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"Glee Club!" Mr. Schue shouted, walking in with Finn to an eruption of cheers, applause, and wolf whistles "Mr. Schue, how was DC?" Artie asked excitedly. I went and stood by Blaine, smiling shyly at him as Mr. Schue spoke "DC was great, but now I am back to stay. And so, for my first order of business, I want to give a big shout-out to the guy who made sure I had something to come back to Mr. Finn Hudson. Now for this week's assignment..." He turned around writing something on the board 'Wedding!' "I hope it's Britney again" Brittany said hopefully as everyone did a drum roll "Miss. Pillsbury and I are finally getting married. Which makes me the happiest, luckiest man alive. Now, Emma has been handling all the prep, so to help out, I thought I'd take charge of the entertainment for the reception. And though this goes against tradition, it would mean the world to me and Emma if, instead of giving your best man's speech, Finn, you sing for us. What do you think?" Mr. Schue asked, smiling excitedly. Finn hesitated for a second but nodded his head "Uh uh, yeah, of course" Finn said reluctantly "Perfect. For everyone else who isn't out with Asian bird flu-" "It wasn't me" Tina said when Jake through her a pointed look "-It's a Valentine's Day wedding, which means, we need some great romantic love songs at the reception" "Wait, you want us to be your wedding singers?" "Tina, will you shut up? It's not your place to have an opinion on whether it's a good idea or not, it's Mr. Schue's so zip it" I said, narrowing my eyes at her "But that is so-" "Awesome" Blaine said, cutting Tina off and putting his hand on top of mine sneakily "We'd be honored" "Great. I have some great ideas"

It was Valentine's Day and the day of the wedding and I couldn't have been more excited

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It was Valentine's Day and the day of the wedding and I couldn't have been more excited. Blaine had picked me up at my house and when we arrived at the wedding we were quite early. So we did what any two people who loved each other did, we got in the back seat. He was lying down horizontally and I climbed on top of him "I have missed this" He said, cupping my face with his hands and bringing me closer to him, kissing me passionately. I smirked into the kiss and reached up to his bowtie, undoing it as his hands roamed up my skirt. I pulled away for a second, coming up for air "Had I known I was going to get groped in the back of a Prius, I would've brought a change of clothes. I'm gonna go in there looking life Prom: The Morning After" I said with a slight chuckle, I leaned back down kissing him again before pulling away again "What are we doing? We promised we were going to talk first" "Uh, that doesn't matter, it's still Valentine's Day, and last week you said I couldn't kiss you until Valentine's, not that I couldn't kiss you until we talked. You in this beautiful pink dress...it's my kryptonite" He said, reaching around me to unzip the back of my dress. I smirked, pulling him closer to me by his tie, and kissing him again "Wait, this doesn't mean we're back together though, we have to wait until we talk before you can say I'm yours again" I said, quickly as I unbuttoned his shirt "No, no, no, no yeah I get it, right now this is just, you know, we're just helping each other out" He said with a small chuckle. I kissed him again, reaching down to unbuckle his belt when someone started banging on the car door "If that's Tina, I swear..." I said bitterly as someone opened the door. Blaine reached up and quickly zipped up my dress as the door opened. His head dropped down, hanging upside down as I looked up at Mercedes "Hi, Mercedes" I said with an innocent smile "Hey, can you two wrap it up? The wedding is about to start and I need my friends" She said. Blaine and I both blushed deeply and scrambled out of the car. I slipped my shoes back on before helping Blaine do up his shirt and tie again whilst he did up his belt buckle "You do realize how trashy and blasphemous this is, right?" "Come on, Mercedes. Everybody hooks up at weddings"
I said, as I threw my coat on and flicked my hair out over my shoulders "Mm-hmm, let's go. This outfit needs an audience" She said, linking her arms through both mine and Blaine's.
We took our seats and I sat down beside
Blaine. He pressed a kiss to my cheek and when I gave him a surprised look, he simply just winked at me. I rolled my eyes and took his hand as Mr. Schue started singing.
