Girls A Liar.

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Short little elmax chapter

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Short little elmax chapter






El's POV

I was getting dressed putting on light blue jean shorts that I may or may not have stolen from Will and a dark blue short sleeved shirt.

I went downstairs and greeted Joyce who was making breakfast.

"Good morning Honey. Are your brothers up yet?" Joyce asked.

"I don't think so, do you want me to go see?" I replied as I was getting up from the seat I was sitting on at the table.

"Yes please, thank you!" Joyce said as she smiled at me.

When I reached the top of the stairs, Jonathan said good morning to me and went downstairs.

I walked to Wills room knocking on the door softly. "Will, you awake?" I said quietly, but still loud enough for him to hear.

I waited a little for an answer, but I didn't get one.

I let myself into the room and saw Will wasn't inside.

Confused I closed the door and I was about to go look somewhere else until I heard a voice.

"Are those my shorts?" Will says while walking towards me.

"N-no, they're mines!" I said nervously with my hands behind my back.

"You can have them El, but you don't have to lie about it." Will said as he walked away then down the stairs.

I sighed heavily in disappointment. I've always said friends don't lie but here I am, lying all the time.

I'm a- what's the word? Oh yeah, hypocrite.

"El, come on! Breakfast is ready!" yelled Joyce from in the kitchen.

"Okay!" I yelled back then ran downstairs to eat with the others.

Later on :)))

I was sitting in my room writing in a little journal that max gave me. It had little stars, little skateboards, and little eggo drawings on it. It also had the words "El's Journal" written on the cover. It was cute and reminded me of

When I was done writing, I closed the journal then hugged it before putting it up.

"El! Max is calling you!"Will yelled as I was putting the journal down. "Coming!"

I went down the stairs to get to the phone while kinda rushing, and took the phone from Will while thanking him.

"Hello. It's Jane. What's up?" I said while waiting for an answer, tapping my feet on the floor and unknowingly twirling my hair.

"Hey El! I just wanted to ask you how you were doing!" Max said with a cheerful tone that made me smile.

"Yeah, I'm good. Why?" I said, happily but also confused.

"It's nothing really, but you've been acting a little weird since last time we called.." Max said, her voice getting a little quieter.

I thought for a little of what she was talking about and remembered.

"Looks like someone has a crush." Will said, as he placed his hands on his hips and raised his eyebrow.

"What are you talking about? I don't have a crush on Max." I said, confused on why he would say that.

"Come on El." Will said as he stepped closer to me. "You've been twirling your hair, smiling uncontrollably, giggling at all of her jokes, which some of them aren't even funny.

"All of her jokes are funny." I said as I crossed my arms.

"Look at that, you're even quick to defend her." Will said while crossing his arms.

"Well, you do the same thing with Mike!" I said as I looked up at Will.

Will was shocked by the statement and dramatically gasped. "How dare you!" Will said dramatically, and I rolled my eyes while slightly laughing at him. "This is about you, El! Not me" Will continued, still being dramatic. Then we both laughed.

"I still think you like Max, but believe what you want Elly." Will said. It had me thinking.

Do I actually like Max?

"El! You still there?" Said Max with a panicked tone.

"Oh, sorry! I was thinking of something!"

"It's fine, what was it?" Max asked, her voice calming down.

"Well, uh." I said, trying to think of what I should say.

"El, we gotta soon." Jonathan said while walking past me.

"Okay Jonathan! Sorry I've got to go, but I was thinking about coming over later. If that's okay with you?" I said. Fuck I did it again.

"Oh, sure! I'll be home all day today, so come over anytime." Max said with that cheerful voice and it made me smile again, but I also felt guilty.

"Okay, I'll ask my mom to drop me off!Bye!!" I said still feeling guilty.

"Okay, bye El!" Max said, then I hung up.

"You're definitely in love." Will said, as he walked past me. "Oh hush Will." I said as I put my shoes on, struggling to tie them.

"Let me do it." Hopper said as he got down on one knee and tied my shoes. "We gotta get you shoes that you don't have to tie."

"The song just doesn't make any sense to me." I said while watching Hopper get up.

"Then tie them a different way, I can teach you how later." Jonathan said as he stood next to Hopper.

"Okay, thanks Jonathan." I said as I smiled and started walking towards the door.

I'll write part 2 to this tomorrow maybe :)

888 words :)

888 words :)

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