You did nothing wrong!" I replied in a cheerful voice trying to sound funny.

"Oh, that's good to know! But I have a question." Will said in a more serious tone this time.

"Do you like, Max? Like, like like her?"

I was too stunned to speak, was I that obvious?

"What, no! I don't like the redhead!" I said as I panicked.

"Oh, okay! Sorry for assuming! What about Eddie though?" Will said.

I nearly blacked out then and there, I paused for a while. My mind going crazy.

Boy's A liar - Reddie and Byler ~ ST X ITWhere stories live. Discover now