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"Admit it, Wondertwins, the only reason why the New Directions beat the Trouble Tones at Sectionals is that that pervy clown judge was freakin' high as a kite," Santana said as we—Brittany, Mercedes, Kurt, Blaine, Santana, and I—walked down the halls of McKinley High "And we did Michael Jackson: you guys didn't" Kurt pointed out "But that was like weeks ago—why are you still obsessing?" I said, linking my arm through Santana's "One word, Naya: Michael" Mercedes said, placing her hands on mine and Kurt's shoulders "You guys, fear not—the world tour of the Cirque du Soleil tribute show, Immortal, to Michael Jackson, is coming to Columbus in June. We should all go" Blaine said, turning to face the group and stopping in the middle of the corridor "You don't get it. I don't want to see the spectacle that is Michael, I want to be the spectacle" Mercedes said, playfully poking Blaine's shoulder "Hey, guys" Mr. Schue said, coming out of a classroom beside us "Everything okay?" "Look, we love being back in New Directions, but we hate that we missed our one chance this year to do Michael," Mercedes said sadly "Yeah, I get it. You know, I been thinking a lot about Regionals, and maybe we can do Michael again" Mr. Schue said before walking off "Well, I, for one, know exactly what song we should start Michael Week with" Music started to play out of nowhere and Blaine did a Michael-esque pose. Unlinking my arm from Santana's, I sighed "Why do we have to sing in corridors?" I muttered to myself as the music got louder and Blaine started to sing.
Wanna Be Startin Somethin — Michael Jackson (Sung By Blaine, Naya, Santana, Kurt, Brittany & Mercedes)
By the end of the song, we had ended up in the auditorium in Michael Jackson-inspired outfits. I don't know how it happened and I'm convinced some witches are at McKinley because this thing seems to happen a lot.
"Okay, favorite Michael Jackson memory, go," Blaine said, slinging his arm around my shoulder as Artie, Rachel, Kurt, Santana, Blaine and I all sat in the Lima Bean together "When I was one, my mom showed me the VHS of his Motown special, and when he did the moonwalk across the stage for the first time in history, I uttered my first words: Hot Damn," Artie said adoringly "I owe the King of Pop a deep debt of gratitude. He was the first one to pull off the sequined military jacket, long before one Kurt Hummel made it iconic" Kurt said, straightening up in his seat "I have a vivid memory of Halloween when I was eight, me and my older sister dancing around the front room singing Michael Jackson's 'Thriller' and I found my dad's old camera and took a picture of my sister smiling as she flopped onto the sofa" I said, smiling fondly at the memory "I have to be honest—I never really got him" Rachel said, shocking everyone "And we are no longer on speaking terms" Artie said dramatically "No, I think he's an amazing performer but I've never really just got what he was about" "Rachel, he was best friends with Liza Minnelli" "And Liz Taylor" I said, adding onto the end of Kurt's point "No, all I'm saying is that I—I just...I haven't connected with him the way that I have with the likes of Barbra or either of the Stephens" Everyone gave her confused looks "Sondheim. Schwartz" She clarified "I'd throw this mocha in your face, but it's not nearly scalding enough" Santana retorted "Okay, but just, since you guys are so jazzed about him, I think it's a good idea," Rachel said, leaning back in her seat "Well, that might not be the best idea," An annoyingly cocky voice said. I groaned a loud and head-butted Blaine's shoulder "Hey, Blaine. Hello, everyone else" Sebastian said, addressing Blaine individually just so he would get on my nerves "Does he live here or something?" I asked Blaine frustratedly before turning to Sebastian "Seriously, you are always here" "Why don't you think it's a good idea?" Artie said, changing the subject back to Michael "Because we're doing MJ for Regionals. You see, Warbler drew fist position, so as soon as I heard what your plan was, I changed our set list accordingly" Sebastian said, smiling confidently "I'm sorry, how...how did you hear?" Rachel asked, annoyed "Uh, Blaine told me this morning" "He did, did he?" I said turning to face him "I just called for a tip on how to get red wine out of my blazer piping, and he would not stop going on about it" "I may have mentioned it," Blaine said sheepishly "How often do you talk?" I asked angrily "Oh, my God, hey Naya. I didn't recognize you. Your face isn't caked in makeup for once" Sebastian said snidely "Excuse me?" I asked outraged, about to stand up and have a go at him but Santana beat me to it "I don't even wear any makeup—besides mascara and lipgloss" I muttered "I know, babe" "All right, twink, I think it's time that I show
