The Plan/Nerdy Rubix cube

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I'm thinking of changing the song cause I'm using that song for another chapter so tell me what song you think fits this chapter :)

Mike's Pov

A few minutes after Eddie left, Richie came bursting in my room.

"Sup fucker!" Richie yelled and I groaned in irritation. "What do you want, Richie?"

Richie shrugged then walked over to my bed and sat on it. "So, do you like Jane?" Richie said as he softly blinked his eyes at me.

"Of course I do Richie, I've told you I like her millions of times before." I said in an irritated tone as I rolled my eyes.

"Mhm, just making sure cause you've been acting way more gay than usual. Eddies not gay for your information." Richie said as he shifted towards me.

"Whatever, do you like Max?" I said, still annoyed by Richie.

"I don't like her, Mikey." Richie said as he dramatically turned his head and I raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"I love her." Richie continued as he put his hands on his chest and I gave him a judging look.

"You think you can hook me up with her?" Richie said as he batted his eyes at me and I scoffed after.

"Are you serious? What's in it for me?!" I said.

"I could get Jane to like you!" Richie said proudly as he put his hands on his hips.

"How are you gonna do that idiot!" I said as I punched his shoulder.

"OW!" He said as he put his hand on his shoulder. I said sorry and he rolled his eyes.

"We can hang out with them, like a double date! I could give hints to Jane about how cool you are or whatever and you can do the same!"

"That's the dumbest plan I have ever heard of. They'll obviously know, I mean just us hanging out with them? What if one of them want to invite someone?

"We can have everyone else be in on it so they can help us out! We can tell them on sunday!" Richie said in a cheerful tone.

I hesitated for a little but then agreed.

"YES! Thank you so much Mikey!" Richie said happily as he hugged me. "I'm gonna go see what Eddie's doing now." He continued as he started walking to the door.

"Wait Richie!" I yelled and he turned back around confused.

"What is it?" Richie said as he crossed his arms.

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