Love of my dreams! I think..

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Smoll beans

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Smoll beans






Eddie's POV

"Mikeyyy, come onnn! Let's just go already" Richie said in annoyance while dragging his words.

"I told you already, we're waiting for Will and the girls! Be patient, Richie!"Mike replied in irritation.

I just sat down in the middle of the two, staying silent until I saw a boy with a bowl cut walking to us.

"Is that Will?" I said while looking at the boy.

"Hey!" The boy said and Mike stood up from his seat.

"Hey, where are Jane and Max?" Mike said while looking at the slightly shorter boy in front of him.

"Dunno." Will said as he sighed, then he looked over at Richie.

"Hey Rich, when did you come back to Hawkins?" Will said as Richie stood up in front of him. Mike had got up to go outside and wait for Jane and Max.

"Yesterday morning. I'm gonna go follow Mike now. Cheerio, my good fellows!" Richie said in a bad British accent.

We watched as the curly headed boy ran to catch up to his brother until he was out of sight.

"Well, I uh- don't think I've met you before. What's your name?" Will said awkwardly as he sat next to me, making sure he wasn't too close for personal space.

"Oh, I'm Eddie Kaspbrak. I'm from Derry, Richie's friend." I replied also in an awkward tone.

"Oh! You're the kid who carries around two fanny packs!" The boy said. I stared in shock, Is that all I am to people?!

"Shoot, I'm sorry if that offended you, Richie talks about you a lot!" Will said, smiling at me. "Really?" I asked.

"Yeah, he calls you his spaghetti. I would say he probably likes you, but he always says he's quote on quote not gay" Will replied and I laughed at his response.

"Oh, I know you! Rich calls you bowl cut boy. He says that he thinks you and Mike are gay for each other because of the way you look at each other. He says you can't fake that kind of passion." I said and the boy looked surprised.

"I'm sorry, did I say too much?" I asked, scared that I made him uncomfortable.

"N-no, of course not! I was just shocked, that's all." Will said and I nodded awkwardly.

"Can I tell you something? You know, a secret." The boy asked. I nodded yes and turned to face him.

"Well, I actually do have feelings for Mike. I have liked him since we were like ten." The boy said, I was surprised, surprised he trusted me enough to tell me that even though we just met.

"Well, I guess I should tell you a secret too now." I said while looking back down as I sighed.

"No, it's fine! You don't-" Will said but then got cut off by me. "No, you trust me. So I need to prove I trust you!" I said in a proud voice and the boy looked at me confused.

"I may or may not like Richie.." I said in a low tone but loud enough for Will to hear.

Before Will could even respond, Richie, Jane, Mike, and Max started walking towards us.






Richie's POV

"Since when do you have girl friends?" I asked. "Are they lesbians or something?"

"No, Richie." Mike said as he rolled his eyes. "Well, is that them?" I said pointing to two girls who looked our age, one of them I couldn't really see well cause they were behind.

"Holy shit, they're here!" Mike said as he stood up straight.

I adjusted my glasses and looked back up, I swear I saw an angel.

The girl had beautiful red curly hair, the prettiest blue eyes, and freckles that scattered all over her beautiful face. I swear she was glowing.

"Richie what the fuck are you looking at?!" Mike said after he hit my arm.

"The prettiest girl in the world." I said.

"Richie fuck off! Jane's mine!" Mike said, hitting me again.

"Which one is she?"

"The one with the brown hair, Richie! I've been telling you about her all year!" Mike replied in irritation.

"Oh, I'm not looking at her Mike! I'm looking at the red head!" I whispered, snapping out of my trance and turning to Mike.

"Oh, thank god. You like Max."

"Mike! Why would I want your girlfri-" I said but then getting cut off. "Can you boys hurry up!" Jane said.

"Yeah, we're getting ice cream!" Max said. She even sounds like an angel!

"You heard em Mikey! Hurry up brotha!" I yelled running towards the girls, Mike followed soon after.






Authors Note <3

Hello! It's 1:05 AM right now and I'm listening to Weezer, I just threw out the love of my dreams on loop on my bday .-.

I'm now gonna proofread <3

805 words ^^

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