you a little Lima Heights hospitality" Santana said angrily "Unless you want to join your relatives in prison, that's probably not the best idea. You see, my dad is what you call a state's attorney. But if you had a pinata you wanted delivered, I bet he could make sure that got to them" I stood up and pushed in front of Santana "Sebastian, get the hell out of here. Now. I'm done with your bitchy-ass attitude and your stupid meerkat face. I'm sick of it. First, you're trying to steal my boyfriend from me, then you insult me and my friends and now you're being racist? What the hell is wrong with you? Leave, now" I said, poking his shoulder roughly "Oh, I'm so scared," He said holding his hands up in mock surrender. Blaine grabbed my hand. He pulled me back into my seat and put his arm around me comfortingly "All right, here's what you guys should know. I am the captain of the Warblers now, and I'm tired of playing nice"
Quinn and I walked into the choir room, arms linked, with Blaine at our side. Tina and Mike walked angrily ahead of us "There has to be some kind of show choir competition committee we can complain to" Tina said frustratedly as she took her seat "I know it sucks, but it's not the end of the world. Heck, you had your set list stolen the day of the competition at Sectionals and you pulled that one off, right?" Blaine said, taking a seat beside me and Quinn "You did? That's awesome" I said in awe "Well, they can have our Journey and our Dreamgirls, but pilfering my Michael, mm-mm that's another level of not okay" Artie said, wheeling into the room with Rory "I'm not exactly comfortable having this conversation with Blaine in the room. Clearly, once a Warbler, always a Warbler" "Uh, what?" Blaine asked confusedly "Dude, you told them what we were gonna do. You're like a modern-day Eggs Benedict. He's on notice as far as I'm concerned" Puck said frustratedly "Look guys, it's not Blaine's fault that he seems to have some weakness for Sebastian. He obviously can't help but spill his guts when he's around him but we shouldn't blame him, okay?" I said, slightly bitterly "We should all be on notice. I mean, next to Vocal Adrenaline, the Warblers are the best Glee Club in the state, and for a lot of us, this is our last shot at a championship, so we should stop complaining about the Warblers and figure out how to beat them" Finn said, smiling encouragingly "I couldn't have said it better myself, Finn" Mr. Schue said, strolling into the room "I'm less worried about our set list right now and more interested in getting us in the right mindset to crush those guys" "Mr. Schue, my mindset right now is 'murder' will that work?" I asked, putting my hand up "No, that's illegal, Naya. Anyway, that is why our lesson for this week is..." He uncapped his pen and wrote something on the board 'WWMJD' "What Would
Michael Jackson Do?" "He'd fight back. He'd say Regionals is ours, MJ is ours, and if they want it, they can pry it from our sequin-gloved hand" Finn said inspirationally "Mm-hmm. Straight up. In 1983, MTV said they wouldn't air his 'Billie Jean' video. What'd he do? He fought back. They aired it, and the Thriller album sold an additional ten million copies" "That's right" "I know what Michael would do, I think he would take it to the streets" Blaine said, smiling slyly.
The Warblers and The New Directions were to meet in an abandoned parking lot and have an MJ—off. We all wore leather jackets with hoods and flicked them up to look more intimidating. Santana, Blaine, and I were the frontmen for our group and we met the Warblers head-on "Well, we're here" Sebastian said, crossing his arms "We got something to settle. Both of us want to use MJ, but only one can" Blaine said, mirroring Sebastian's actions and crossing his arms "We're having a Jackson-off Nick at Nite" Santana said snidely "Winner gets the King of Pop for Regionals" I added, placing my hands on my hips "What, us against the three of you? You really think you're that bad? Is that what they teach you at that little public school of yours?" Sebastian asked cockily "It's time to see who's bad," Blaine said as Santana snapped her fingers. The rest of the New Directions joined us, standing behind us intimidatingly. We pulled our hoods down as the Warblers started to sing.
Bad — Michael Jackson (Sung By The New Directions & The Warblers)
During the song, I noticed them passing around a brown bag and by the end of the song, the bag had reached Sebastian. He took a slushie cup out of it and stood in front of me, I didn't have time to move as all of a sudden it was being thrown towards me, the cold, red liquid launching towards me. But it never hit me, Blaine had jumped in front of me and when collapsing to the floor as the slushie hit him directly in the face. He yelled out in pain loudly and I crouched down to check on him. Someone else crouched down beside him and I pulled him into my arms as he screamed in pain.