Getting Married Today — Company (Sung By Will, Emma, Mercedes & The Wedding Congregation)
"That was weird" I whispered to Blaine "Usually the magic of Glee Club has us singing something more joyful, dude I have a bad feeling" "Dude?" "You know what I mean," I said as the Bridal Chorus started to play and the door to the church opened. Everyone turned in their seats to watch the bridesmaids and Becky walk down the aisle and just as Ms. P was going to come out, Sue came out instead. The music stopped abruptly and everyone gasped. She walked down the aisle in an exact copy of Ms. P's dress and had a smug smirk on her face. She even had a bouquet and a veil on. I took my hands away from Blaine and slapped them over my mouth in shock. Sue chuckled as she walked doing little spins and greeting very body "What the hell?" I mumbled as she walked past Blaine and I "Sue, what're you doing?" Mr. Schue asked frustratedly as Sue joined him at the altar "I'm trying to stop this from becoming an utter fiasco. Emma's left the building"
Mr. Schue decided to go ahead with the reception party and we tried to make the most of it. Blaine pulled me onto the dance floor, spinning me around and dipping me at every chance he got, and laughed. He suddenly stopped, staring at my neck "What? What is it?" I asked concernedly "You're wearing the necklace" He stated, smiling softly. I smiled back, glad that he had noticed the necklace—it was the one he had given me at Christmas in Junior year. Since I got it, I had worn it every day, but took it off when we broke up. I went looking for it last night, planning on surprising him with it. He reached up and tucked some of my hair behind my ear "You're wearing the earrings too" "Yeah I am, figured it felt right to put them back on" I said with a subtle blush. I grabbed his hand and rolled up his sleeve "You're wearing my bracelet" I pointed out, seeing the bracelet that I gave him that had "I love you - N' engraved on it. He leaned into me and tried to kiss me but I stopped him "Uh-uh, we slipped up earlier but we have to be good, no kissing until we talk. You found a loophole in my words earlier, well now there are no loopholes" "You're killing me here Naya" "It'll all be over soon, now come on. It's our turn to sing" I said, grabbing his hand and pulling him onto the stage. There were cheers as the music started, and I smiled brightly.
Shallow — Lady Gaga & Bradley Cooper (Sung By Blaine & Naya)
Tell me somethin', girl
Are you happy in this modern world?
Or do you need more?
Is there somethin' else you're searchin' for?
I'm fallin'
In all the good times
I find myself longing for change
And, in the bad times, I fear myself
Tell me something, boy
Aren't you tired tryna fill that void?
Or do you need more?
Ain't it hard keepin' it so hardcore?
I'm falling
In all the good times
I find myself longing for change
And, in the bad times, I fear myself
I'm off the deep end, watch as I dive in
I'll never meet the ground
Crash through the surface where they can't hurt us
We're far from the shallow now
[Blaine & Naya]
In the sha-ha, sha-hallow
In the sha-ha, sha-la-la-la-low
In the sha-ha, sha-hallow
We're far from the shallow now
Oh, ha, ah, ha
Oh-ah, ha
I'm off the deep end, watch as I dive in
I'll never meet the ground
Crash through the surface where they can't hurt us
We're far from the shallow now
[Blaine & Naya]
In the sha-ha, shallow
In the sha-ha, sha-la-la-la-low
In the sha-ha, shallow
We're far from the shallow now.
