𝐃𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐒𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐛𝐨𝐝𝐲

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How Will I Know — Whitney Houston (Sung By Mercedes, Kurt, Naya, Rachel & Santana)
Rachel and Mercedes were arguing about Whitney. Honestly, this argument had been going on for ages now and Kurt was just as fed up with it as I was. I leaned my head on his shoulder and sighed, continuing to listen to them "It was written for Diana Ross" Mercedes insisted "No, Mercedes, you are wrong, okay? The Bodyguard was originally written for Barbra Streisand" Rachel said firmly. Poor Artie was stuck in between them and tried to push Rachel back a bit as she leaned over him. I reached forward, grabbing the handlebars of Artie's wheelchair and pulling him back as far as he could go before hitting the elevated floor behind him. He smiled up at me thankfully when he realized he was no longer stuck in the crossfire "Actually, Rachel, it was supposed to be Diana Ross—and Steve McQueen, back in the '70s" Mr. Schue said, shutting up Rachel "Thank you Mr. Schue" Mercedes said loudly "I've been doing some research to prepare for this week's lesson" Mr.
Schue said writing 'Whitney' on the whiteboard "Oh, my God, yes! It's about time we did a Whitney tribute!" Rachel said, excitedly clapping her hands "Are we sure that's appropriate?" Sam asked and I spun around in my seat, slapping his knee "You did not just ask that" Mercedes said incredulously "I just mean, didn't Whitney kind of have a lot of problems?" Sam asked innocently but I still frowned at him "She had a hard life, Sam. And?" Mercedes said, raising her eyebrows "Look, this week isn't about passing judgment on Whitney. It's about celebrating her legacy, honoring her memory, and her accomplishments" Mr.
Schue said, pacing around the classroom "Which I will happily list for you" Kurt said, pointing his finger as if about to list them. Blaine reached out, grabbing his hand and stopping him "Kurt, I love you, but no one wants you to do that" I said, patting his knee "But I also want you guys to use her songs to get underneath your own feelings. To express and explore what's really going on with you" Mr. Schue said vaguely "I don't get it, Mr. Shue. What's really going on with us?" Finn asked confusedly "Well, for most of you, these next few weeks will be your last here at McKinley. Lots of changes coming up, lots of saying goodbye. To your friends, to your significant others, to the last four years of your life. For a young person, all that transition can be overwhelming. So it's easier to focus on other things. Like not being able to say goodbye to Whitney Houston" My jaw dropped when I realized what he was insinuating. Could we really not be sad about someone's death without it having connotations to what's happening at McKinley? "What are you talking about?" Santana asked, outraged and narrowing her eyes. at Mr. Schue "Santana, it's okay. I get it. You're hanging on to Whitney because it's difficult to handle the upheaval in your own lives" "We're hanging on to Whitney because she was incredible and we love her, so don't put your baggage on us" Santana retorted "You guys, Mr. Shue's attempt to understand us, though misguided, doesn't matter. What matters is that I start rehearsing Whitney's version of 'The Star-Spangled Banner' immediately. It is the Mount Everest of anthems" Rachel said, smiling excitedly.
"Do you know how thrilled I am for this week's assignment? The number of photo opportunities this could present, the amount of emotion that will be captured in those photographs? Amazing" I said to Blaine, coming up beside him at his locker "I'm going to Between the Sheets to find music, as much as I want to take just take photographs, I have to sing as well. I could do 'So Emotional' which was written for my dramatic ass, or 'One Moment in Time' because, it's just an amazing song" "Well, you can't really go wrong" Blaine said, shrugging his shoulders "Ugh, it's such a hard decision, they're all such fabulous songs. You'll come with me, right? To help me pick out a song?" I asked hopefully "Well, I can't today," Blaine said dismissively. I frowned slightly and leaned against the other lockers "Okay. Babe" I said sadly "Well, just text me when you're done," Blaine said, closing his locker and then walking away "Will do" I muttered to myself as I watched his back.