"How is he? Is he okay?" Rachel frantically asked as I walked into the choir room the next day "Uh, it's his right eye. Uh, the doctor says that his cornea is deeply scratched and he has to have surgery" I said as Finn and Rachel pulled me into a hug "In all my years as a teacher and a student, I have never known a slushie to do that kind of damage" "That's cause it wasn't a normal slushie, Mr. Schue" Finn said, pulling away from the hug and leaving me in Rachel's arms "There was stuff in it, rocks or something. He wanted to do that damage" "Not to Blaine though, to me" I said pulling away from Rachel slightly "Well, unless you have proof that he tampered with the slushie the police aren't interested in getting involved" Mr. Schue said, shrugging his shoulders "Sebastian is evil" I said angrily, pulling away from Rachel completely "He needs to be expelled" I stated, going to sit down beside Tina "Look, Figgins and I spoke to Dalton's headmaster. They're opening up an investigation. So, guys, I'm telling you, please let the system handle this one" "No" Artie said, drawing all eyes to him "Dalton's old-school, Mr. Schue, they're not gonna turn their backs on one of their own—we need payback" "An eye for an eye" Mike added "I have a zero-tolerance policy for violence, of any kind. That's not how we do things" "No, we sing, and that's all we ever do" Artie said frustratedly "Do you want to get disqualified from Regionals?" "I don't give a damn about Regionals!" Artie suddenly shouted "What do you expect from us? We're people. I know the rest of the world may not see us like that, but when they tease us and throw stuff at us and toss us in dumpsters and tell us that we're nothing but losers with stupid dreams, it freaking hurts. And we're supposed to turn the other cheek and be the bigger man by telling ourselves that those dreams and how hard we work make us better than them, but it gets pretty damn hard to feel that way when they always get to win" "I get how upsetting this is for you" "No, you don't, and don't give me any of that "it gets better" crap because I'm not interested in it getting any better. I want it to be better, like, right now. I want to hurt them the way they hurt us. No, worse. I want them to feel my pain because frankly, that's all I have left to give" "Artie, take a break. We'll be here when you get back" Mr. Schue said forcefully.
Scream — Michael Jackson (Sung By Artie & Mike)
"Artie? Artie?" Mr. Schue called, pulling Artie out of some trance he had been in "I think I better roll away" Artie said before wheeling out of the room.
Never Can Say Goodbye — The Jackson 5 (Sung By Quinn)
"Wow, Quinn, that was incredible!" Finn cheered when Quinn finished her song "Even more incredible is her big news" Mr. Schue said vaguely "Tell them" "I got into Yale" Quinn happily announced. I jumped out of my seat racing over to hug her tightly "It's—it's amazing. After everything you've been through, you really deserve this, Quinn" Mr. Schue said once I had sat back down and the cheering stopped "We are so proud of you, Quinn" Mercedes said with a big smile "I want to thank you guys..because, without each and every one of you, this would have never happened. You supported me and loved me through all the drama, and that's why I'm standing here. I wasted so much time hating myself for the stupid mistakes that I made, but the truth is, is that without all of those, I never would have dreamed this to be my future. I was the only one standing in the way of myself. You can't change your past but you can let go and start your future"
I sat alone in an empty classroom, doodling in a notebook as I tried to think of ways to non-violently get back at Sebastian but so far, I had no ideas. I heard the door open and Santana walked in "Hey, what are you doing?" She asked, coming to sit opposite me "Trying to keep the flames from shooting out the side of my face" I said exasperatedly, smiling up at her softly "Well, that outfit isn't helping" I chuckled, looking down at what I was wearing "It's not that bad, maybe I should've rethought the sequin-lining on the sweater?" I said with a soft smile. I sighed, resting my head on my hand "I agree with Artie. I'm tired of being stepped on all the time. I take a lot of crap from a lot of people—I mean I'm ginger for God's sake. But I refuse to take it from Sebastian the Criminal Chipmunk, so I've been sitting here for the last hour, making a list of ways to get back at him" "Well, today is your lucky day, because
Auntie Snixx just arrived at the Bitchtown Express. Now, my suggestion is that we drag him bound and gagged to a tattoo parlor for a tramp stamp that reads 'Tips Appreciated' or 'Congratulations, You're My 1,000th
Customer!'" Santana suggested, I couldn't honestly tell if she was joking or not "I want to hurt him. Like, really bad. I just don't know how" I said with a soft sigh "You know what, carrot top? I don't think we're going to beat Sebastian by playing dirty—I want to go to a college that isn't a FEMA trailer in a prison yard, and you can't exactly be a photographer inside a jail cell, so let's take the high road. We are going to beat him, just not violently" I nodded my head as she told me the plan.