We took the microphones out of the stands and danced around the stage together. I spotted Tina at her table, glaring directly at me. I did a little wave at her and winked before Blaine grabbed my hand and spun me around. When the song ended we headed off the stage "I'm gonna get some punch, do want anything?" He asked, linking our pinkie fingers together "Uh, yeah, I'll take a cup. But just remember, we're not-" "Not dating, yet. I know" He finished for me before heading off. I spotted the food table and suddenly felt starving so I went to grab a cupcake but before I could Tina came storming up to me "I don't like the way you treat Blaine. There, I said it. You're here, you're there, you're everywhere but do you know where you are not? You're not there for Blaine. I mean who even are you Naya? Blaine is here, lonely, and yes, he cheated, and we're all human, Naya, we all deserve to be loved back, Naya" She said angrily and I chuckled, turning to face her "Okay, Tina. I say this with total love, but the moment we all saw coming is finally here. You're a hag. You're hagged out. I don't even know how it's possible, considering I'm a girl and Blaine's not gay but somehow you're still a hag and that's really saying something. You're in love with Blaine, and it's creepy. Stop" "What do you know about love? You just come and go, you left him, and now all of a sudden you are back and wanting to be with him again. Who's been here to support him? Me. Who took him to Sadie Hawkins? Me. Who put him in bed when he got sick and rubbed vapor rub on his little muscled chest while he slept-" "Wait, wait" I said, interrupting her, trying to absorb what she just told me "Do you—huh? What?" "No, I didn't mean—this isn't about me, Naya! I have to go" She said, quickly turning away and running off, but I grabbed her arm "Did you vapo-rape my ex-boyfriend?" I asked, in shock, she pulled her arm away from me and ran off "Don't you run away from me, Tina Cohen-Chang!"
"Today is the day we honor Saint Valentine, a man publicly beheaded for defying his government, by exchanging candies and chocolates to nonsensically render the objects of our affection fatter and less attractive. And in other nonsensical traditions, Emma left behind her bouquet as she fled the scene, leaving it to somebody else to toss these soon-to-be-dead flowers under the mythical belief that whoever catches them will magically become the next person to get married, or, more than likely, to sprint from the altar. So gather round, single ladies, and allow me to be the one to enable your false dreams and ridiculous expectations" Sue said before throwing the bouquet into the audience. I didn't join the group of single ladies, knowing what I planned to tell Blaine later and he seemed to notice "That's weird, I thought you were single. I mean, you keep reminding me that we're not back together yet" He said, tucking my hair behind my ear "Huh, that is weird. Listen, I have to tell you something" I said cutting him off. He raised an eyebrow and I pulled him over to a table "Um, wow, how do I say this? Uh-" "Naya, what's going on?" "Tina—she, uh—she vapo-raped you" "She what—what me?" "She vapo-raped you" "Well, that's a new one, care to explain further?" "She just confessed to me now after I called her a hug but either way. Last week when you were sick, you invited her round to yours right?" He nodded his head. "Well, um when you fell asleep -this is what she told me exactly -she straddled you, unbuttoned your shirt, and rubbed VapoRub all over your chest—without your consent" His eye widened and he looked as though he was almost trying to not to laugh "Well that explains how I went through the whole pot," He said with a slight chuckle "I shouldn't be laughing, this is serious—this is serious," He said putting on a deeper voice "Right, right—totally, really terrible, horrible serious situation. Your best friend vapo-raped you" I said, trying not to laugh as well but ultimately we both failed. We burst into giggles, failing to calm ourselves down "I think we've had too much to drink. We really shouldn't be laughing at this" "No, we really shouldn't" I said, still laughing a lot. He calmed down and smiled lovingly at me "I do love you, Naya" He said, suddenly serious. I smiled back as he stood up and extended a hand to me "Dance with me" I took his hand as Finn and Rachel started to sing.
We've Got Tonight — Kenny Rogers & Sheena Easton (Sung By Finn, Rachel & The Glee Club Couples)
"I've got a room upstairs if you want to...go," Blaine said as we slowly danced. I lifted my head off his shoulder and looked up at him. I nodded my head and we went up to the room he booked. He handed me the key card and I unlocked the door, stopping before going in "You're so beautiful" He said quietly and I blushed. I grabbed his tie and gently pulled him into the room, kissing him passionately.
