Stanley's Advice

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I ran out of gifs but here's this lmao

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I ran out of gifs but here's this lmao






Eddie's POV

I walked to the basement, I didn't go just to call someone though. I went to think.

I'm not sure if I believe what Mike said, he was probably covering the fact that Richie likes Max or he's actually telling the truth.

But the truth doesn't mean anything, Richie could've still lied about it by telling Will he doesn't like her.

Richie's hard to read, I wish I could see him how everyone else sees him.

Everyone says it's obvious he likes me, but I don't see it.

Maybe I'm just being insecure and that's why I don't see what they see, but it would be pretty bold of me to assume that my best friend who claims to be straight has feelings for me.

I don't even know if he's actually being serious when he says he's straight, he always says it in a funny way so I can't tell if he's joking or not.

I get up from the stair I was sitting on and walk to the phone.

"Who to call, who to call." I think as I thought of all the Losers I could call about this.

I eventually came up with the idea of calling Stan, he's the most mature of all the losers. Although he'll probably make fun of me for liking trashmouth, he's not gonna keep doing it.

I dialed Stanley's number and waited for someone to pick up the phone.

After a few seconds someone finally picked up. "Hello, Stanley Uris speaking."

"Hey Stanley, It's Eddie." I said in a cheerful voice, grateful that Stanley had picked up the phone.

"Oh, hey Eddie! What's up?" Stanley said in an equally cheerful voice, making me smile right away.

"Nothing much, what's up with you? You and the other losers do anything fun while me and Richie were gone?" I asked.

"We haven't done much, but we did go to the quarry and got ice cream together yesterday."

"Cool! I can't wait to be back in Derry with you guys." I said.

"We can't wait too! But I can wait for Richie." Stanley said, sounding slightly annoyed saying the last sentence. I laughed a little and he joined me.

"Yeah, about Richie. I wanted to call you about him.." I said nervously.

"Oh my god, what did he do?" Stanley said in an irritated tone.

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