At Between the Sheets, I scavenged through all of Whitney Houston's songs, but none of them really felt right. I flicked through one of the books they had as someone approached me "Excuse me? I'm so sorry to bother you, but I just wanted to say that I love your camera" A boy, about my age, said, coming up to me and gesturing to my camera that hung around my neck. He had short brownish-blonde hair and bright green eyes "Thanks," I said smiling warmly at the boy "That model is one of the best, you must get compliments on it all the time," He said, stepping closer "Not really, no one notices it, and when they do they get bored when I start rambling," I said, shrugging my shoulders "Natalia Vasquez," I said, introducing myself and extending my hand out to the boy "Jaxson Hyland," The boy said, accepting the handshake "I got to North Lima High, and I have to hand in my photography portfolio next week for my Arts elective, and my camera just broke. I've dying to get one like yours, where did you get it?" "Oh, I'm really sorry but I don't know, my older sister got it for me a couple of years ago at Christmas," I said, smiling apologetically "Don't worry about it, I'm sure I'll find it somewhere," He said, smiling back at me "How come you're here, in a music shop if you're a photographer?" I asked, putting the book in my hands down "Oh, I'm also in my Glee Club at school, preparing for our Regionals tomorrow" He said, picking up the book I had just discarded "That's so cool! I'm in the Glee Club at my school too, we had our Regionals a couple of weeks ago, and we won" I said, smirking slightly "Wow, you must be talented then" He said winking "Pretty, good photographer and a good singer, not a combination you see every day" "Stop it, you're making me blush" I said playfully "Then I should quit while I'm ahead. Nice to meet you, Natalia Vasquez, I'm sure you're going to nail whatever song you're looking for" Jaxson said, gesturing to the songs in front of me "Thank you, good luck on your Regionals!" I said cheerfully, patting his arm. He smiled at me and raised an eyebrow "Can I get your number?" He asked hopefully "Oh—uh—I don't know. I have a boyfriend" I said apprehensively "Oh, come on, we photographers have gotta stick together" He said with a wink. I chuckled and found myself nodding my head "Uh, yeah sure then"
I Wanna Dance With Somebody {Who Loves Me} — Whitney Houston (Sung By Brittany & Santana)
Somehow by the end of the song we had ended up in the auditorium and Santana and Brittany was in Whitney-esque outfits "Obviously, I like dancing with Santana best, but you guys are all still cool dancers. And Quinn, you're still dancing in my dreams. And you can fly and breathe fire"
Rachel came running up to me at my locker, frustrated "Oh, my God, I've been practicing Whitney Houston's version of 'The Star Spangled Banner' all night, and I still can't sing it" She said, leaning against the lockers beside mine "You're just realizing this now? I'm surprised anyone's attempted it after she nailed it to the wall" Rachel frowned at me and I chuckled as my phone vibrated "I'm just joking, I'm sure you'll nail it" I smiled down at the message from Jaxson. Rachel noticed my smile and poked my stomach "Oh, I know what that is. Finn sends me cute text messages all the time. Usually, they're puns about my boobs, but I still appreciate the effort" Rachel said as I typed a reply "It's not from Blaine" I quickly said, "Th—Then who is it?" She asked, straightening up "He's just a guy. I met him at Between the Sheets. His name is Jaxson and he's a photographer. He—He's nice" I said, stumbling over my words slightly "And what did Mr. Between the Sheets say then?" Rachel asked, linking her arm through mine. I hesitated before replying "Nothing. We just joke around. It's sweet" I said, shrugging my shoulders. Rachel gave me a look and I caved, tilting my phone towards her "Okay, alright. I'm... 'Are you an astronaut? Because your smile is out of this world" Rachel snatched my phone out of my hand and gasped "Oh! Are you kidding me?" She said as she scrolled through our messages "Naya, you have been going at this with him for two days now?" "It's nothing" I insisted "It's—it's just fun. He makes me feel good" "Blaine is supposed to make you feel good," She said, handing my phone back to me "You said that Finn sends you cute text messages every day? Does he compliment you? Constantly trying to get in your pants?" I asked, trying to make a point "Yeah, he's an 18-year-old boy" Rachel answered, crossing her arms. I sighed and closed my locker, fiddling with my necklace from Blaine that hung around my neck "Have you ever heard of lesbian bed death?" I asked her, leaning in closer "No" "It's when two lesbians date for long enough, they become like sisters" I explained "Now I know Blaine and I aren't the same gender or sex but Blaine and I are like an old married couple—a fabulous old married couple, like Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward. But I don't think we've had an unscheduled make-out session in, like, a month" "You schedule make-out sessions?" Rachel asked incredulously "The point is I love Blaine and—and Blaine loves me, but he doesn't exactly make me blush with his texts right now. W—What's the harm of someone making me feel special if it's all innocent?" I said, shrugging my shoulders "Okay, Would you show Blaine those text messages?" She asked, placing her hand on my shoulder "Of course not" I replied defensively "Then I guess it's not that innocent"
"Hey, some great Whitney songs so far this week, guys. I'm really proud of the way you guys have been conjuring up the emotions you feel towards her as we begin to move on and say goodbye" Mr.
