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Cheering and applause rang out through the choir room. We were going to Sectionals! We had the choir room and the auditorium back! Everything was normal again! And I couldn't have been happier. Finn went up to the front of the classroom and write 'Regionals!!' on the board, evoking another round of applause and cheers "Alright, people, we are back! First of all, big props to Sam, Blaine, and Naya for all their hard work to make this happen-" "Blamaya" Sam whispered, fist-bumping Blaine and I "-But there's no time to celebrate. We just lost three weeks of prep time for Regionals, and we still have to raise $400 to pay for the bus to get to the competition in Indianapolis" "It's the Paris of Indiana" Artie said excitedly "I propose a bake sale" "Yes! Finn! I love you! That is an amazing idea! I love cakes!" I shouted jumping up and high-fiving him. Everyone looked at me confusedly and I rubbed the back of my neck nervously before Blaine pulled me back to my seat in between him and Tina "It worked last time" Finn said when he realized I was the only one who was enthusiastic "Well, that's because Puck spiked the cupcakes with Mary Jane" Artie explained "I'd be willing to cut off my hair to sell it for extra cash" Joe offered kindly "To who? Jamaican kids with Rastafarian cancer? Or as rigging on a haunted pirate ship?" Kitty asked snidely "I could sell more of my semen" "Sam, no one wants that" I whispered to him quietly "This is silly. I know exactly how we're gonna get the money. 'The Men of McKinley' calendar. Let's face it this is the cutest crop of Glee boys we've ever had" Tina said, going up to the front. I had a slight nagging feeling that this was all a ploy to either get Blaine shirtless or spend more time with him—not that I could blame her, he was pretty cute "That's great. And it's January, so it's the perfect time to sell them" Marley said enthusiastically "There are six guys, so each one can take two months. I think Blaine should definitely be December. You can do a Santa thing but sexy. Sexy Claus" Tina said and Blaine shifted uncomfortably in his seat with a blush on his face "I'm in as long as I can take my shirt off," Sam said in a goofy voice "Wait, why does it have to be just the men? Why can't we objectify the girls, too?" Artie asked "Don't you think you boys do that enough? I personally heard you do it the other day, about a freshman—not only is it horrible considering she could be 14 but also because you're a senior" I said, reaching across Tina to poke Artie playfully "Besides girls are the ones that buy stuff. We're responsible for the consumer-driven economy. Those Twilight books are poop on paper, and we've turned them into a billion-dollar industry" Kitty pointed out "Team Jacob" Unique whispered, high-fiving Joe "Hell no, Team Edward all the way" I replied, crossing my arms "This could actually work. Tina...you're in charge. You can set up the photoshoots. Naya, your our photographer—you'll be taking the photos-" "What? Why Naya? Why can't I do this on my own?" "Tina I've been doing photography since I was like 7. I'm better than you would be and we need these photos to be good if we want to make the money" "Yeah, I get that but why you? I'm sure anyone else could be better than you, we've all seen your photos" "Excuse me? Why are you being so rude? I thought we were friends" "Well you thought wrong, we haven't been friends since you tried to steal Blaine away from me!" "What? He was my boyfriend first! And we're not even together at the moment!" "Oh, please. We all know he's going to go running back to you the second you ask him to!" "Oh, so your not even mad your just jealous!" "Okay, okay, ladies, let's stop. Tina, Naya is our photographer, she is the best one we've got and you're just going to have to deal with that. Now stop" I glared at her angrily and Blaine patted my knee comfortingly "Everybody else, pick your months and work on your concepts"
Blaine and I stood at his locker when Tina walked up to us. I rolled my eyes and ignored her presence, just as she ignored mine "Hey, Blaine. Will you please go to the mall with me after school? I want to go clothes shopping" Tina asked "Sure. Do you want to come Naya?" "Nope, gotta buy film for the photos tomorrow," I said, still ignoring Tina "Can you two make up already? I feel very caught in the middle" "I didn't do anything. She just suddenly blew up at me for being friends with you" I said, shrugging my shoulder "Well you-" "Oh sweet merciful lord" Blaine said, cutting Tina off. He wasn't looking at either of us but behind us. We both turned around and saw Sam, half-naked walking down the halls. My eyes widened in surprise and Blaine's hand flew up to cover my eyes "Only me you should be seeing like that" He said quietly so Tina wouldn't hear I scoffed and rolled my eyes under his hand "Not until Valentine's, I can look at anyone I want. You're probably enjoying the view, maybe I should be covering your eyes?" "Oh, ha, ha," He said, but he didn't move his hands from over my eyes "Don't you think we should maybe stop him before he gets in