Sitting in an armchair beside Blaine's bed, I read out a magazine to him. He had an eye patch on, making him look a bit like a pirate but it was cute "Miss Jolie, a dramatic directorial debut, expects her second feature to have far more honey than blood" I read aloud, cutting myself off when I heard the door open. Smiling warmly at Finn, Kurt, and Rachel, they came in and made themselves comfortable "Hey! Hey, guys" Blaine said excitedly "We brought you chicken noodle soup. I know it's not used to typically help eye injuries, but we figured it couldn't hurt" Rachel said, holding up a large thermos, before putting it down and taking her jacket off "And I brought you a couple of eye-patch-featuring flicks from my collection. I got, uh, Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, Valkyrie, and Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow" Finn said, handing Blaine the DVD "Aw, thank you, guys. It's so amazing, it really means a lot to me that you'd come by to check up on me" Blaine said, smiling warmly at them, but then he turned to Kurt "However, I cannot let a single moment pass without first raising a zero-calorie toast to one Mr. Kurt Hummel, aka NAYDA finalist" Blaine said, fishing out a couple of champagne flutes from his bedside table "You keep champagne flutes in your room?" Kurt asked confusedly as he poured champagne into the flutes "What? You don't?" He said attempting to wink but it didn't really work with the eye patch. There was an awkward tension in the room as he handed out the flutes but Blaine—ever oblivious—didn't pick up on it "So, Blaine, uh, when's the surgery?" Finn asked, quickly changing the subject "This week" Blaine said with a heavy sigh "Honestly, I'm terrified" "Don't sweat it, dude. You'll heal up good as new" Finn said reassuringly "Yeah, and there are tons of legendary performers who've only had one eye: Sammy Davis, Jr. Columbo" Rachel said, listing them off on her fingers "And Stevie Wonder, he did pretty good with no eyes at all" Finn added "You guys, I'm really upset that I'm missing Michael Week. It just totally sucks" Blaine said sadly. I reached out, threading my fingers through his and squeezing his hand comfortingly "Well that's why we figured we'd bring a little Michael to you" Kurt said, handing Rachel a kazoo. Rachel blew a note on it and we started to sing.
Ben — Michael Jackson (Sung By Naya, Kurt, Rachel & Finn)
"I'm sorry guys, I have to go," I said, standing up. I turned to Finn, Kurt, and Rachel "Look after him for me?" They nodded their heads and I bent down, kissing Blaine gently on the lips "I love you" I said, straightening up "I love you too" He said, waving at me as I left the room. I ran down the stairs and out of Blaine's house.
I arrived at the place where I was to meet Sebastian. I got there at the same time as they did and all of my nervousness flushed away and turned into anger when I saw his smirking face "Hey, Andrew McCarthy! Don't know if you heard but Blaine may lose an eye. The same Blaine who was just besties with most of you not four months ago" I said as I strutted up to the boys in blue blazers "Wait, are you serious? Is he gonna be okay?" One of the Warblers asked concernedly "Well, sure, if he doesn't care about seeing in three dimensions" I said sarcastically "Trent, I got this" Sebastian said coldly to the other Warbler "Bummer about Blaine, he was pretty. He shouldn't have gotten in the way, though. That slushie was meant for you" "You may look like the villain out of a cheesy '80s high school movie, but you should know that we are fully prepared to go all Danny LaRusso on your ass" I said, stepping closer to Sebastian "Admit you put something in that slushie" I said "What was it, huh? Glass? Asphalt?" "Red dye number six" "You're a liar," I said angrily. Sebastian smirked and turned to the Warblers "She questioned my honor" He said incredulously "I demand satisfaction in Warbler traditional" "You want to have a duel?" I asked "Cello guys, can you hang back for a second? We're gonna need you for this one" I said "Everyone else, clear out. I don't want you to see me make a girl cry" Sebastian said "Let's just keep this on point"
Smooth Criminal — Michael Jackson (Sung By Sebastian & Naya)
Uh, as he came into the window
It was the sound of a crescendo (Uh!)