Schue said to the class, leaning against the piano "Mr. Schue, I've been going with Quinn to her rehab this week. We started working on a Whitney song together that we'd like to share. Not sure how it's gonna help anyone say goodbye, but it's a song we both really dig" Joe said, standing up and grabbing a guitar.
Saving All My Love For You — Whitney Houston (Sung By Joe & Quinn)
So Emotional — Whitney Houston (Sung By Rachel & Santana)
During the song, Jaxson kept sending me messages and I covered my mouth to stop myself from laughing and I think Blaine noticed.
Walking into my room with a cheese plate in hand, I was excited to be finally spending some time with Blaine. It felt like we had hardly seen each other lately, and to be honest I missed him "Hey, I got the cheese plate. Our Being Bobby Brown marathon can officially begin" I said, placing the plate on the bed "Who's Jaxson?" Blaine asked suddenly. My eyebrows furrowed and looked up from the plate and at him, seeing my phone in his hands "Why are you going through my phone?" I asked, straightening up "I'm not going through your phone. It's just that it keeps buzzing because Jaxson keeps texting you. 'Thad to make my aperture smaller because you are gorgeously bright" I tried to take the phone from him but he moved further away "'Can you sing into my voicemail? I want to make your voice my ringtone'" "Give me my phone" I said, holding my hand out for it. Blaine stood up off the bed and moved further away from me "There are literally dozens of texts between the two of you. Do you know how many times you've texted me in the past two days? Four, and three of them were about what Whitney Houston's favorite color is so you could wear a dress that color when singing your song" He said, frowning "Why are you getting so upset? This is, this is all innocent" I said, trying to calm him down "This is cheating, Naya" He said frustratedly "No, babe, this is texting. Okay, he is just a guy I met at the music store who liked my camera. Nothing happened, I swear" I said, stepping closer to him. A pit of regret and guilt started to swell in my stomach, I didn't know that giving him my number was going to turn into this, I thought he just wanted photography tips or camera information, but then the pick-up lines started coming in. I tried to reach out and take his hand but he pulled it away and I felt my heart break, I couldn't lose him "You used to text Sebastian all the time. You would call him, even" "But I didn't like him, and all of those texts were family-friendly. You like this guy" "I don't like him the way I love you. I like the way he makes me feel. I mean, when was the last time that you complimented me or told me how special I was?" I said, sitting down on the edge of my bed "I transferred schools to be with you" "No you didn't. You transferred schools for Kurt" "No! I did it because you said to do what would make me happy, and when I first met you, I had this feeling that you would make me happy, so I moved here!" "Well, that's how I felt when we first met too, but lately, I don't—I've felt like you've been ignoring me. I've felt alone" "Then talk to me. Tell me that you're unhappy, but don't cheat on me" "I didn't cheat on you! Yes, I gave him my number. But I genuinely thought he just wanted, I don't know, photography tips or camera information or something like that. I didn't know he was going to start sending pick-up lines. But that doesn't matter because I don't like him, Blaine. I love you, I love you not him. I'm—I'm really sorry if this made you upset, but it's—it's—it's okay" "It's not right but it's okay" He said sadly before walking off.
"This song is for anyone that's ever been cheated on," Blaine said in Glee Club the next day. He gave me a pointed look. I sighed quietly and crossed my arms "This is insane, I didn't cheat on you!" I exclaimed, trying to ignore the shocked looks from my classmates "Cheetahs have the fastest land speed of any living animal" Brittany said, adorably oblivious to the situation.
It's Not Right But It's Okay — Whitney Houston (Sung By Blaine & The New Directions)
After the song, Blaine walked out and I could see the tears in his eyes. I felt my heart shatter and knew I had messed up. Burying my face in my hands, I felt someone tap my back. I flinched slightly and got up, walking out after Blaine.
