I thought you were gay. Part 2

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I'm lying I don't like this book but I'll finish it.



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(I'm not even joking I thought that all the ships were together I forgot the whole plot...)






While Mike, Richie, and Will went to look for Max, El, and Eddie. They were already having fun without them.






Max, El, and Eddie POV.

The three of them went to get cotton candy and got a bunch of carnival merchandise while running around and throwing money at the rigged carnival games.

El and Max challenged each other before they bought the cotton candy and whoever won had to buy it for everyone. They both screamed and yelled as they threw a small basketball at the hoop while Eddie cheered for them both.

El won by one point and Eddie laughed at Max's shocked face while El danced and laughed as Max started to jokingly accuse her of cheating. "You cheater! You had to have cheated!" She yelled and laughed again as they walked away. "You're just saying that because I never win! But I've been practicing Max!" Yells El as she moved closer to Max and she elbowed her arm teasingly with confidence as she continued laughing. "You've taught her too much Max!" Says Eddie as he laughs along with them.

They truly had an amazing time and Eddie had such an amazing time with them that he almost completely forgot about Richie (and the others.)

When they all sat down to take a small break from running around and yelling, El finally realized that they forgot about the others and they looked around for them while still sitting in their same spots.

"I see them, they're sitting beside the water fountain!" El yelled as she pointed at the boys sitting on the benches in front of the water fountains. Richie and Will both had Ice cream while Mike had only a soda.

"Who's gonna go to them?" Eddie says while looking at the two of them. "NOT IT!" They both yell and Eddie looks at them with annoyance and shock before shaking his head. "Not fair! You guys were ready! Eddie whined.

"Go ahead Eddie, Just come right back!" Max said, trying to encourage him. Eddie sighed and stood up before running to them.

Mike, Richie, and Will POV.

Richie had accidentally ordered two ice cream cones, one for him and one for Eddie. But he forgot that Eddie wasn't with him and wasn't informed about it until after he got the ice cream cones.

"Two ice cream cones for yourself? Seriously Richie?" Mike said with a jokingly judging tone and Richie walked to Will who was sitting down, and handed him the other ice cream.

"Both are not for me, Mike. It's for Will since you couldn't spare spending your money on your boyfriend." Richie said while smiling confidently and he rolled his eyes as he walked in front of Mike to sit down on the other side of him. Will laughed at his joke and Mike looked at him with annoyance. "He's not my boyfriend, Richie. Just because we're brothers doesn't mean that we're both gay." Mike said confidently before sipping his coca cola and looking over at Will who didn't laugh at his joke and just ate his ice cream.

"Wow, Mike. That was so lame that even your boyfriend didn't laugh. AND THE CROWD GOES SILENT!!!" Richie yelled and laughed at Mike as he hit him on the shoulder with a small smile on his face. He couldn't help but think that it was a little funny and Will was laughing too as the two fought and cheered them on.

As they finish up fighting, Eddie runs up to them and Richie pushes Mike off of him before running up to his best friend and hugging him. "Eddie! Thank god for you're here! Mike just started hitting me for no reason!" Richie said in a playfully dramatic way and Eddie laughed as he hugged him back.

"Oh please, Richie! Why didn't YOU, get ice cream for your boyfriend?!" Mike yelled and hit Richie on the shoulder.

"Because YOU lost him!" Richie argued and hit him again, they were both playing around though and Eddie gestured for Will to follow him and they began to walk away while looking back at the fighting boys. "Stop fighting and come on before we leave you both!" Will yelled and they immediately stopped and ran after them to catch up.






Guys I'm back be proud.

sorry for cliffhanger really wanted to hurry the update ahhhh

790 words♥️

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