I thought yo ass was gay. Part 3☺️💕😱

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I said I'd be back

Trigger warning:


skip if you would like, this isn't too important. It's just a elmax chapter :)

 It's just a elmax chapter :)

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Eleven and Max POV

El was sitting down next to Max while waiting for the others, they didn't really talk but it wasn't awkward, they just waited silently.

El's stomach was hurting really bad though, she thought it was maybe something she ate but it felt bad like a cramp.

Max noticed El's pain and spoke with a confused and concerned tone. "Are you having cramps, El?

Eleven stayed silent and looked back at her and shrugged. "You mean the things that Joyce and Hopper get sometimes? I thought only old people get those." She says with confusion.

Max laughs a little at El's words before realizing she didn't know what a cramp was. "El, have you never gotten your period?"

Now, El was even more confused. "Period? What is a... period?"

Max was shocked, she couldn't believe she didn't know. "I'll tell you, let's just go to the bathroom girl okay?"

Eleven was confused but she nodded. Max then took her hand and pulled her to the bathroom.

When they got there, Max was a bit stressed but she tried to calm down for El who looked worried. "Just go into the bathroom stall and see if there is any blood in your underwear."

Eleven looked at her with a confused look before going into the stall and doing what she said. When she saw it, was immediately terrified.

"Is there blood?" Max asks, trying to sound as calm as possible. El replied with a "mhm."

"Why is there blood there?!" Eleven says in slight panic, she's seen blood before, but not from there.

"It's normal El, don't worry!" Max yells while rumbling through her back for a pad or something. "Is it a lot or a little?" Max asked, as she pulled out a pad for El.

"A little, how is this normal?" Eleven replies, while grabbing the pad that Max put under the stall. "And what is this for?"

"Every girl your age gets them El, don't worry about it. Just open that and stick it on your underwear, okay?" Max says nervously, afraid she wouldn't know how to do it or something.

Eleven nods and does what Max said, she carefully puts it on and then balled up the wrapper. "What do I do now?"

"That's all, just clean yourself up and then you can leave okay?" Max replies, her head on the stall door, waiting for El.

After a few minutes of waiting for El, she finally comes out and immediately goes to the sink to wash her hands.

"Are you okay?" Max asks with a soft voice.

El finishes washing her hands and nods. "What was that?"

Max sighs, hating that she had to explain this. "It's a period, it's when you bleed for a week every month for the rest of your life. It only happens to girls and you may or may not have cramps, which apparently, you do."

El nods and sighs. "So I have to go through this every month?"

Max sighs and nods while putting an arm around her. "It's just what happens when you are a girl." Max says as they start to walk out.

"But I didn't choose to be a girl, why can't I change into a boy?" El asks, a bit pissed by the period thing.

"Because I don't think it's scientifically possible. Sorry El."

El rolls her eyes and crosses her arms as they walk. Max tries to refrain from laughing about her grumpiness.

That's the end, I'd make it longer but I want people to be able to skip and know what's going on for the next chapter♥️

Words 629

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