When school was over, I didn't go home
Instead, I went straight to Lauren's house. I knocked on her door frantically waiting for her to answer it. The door swung open and Jordan was there "Jordan, is Moriah home?" I asked hopefully "Yeah, she's in the kitchen," He said, stepping aside so I could go in. I practically ran through their house and once I spotted my sister I threw my arms forcefully around her "Whoa! Naya! Is everything okay?" She asked, hugging me back "No, no I messed up. I messed up so badly. Blaine, he—he's gonna go. I'm gonna lose him and it's all my fault. I messed up and I don't know what to do. You—you have to help me, tell me what to do. I can't lose him, Mo, I can't, I really can't" I said, breathing heavily "O—Okay, okay, calm down," She said, grabbing my hand and pulling me up to her room. She sat down on her bed and pulled me down beside her. She placed her hands on my shoulders and took a deep breath "Okay, calm down, take a deep breath and tell me what's going on" "Blaine and I are on the rocks. And it's entirely my fault. I messed up" I said Boeing my head "Alright, why don't you explain to me how you messed up, so I can help you fix it" "Lately he's just been acting so—so, I don't know how to explain. He's just not been happy, not wanting to spend time with me or whatever. So, I was feeling lonely and I went to Between the Sheets, you know the music shop, and I met a guy there. He liked my camera, we talked about photography and his school's Regionals and he complimented me and it just made me feel good, you know, feel appreciated. Then he asked me for my number and I gave it to him, honestly thinking he just wanted to be friends and ask questions about cameras and all that jazz. But then- then he started sending these pick-up lines and I don't know I found myself sending them back. It's such a not-me thing to do. It's like some completely different horrible person took over my body. I love Blaine with all of my heart, he's everything I've ever wanted and more, I would never, ever, purposefully cheat on him. But then he found the messages and got really upset and he was convinced I had cheated on him. Personally, I didn't think it was cheating, but I understand where he was coming from. Then he sang a song about it in Glee, and now—ugh—I've just ruined our entire relationship" I said, burying my face in my hands "Naya, you're right. You're right. You messed up" "Real helpful, Moriah" "Let me finish. You messed up, but you know you messed up. You know you've done something wrong and you just need to apologize, you need to keep apologizing and remind him how much you love him. You need to make him feel like he can trust you again, and he'll know he can trust you. Naya, you're the kindest, most trustworthy person I know. He knows this isn't who you are. I'll be honest, I have no idea how you can make this up to him. But what I do know is that you know what to do, deep down in the very pits of that loving heart of yours, you know what to do. You're just too scared of losing him to listen to what your heart's telling you to do.
You've always moved so fast Naya, it's time to just slow down a bit"
I Have Nothing — Whitney Houston (Sung By Naya)
Share my life, take me for what I am
'Cause I'll never change all my colors for you
Take my love, I'll never ask for too much
Just all that you are and everything that you do
I don't really need to look very much further
I don't wanna have to go where you don't follow
I won't hold it back again, this passion inside
Can't run from myself, there's nowhere to hide
But don't make me close one more door
I don't wanna hurt anymore
Stay in my arms if you dare
Or must I imagine you there
Don't walk away from me
I have nothing, nothing, nothing
If I don't have you, you, you, you, you
You see through, right to the heart of me
You break down my walls with the strength of your love, mm
I never knew love like I've known it with you
Will a memory survive, one I can hold on to
I don't really need to look very much further
I don't wanna have to go where you don't follow
I won't hold it back again, this passion inside
I can't run from myself, there's nowhere to hide
Your love, I'll remember forever
But don't make me close one more door
I don't wanna hurt anymore
Stay in my arms if you dare
Or must I imagine you there
Don't walk away from me
I have nothing, nothing, nothing
Don't make me close one more door
I don't wanna hurt anymore
Stay in my arms if you dare
Or must I imagine you there
Don't walk away from me, no
Don't walk away from me
Don't you dare walk away from me
I have nothing, nothing, nothing
If I don't have you, you
If I don't have you, oh you.
I sang the song with as much emotion as I could muster, trying my hardest to convey how much I loved Blaine and how sorry I was for hurting him. When I finished, the class clapped, but I didn't care about their reactions. I kept my eyes glued on Blaine, as they had been for most of the song. His eyes were glassy with tears and his mouth was straight, not smiling but not frowning. He lifted his hands and clapped gently before pressing his hands to his mouth. I could see the cogs in his brain whirring, trying to work out what to do.
