I kinda wanna go home..

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Will's POV

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Will's POV






Eddie likes Richie, I didn't even have the time to respond. Mike, El, Richie, and Max were all coming towards us with ice creams.

"Finally, you guys took forever." I said while standing up and Eddie did the same.

"You can blame Richie." Mike said while turning to Richie and rolling his eyes. Jane had gave me an ice cream cone and Richie gave Eddie one.

It looks like Eddie at least has some chance with Richie, Mike is head over heels for Jane.

I ended up talking to Max for a while until everyone was done with their ice creams, she said she would teach me how to skateboard some time.

After we got up from our seats and threw our napkins in the trash we ended up walking around the mall and going into a few stores occasionally.

We had all split up as we went into a different store, Jane with Max, Mike with Richie, and me with Eddie.

Eddie had been looking down the whole time we were in the store so I put my hand on his shoulder asking him he was okay.

"I'm fine but, Richie." He says as he stops walking. "I think he likes Max."

"Wait, what?!" I said in disbelief. "No, that can't be right."

"It has to be! Richie keeps staring at her with these, eyes.." Eddie says, then looking down and crossing his arms.

"What, eyes?" I ask as I tilt my head a little to the side.

"I don't know how to explain it, but he was just staring at her. As if he was amazed or in love."

I looked at the boy for a while, not knowing what to say.

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