I thought you were gay.

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Sorry, I said I would publish the next day and didn't.

New Reddie chapter soon though, and a new books, Byler and Reddie. (They're gonna be complete 2.)


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Eddie's POV

Me, Mike, and Richie, were on our way to a carnival that Max, Will, and El, will be at.

I was basically third wheeling as Richie and Mike we're talking about whatever it is that they were talk about. I found it quite irritating and walked ahead of them.

When we got to the carnival it looked very colorful and vibrant, it looked as if the skies were an orange yellowish color but I'm not quite sure.

I spotted Max and ran up to her, leaving Mike and Richie behind.

Me and Max became pretty good friends, she kinda reminded me of Beverly. Maybe it's just the red hair and the fact that they're both girls though.

I hugged her with a smile on my face and took her by surprise. "Oh my gosh, hey Eddie!" Max said, as she hugged me back.

"Helloooo, where are the others?" I asked then pulled away from the hug.

"I came with El and she's in the bathroom, Will's probably still on his way." Max said as she started to walk towards the bathroom.

"Did you guys have a sleepover or something?" I asked as I started to walk beside her.

"Yeah, it was fun, you should come to a sleepover with us! As long as you promise you won't be a creep." Max replied and I shook my head.

"I promise I won't, I'm not even straight." I said, not even realizing what I just said.

"Mhm, I knew you were gay!" Max whispered. "Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. I think I might be too."

"Wait what?" I asked kinda surprised but I was still quiet.

Max slowed down the walking pace. "I think I might like El.." She said while fidgeting her fingers. "But you can't tell her!" She said after she stopped and turned to me.

"I promise, I won't!" I said, kinda nervously.

"Okay thank you so much Eddie." She said after she sighed, then El started walking towards us.

"What were you guys talking about?" El asked as she stood behind Max.

"We were just talking about how long you were taking." Max said as she turned around rolling her eyes.

"Sorryyyy! Hey Eddie, where's Mike and Richie? They came with right?" El asked as she looked behind me.

"Oh yeah! I left them behind, they probably didn't even notice." I said as I smiled a little.

"Well, we'll just carry on without them! Let's go have funnnn!" El said as she grabbed me and Max's hand and ran.






Meanwhile, with Mike and Richie!

"Richie, where the hell is your boyfriend?!" Mike asked as he looked in front of them.

"He's not my boyfriend, and I don't know where he is!" Richie replied.

"He is your boyfriend, now find him!" Mike yelled as he turned back to Richie.

"I'm not gay and neither is he! Plus, you have to help me look!"

"Oh please! Look at you, you're more gay then gay!" Mike said as he rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. "And I'm not helping you find him!"

"I'm not gay, and you have to this carnival is huge!"

"You are gay, now look for your boyfriend." Mike said as he walked away.

Richie stood there in shock and ran after him. "Even if I was gay it doesn't mean Eddie is too jackass!"

"It's contagious and you're always around him, so stay away from me!" Mike said as he ran away.

"You fucking bitch!" Richie said while running after him.

Mike saw Will in a distance and tripped over something and fell. Will saw.

Richie died laughing as Will went to help him up also kinda laughing.

"HAHAHA! LOOKS LIKE YOU QUITE LITERALLY FELL FOR WILL!" Richie said and laughed even harder because of his joke.

Will was also laughing with him as he pulled Mike up. Mike rolled eyes and threw his hat at Richie.

Richie fell to the ground, but was still laughing.

"Are you alright?" Will asked when he stopped laughing and moved hair out of mikes face.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Thank you." Mike replied while smiling and kinda blushing as he fixed his clothes.

Will smiled at him and Richie randomly put his arms around them. "You guys are totally in love. You see Eds anywhere Willy?"

Mike gave Richie a death stare as Richie looked at Will. "Nope, why?" Will replied as he crossed his arms.

"Mike lost him." Richie said as he put his arms down and made a dramatic disappointed face.

"How did I lose him?!"

"You're the older twin, so you were supposed to keep an eye on us." Richie said as he crossed his arms and turned around.

"Why you little-" Mike said but got cut off.

"Alright, shut the hell up you guys. Let's just go find him." Will said as he grabbed both of their hands and pulled them away.






Because I'm tired, I'm going to leave this like this and write a part 2.

Love uuuuu<3333

Happy pride month!

871 words<3333

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