"I'm a little confused as to what we're doing here," Blaine said as we sat in Ms.
P's office. I adjusted slightly in my seat and smiled gently at Ms. P "Well, um, Kurt came to me saying, that the two of you might need a little couple's counseling" Ms. P explained "I'm gonna kill him" I muttered under my breath "Are you qualified for that?" Blaine asked "Not really. Or at all. But Sam and Mercedes came to talk to me, and you know, I—I think they found it pretty helpful" Ms. P said smiling hopefully "I thought they broke up" I said confusedly "Yeah—yeah I'm pretty sure they broke up" Blaine said, glancing hesitantly in my direction "Gosh, they seemed like such a good fit, too, right? Brutal honesty is the cornerstone of any relationship. I want you to feel like this is a safe space for you to air your differences" Ms. P said, smiling warmly at the two of us "Okay. Well, uh, first Naya had been texting this guy, and I got really upset. Although, a while back, I was sort of doing the same thing" "With a guy that almost blinded him" I said bitterly "But I'm not angry, I'm here so we can sort things out so...yeah. Anyway, Blaine, I sang you a song to express my regrets" "Okay, if we're here, to be brutally honest, there are a few things that I'd like to change" Blaine said frustratedly "I'm listening" I said, crossing my arms "Well, Naya tends to tell her sister everything even some private issues like our—our you know love life" "Okay, I hear you. I will refrain from telling Moriah about our matters" "Also, please stop slipping bronzer into my moisturizer" "You look good with a little color, I mean, you look good all the time, but especially with a little color" "I only use lotion on my hands. It looks weird if a person just has tan hands" "Okay, Naya, wouldn't you love Blaine just as much if he didn't have tan hands?" "And while we're being perfectly honest, I don't like that with every conversation, we end up always talking about your parents" "You brought it up last time!" "No, that came out wrong, I don't like how it always seems like we end up talking about how alone they make you feel. I'm constantly trying to make you feel loved, and not alone or anything similar to that but nothing I do seems to be good enough and it's kind of bumming me out" "Are you seriously trying to make my mental health about you?" "No, it came out wrong again. I'm trying to express that I don't feel good enough for you! I was kind of using your parents as an outlet then but obviously, it didn't come out how I wanted it to. I love you Naya, but sometimes I can't help but feel like you shouldn't love me back. You are right I have been distant and I'm sorry. But I'm just. trying to practice what life is going to be like without you, when you inevitably realize that your too good for me and go to Jaxson" He said, his voice becoming choked up "Blaine, you are good enough, we're both good enough for each other. I love you not him, you are the perfect person for me, you have been since the day we met. I don't know what I would do without you, you're my rock. I'm never, ever, going to up and leave you for Jaxson, or anyone else. You're the one person in my life holding me together. I am broken, but you make me feel fixed, make me feel whole. I can promise you, right here, right now, that I will never cheat on you again, I will never leave you and I will always love you. You are the love of my life and know we're young and we haven't been dating for as long as, say, Mike and Tina, but I know for a fact that I love you and that you are my soulmate. You are good enough" "You're the love of my life too," He said taking my hand "I love you so much" "I love you too"
"I love the curls in your hair today, you look like a movie star," Blaine said, apprehensively approaching me at my locker. I blushed slightly and smiled at him as my phone buzzed in my pocket "It's not Jaxson" I said quickly, taking my phone out of my pocket "I swear I told him not to text me anymore" "I know, It's from me" He said, I glanced up at him with a soft smile and then back down at my phone, checking the message "How unscheduled of you" I said with a smirk once I had finished reading the message "But what about Glee practice?" "No one will be there. Mr. Schue said it wasn't mandatory, so Rachel and Kurt are prepping their NADA pieces, Finn's at the shop, Quinn's getting physical therapy, and Puck's driving Gomer for a sale on chlorine. Everyone is going their own way" My smirk softened into a smile and I looked up at him, gazing into his eyes "Come on. Let's blow it off" "But it's Glee. I mean, we only have so many left with everyone" I said, taking his hand and pulling him to the auditorium.
My Love Is Your Love — Whitney Houston (Sung By Artie, Mercedes & The New Directions)

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