"Blaine, can you help me zip up my dress?" I asked as we got dressed again. Blaine was just in his undershirt and trousers, but I was getting fully dressed again. He stood up, coming up behind me and zipping the dress up, pressing a kiss to my neck "Tell me now that we're not back together" He said, wrapping his arms around my waist. I turned around in his arms and wrapped my ones around his neck "I mean...it was fun, but-" "Don't. I'm not gonna let you minimize this, Naya. It's no accident that we were together on Christmas and again on Valentine's Day. And we're going to be together for many, many more, no matter how much you pretend this doesn't mean anything. You promised that we would talk, so let's talk" "I love you, more than anything in this world. And I want to be with you, so badly, but I'm scared" I said, biting my lip "Scared of what?" "I don't know, that you'll hurt me again, or I'll hurt you or this will end badly and we'll both end up hurt" "Natalia Vasquez, you are my soulmate and I can promise you this, I will never ever hurt you again, and I know for a fact that you will never, ever hurt me. Me and you, we're in this together, and forever. I'm never going to let you go, it would kill me too. You are the love of my life and the only way that this is going to end is with both of us, curled up in each other arms on our deathbeds with our children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren, surrounding us. You are mine and I am yours. This—me and you—this is for life" I leaned into him and kissed him, fiddling my hands into the curls at the bottom of his head "Be my girlfriend again?" He asked when we broke apart "Yes, okay. I'll be your girlfriend again" He smiled brightly and lifted me up, wrapping my legs around his waist and kissing me desperately. He gently threw me down onto the bed and unzipped my dress again. I leaned forward, pulling off his undershirt as he kissed me, only breaking apart so the shirt could go over his head. I threw the shirt into the corner, not caring where it landed "Shirts are overrated anyway" I said with a small shrug as we got under the covers again.
Blaine and I walked down the stairs in McKinley when Tina came bounding up to us. I quickly grabbed Blaine's hand, interlocking our fingers "Before you say anything, I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I attacked you at the reception. It's just, I saw you up there, singing with Blaine, and I saw the old, legendary chemistry. I saw two soul mates rediscovering each other, and I was jealous. Why couldn't that be me? Why can't I have that with someone?" She said, pouring her heart out to us "You will, just not with me" Blaine said, somewhat comfortingly "I'm sorry that I've been throwing myself at you, making a fool of myself, hoping for something I know can never be" She said sadly "It's okay, Tina. The truth is, we've all experienced unrequited love before, and we've all done things that we wish we didn't, and we all just want to get back to being friends" Blaine said, placing a hand on her shoulder and squeezing it reassuringly "Yeah, you know, before all his I considered you one of my best friends, I miss that and I want to go back to that" She smiled softly and nodded her head, pulling me into a hug "Um, well, we're going to the double feature of All About Eve and Showgirls at the revival house if you want to come with us" I offered, pulling away from her "Wow. Mystery solved, Hagatha Christie. I'm gonna be a third wheel for the rest of my life" She said sadly "First of all, that's not even remotely true. Starting right now, We're gonna help you get a boyfriend" Blaine said, smiling happily "And second of all, when I call I was bringing attention to the fact that you are honoring the noble and proud tradition of hagdom" I said, making up what I was saying as I went alone "Yeah, and I, for one, am psyched that my very first hag was someone as kick-ass as-" "Ms. Tina Cohen-Chang" Blaine and I said together making her laugh.
In the auditorium, we were planning on singing a big number we had been planning on singing for Mr. Schue and Ms. P at the wedding, but we had never gotten around to it, so we're doing it now. We all had blue and purple clothes on. Finn had brought Mr. Schue in to see it, trying to make him feel a bit better. Blaine and I danced together with Tina, and everyone was just having fun together. These people were my family, the people I loved and trusted the most and I felt so safe and happy with them. Everything just felt right, especially since Blaine and I were back together. We released white balloons onto the stage kicking them about happily and just generally having a good time.
Anything Could Happen — Ellie Goulding (Sung By The New Directions)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2023 ⏰

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