He came into her apartment
He left the bloodstains on the carpet (Uh!)
She ran underneath the table
He could see she was unable
So she ran into the bedroom
She was struck down, It was her doom
Annie, are you okay?
So, Annie are you okay?
Are you okay, Annie?
Annie, are you okay?
So, Annie are you okay?
Are you okay, Annie?
Annie, are you okay?
So, Annie are you okay?
Are you okay, Annie?
Annie, are you okay?
So, Annie are you okay?
[Naya & Sebastian (Sebastian)]
Are you okay, Annie? Annie, are you okay Would you tell us that you're okay? (Uh!)
There's a sign in the window
That he struck you - a crescendo, Anile
He came into your apartment
He left the bloodstains on the carpet (Uh!)
And then you ran into the bedroom
You were struck down
It was your doom
Annie, are you okay?
So, Annie are you okay?
Are you okay, Annie?
Annie, are you okay?
So, Annie are you okay?
Are you okay, Annie?
[Naya & Sebastian]
Annie, are you okay?
Are you okay, Annie?
You've been hit by
You've been hit by
[Naya & Sebastian]
A smooth criminal
Uh, So they came into the outway
It was Sunday—What a black day, (Uh!)
Mouth-to-mouth resuscitation
Sounding heartbeats, intimidations
Annie, are you okay?
So, Annie are you okay?
Are you okay, Annie?
Annie, are you okay?
So, Annie are you okay?
Are you okay, Annie?
Annie, are you okay?
So, Annie are you okay?
Are you okay, Annie?
Annie, are you okay?
So, Annie are you okay?
[Naya & Sebastian (Sebastian)]
Are you okay, Annie?
Annie, are you okay?
Would you tell us that you're okay?
There's a sign in the window
That he struck you—a crescendo, Annie He came into your apartment
He left the bloodstains on the carpet (U)
And then you ran into the bedroom
You were struck down
It was your doom
Annie, are you okay?
Are you okay, Annie?
You've been hit by
You've been struck by
[Naya & Sebastian]
A smooth criminal
[Naya & (Sebastian) {With Sebastian}]
I don't know! (Annie, are you okay?)
(Will you tell us that you're okay?)
(There's a sign in the window)
don't know! (That he struck you—a crescendo, Annie)
I don't know! (He came into your apartment)
I don't know! (Left the bloodstains on the carpet)
I don't know why baby! (Then you ran into the bedroom)
I don't know! (You were struck down)
(It was your doom)
(Annie, are you okay?)
Dang, gone it—Baby! (Will you tell us, that you're okay?)
Dang, gone it—Baby! (There's a sign in the window)
Dang, gone it—baby! (That he struck you—A crescendo, Annie)
Hoo! Hoo! (He came into your apartment)
Dang, gone it! (Left bloodstains on the carpet, uh!)
Hoo! Hoo! (Then you ran into the bedroom)
Dang gone it! (You were struck down)
(It was your doom, Annie!)
You've been hit by
[Naya & Sebastian]
You've been struck by
A smooth criminal.
"I was better," I said, slightly out of breath "You weren't even close," He said, turning away from me "I was better! Now tell me the truth. What did you put in that slushie?" I said following him as the Warblers walked in "Rock salt. But it's okay" Sebastian said nonchalantly "Why is it okay? I just told you that Blaine had to have surgery" I said angrily "It's okay because I didn't put anything in this one" He said, turning around to face us with two slushies. He chucked them on us and walked out.
