I thought you were gay? part 4

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Mike POV

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Mike POV

Me, Will, Richie, and Eddie were waiting for Max and El to come out of the bathroom. Richie and Eddie were rambling on about anything while me and Will stood next to each other silently.

I hate to admit the fact that I had been feeling a bit weird about Will. I started to think maybe I was losing interest in him as a friend or something.

I've caught myself staring at him, I always really wanna talk to him when he's not around, but when he is around, I feel my face get hot and I get too nervous to talk to him, and I've had some weird thoughts about me and him lately, especially when I recently realized that he might be gay.

I mean, I'm looking at him right now. He never looks interested in girls, and he pays attention to guys more. Maybe everyone was right, maybe he is gay, but I'm not sure, people call me gay and I'm definitely not. It's gross to date the same gender, I mean if my guy friend likes guys it's fine, but I don't wanna see that.

I'm sure people would find Will attractive either way, his eyes are pretty, his hair is soft, he's really nice, smart, cool, talented. Seriously, who wouldn't like him?

"Mike, are you okay?" Will asks, he looked very confused and I was confused on why he asked. Then I realized, I was looking at him the entire time. God, there was something wrong with me, it's like I'm in love with the guy.

"No-yeah, I'm uh, fine." I replied after realizing I was staring, My eyes moving all over the place, from my shoes, to Will's shoes, to his eyes, then to his lips, not knowing where to look, but then El and Max came out of the restroom, saving me from anymore embarrassment. We all turned to look at them.

"Finally, we're all together!" Eddie says with sarcastic annoyance as he places an arm around Richie. Richie stopped looking at the girls and his gaze went to Eddie, it was obvious he didn't expect that.

"We have like two hours left before we have to go back home!" Will says with his arms crossed as he looks at the girls. Richie was blushing because of Eddie and he furiously tried to ignore and hide it as he turned his head the other way. "Let's make the most of tonight like it's the last then!" Max yelled before taking El's hand and running off. "Hurry up guys!" El yells at them while running with Max.

Will's POV

I stayed behind everyone, I wasn't left out or anything, I just took time to admire everything at the place. I mostly looked at Mike, I was confused on why he was being so weird around me. When I talked to him and touched him, he looked sick to his stomach and nervous.

"Hey, Mike? You wanna go on the teacups?" I asked as I pointed to them. He looked at me and then to the ride and nodded. "Yeah, why not?" He says, his voice was a little nervous sounding still, he moved  his hand to mine, like he wanted to hold it, but then his hand shook and he slowly pulled it away. He's done this before multiple times, I just don't think he knows that I know.

We went to the ride and waited to get on it, watching how fast it spun. Mike looked a bit nervous to get on since he always threw up after these kind of rides.

"We don't have to go on if you're too scared." I say, Mike wasn't having it though.

"I-I'm not scared! I can get on, and I will. Are you scared?" Mike asks, trying to seem more tough than me. I couldn't care less though. "Would you hold my hand if I was scared?" I ask, sarcastically, hinting that Ip knew what Mike did earlier, Mike didn't get it and freaked out.

"What?! What do you mean hold your hand, I mean... yeah, but you really want me to hold your hand because you're scared?"

I took his hand and pulled him into one of the teacups. "Just shut up Mike, I was being sarcastic."

End of this byler chapter.
I hope I did good cause I'm bad at writing Byler.
The end of I thought you were gay will be next chapter.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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