trouble?" Tina asked. Blaine removed his hands from my eyes and pulled both Tina and I over to Sam "Sam, what are you doing? It's January" Blaine said, doing a little nervous laugh "What do you mean? It's hot out there, you know? Sun's out, it's, like, way above freezing" He said, but we could all see him shivering a little "Are you sure you're not overcompensating a little?" Blaine asked, raising an eyebrow "Overcompensating for what?" Sam asked, pretending not to know what Blaine was talking about. "Your S.A.T. scores. We all heard that you tanked. But don't worry. There are re-tests" Blaine said, trying to be reassuring "You know what, dude? Like, if you choose to be jealous of my hard-core rockin' bod, that's on you" Sam said defensively "Uh, for the record, Blaine has an awesome body and a perky and delicious behind that looks like it got baked to perfection by some sort of master chef" Tina said "How would you know that Tina? Spend a lot of time staring? I know how I know what his body looks like, but is there something your not telling us?" I said. Tina blushed deeply and Blaine pulled me to the other side of him, away from Tina "Sam, I'm just looking out for you. I'm trying to be your friend" He said, trying to defuse the situation "Okay, well, then put down the Hatorade and come to my seminar this afternoon" "Your seminar?" "Yeah for the Men of McKinley calendar. It's a one-hour course entitled 'Modern Centrefold: Techniques that Work for Today's Hot Young Posers.' 3:30, locker room. No chicks"
Centerfold / Hot In Here — The J. Geils Band / Nelly (Sung By Sam, Jake, Blaine, Ryder, Kitty & Joe)
"You guys! You guys, that was amazing!
We are going to make so much money!"
Finn exclaimed excitedly.
It was time to take the photographs and first up was Blaine "Okay, lift the party hat off of your head, but keep the elastic around your head" I said, taking the picture "Alright, now take the champagne bottle and blow off the streamer things" He did what I asked, adjusting the waistband of his trousers and the bowtie collar around his neck. I did a small little wink at him and he blushed, making the photo that much better "And, lastly, Britt throw the streamers, Blaine put your hands on your hips" "So sexy" I heard Tina whisper from where she sat beside me. I rolled my eyes and snapped the photo. I then did Jake's photos, then Joe's, then Ryder's "Alright, give me sexy liberty," Tina said "Um, Tina, I'm taking the photographs, let me give the directions since I know what looks good, okay?" I said, shooting a glare in her direction "Ryder, take off the hat and do a little salute" "Alright, August is up next!" Tina announced when I was done with Ryder "Artie are you sure you don't want to pose?" "Oh, I'm happily posing with this bounce-board over here," Artie said as Sam went up "Okay, Sam. Turn to the side a little" I said "Why don't we do August with a few of the guys? Blaine, why don't you jump in with Sam? You're looking particularly cute today" Tina suggested and I rolled my eyes, she really was desperate to see him topless—but you know, I couldn't really blame her "As much as I don't want to admit it, she's right," I said with a shrug of my shoulders as I took another picture of Sam "I'll do it, too" Joe offered "No offense, Joe, but I don't really think you want to be in a shot next to me. My washboards are gonna make you look like a bloated white Bob Marley" Sam said rudely "Sam, don't be rude" I hissed "I'm as God made me, dude" Joe said defensively "Look, the reality is that we probably should have just done a Sam Evans calendar" "Yes, and every month we could see you dressed as a different brand of jerkwad" Artie said "Sam, look this is going to be great, I know what I'm doing" I said, coming out from behind the camera "No, you don't! If you did then this would be all me instead of them! And now look I've lost my pump, I need five minutes" He said, storming off to the side, Blaine followed after him.
Everyone was loving the calendars and the boys even decided to sign them. Girls were coming up outside of the choir room, waiting to get them signed. I even decided to buy one and get mine signed, just to help out. I had already gotten Artie and Sam to sign it and moved on to Blaine "Hi" I said, suddenly feeling a little shy. He smiled warmly at me and took the calendar from my hands. He uncapped his pen and wrote something, hiding it from me. He handed to calendar back and I read what he had written 'To My Teenage Dream. I Love You ~ Blaine'  I smiled softly at the message and nodded my head, blushing softly "You're so cheesy" I mumbled, shaking my head and biting my lip, trying to stop my blush from becoming more prominent "Not long until Valentine's" He said with a small wink. I failed at stopping my blush and felt my cheeks flush bright red as I nodded my head again "I'm pretty sure I've already made up my mind, but you know making you wait is just so much more fun" I said with a wink. Now it was his turn to blush and I moved on to get my calendar signed by Joe.
This Is The New Year — Ian Axel (Sung By The New Directions)

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