"Come on, everyone in," I said, ushering the Glee Club into the choir room with Santana "Come on before Mr. Schue gets here," Santana said as everyone finally got in the room "Brittany, lock the door" "I don't know how to do that" "Um, what's going on?" Rachel asked confusedly "We've got the Warblers right where we want them," I said, smirking at Santana  "And because he's the smoothest criminal I know, Artie was able to find a spy store that sells top-secret surveillance equipment," Santana said, linking her arm through mine "Not top-secret, I just got a couple of tape recorders from OfficeMax" Artie clarified "Okay, okay, whatever," Santana said as I dug out the recorder from my pocket "In any case, I taped them to my underboob when I went to Dalton, and we got Sebastian on tape admitting that there was rock salt in that slushie that blinded Blaine" I explained, wiggling the tape recorder for them all to see "Now, all we have to do is send this tape to the po-po, and that little bitchlet is headed to juvie," Santana said, high-fiving me again before pressing play on the recording "I was better! Now tell the truth. What did you put in that slushie?" "Rock salt"
"No. No, we're not doing that" Kurt said frustratedly "Why not? This isn't violent or anything. This is clever. She taped it to her underboob" Santana exclaimed, annoyed "So, he gets kicked out of school. The Warblers still do Michael, and they still beat us" "Look, I want to see Sebastian's head-turning on a spit. But I suppressed that urge and instead, I did this. And, with all due respect you're not his girlfriend, the one who the slushie was meant for. It's my fault Blaine got slushied, so it's my responsibility to make up for it, in the way I want!" I said angrily, crossing my arms as Kurt came and stood with us "I understand that Naya, but Blaine wouldn't want you to resort to this. He would want you to do what you are best at...singing. If Michael went after all the haters, he would never have had any time to do all that amazing music. So, we're not gonna punish the Warblers. We're gonna teach them a lesson, and I think I know how, sound good, Naya?"  "Fine, but if this doesn't work. I'm going straight to the police. Deal?" I said, holding my hand out to Kurt. He shook it and nodded his head "Deal" He said happily "I've reserved the auditorium, so if you all just follow me" Kurt said, running towards the door "Wait, if Kurt would have taped this to his junk, I would never have heard the end of it. We would have had a whole week of songs about it" Santana exclaimed in disbelief. Brittany and I both put our arms around her shoulders and hugged her closely "I seriously appreciate you doing this for me though Santana. Oh, and tell Snixx I said thanks too" I said, smiling warmly at her, "She says you're welcome," Santana said begrudgingly as Brittany and I lead her out of the room.
The Warblers showed up at our auditorium the next day like we had requested, sauntering in like they owned the place "Nice of you to show" Artie said bitterly as I pushed him onto the stage with the New Directions trailing after us "Is whatever this is going to take long? I can't stand the stench of public schools" Sebastian said snobbily "It won't take long, and all you have to do is sit and listen" Quinn said, putting her hands on her hips. The Warblers sat down in the front row, doing as they were told and I smirked "We're not doing Michael for Regionals" Artie said concededly "I didn't think you'd surrender that easily" Sebastian said cockily "We're tired of the fighting and the backstabbing" "We're show choirs. We're supposed to be supportive of each other" Kurt said, placing a hand on my shoulder "This is what we call taking the high road, which I was shocked to find out has nothing to do with marijuana" Puck said, in surprise "Just because you're doing Michael doesn't mean you understand Michael" Artie said matter-of-factly "And you do?" Sebastian asked incredulously "Yes and we're about to show you," Mercedes said confidently "You see, unlike you, we are actually about each other more than winning. We're a family. You're just a group of bitter boys that can't stand the thought of anyone being better than you. We love each other, no matter what. And that is a concept none of you will ever grasp" I said before nodding at the band and the music starting to play.
Black Or White — Michael Jackson (Sung By The New Directions)
During the song, all of the Warblers except Sebastian got up and joined us on stage, singing with us happily. When the song ended everyone cheered happily, much to Sebastian's annoyance. He clapped slowly, long after we had all
stopped "Very moving," He said sarcastically "Come on, Sebastian. Give it up" One of the Warblers said and I smiled at him appreciatively, placing a hand on his arm "That is the kind of attitude that lost us Regionals last year," Sebastian said frustratedly "Naya and I could call the cops, or your headmaster and get you kicked out of school or even arrested for assaulting Blaine with that slushie," Santana said threateningly. Sebastian smirked cockily, getting comfortable in his seat "All of this would be just awfully terrifying if you had any proof whatsoever" Sebastian said, faking being scared. I scoffed loudly, fishing the tape recorder out of my pocket and stepping forward "You mean like you on tape admitting to it?" I said, smirking as I saw his smile fade "But you know what? It just wouldn't be as much fun winning Regionals if you weren't there to suffer through all the agony of defeat" I chucked the recorder at Sebastian's head, frowning when he caught it with ease "At least now, all your teammates get to know exactly what kind of guy you are" Santana said, smiling sweetly and slinging her arm around my shoulders "Now get the hell out of my auditorium" Artie said sternly. Sebastian sighed and stood up "School's out," Artie said, wheeling away from Sebastian as the bell rang.

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