𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐆𝐥𝐞𝐞-𝐯𝐞𝐫

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"Blaine, will you stop fidgeting," I said frustratedly, gently kicking his leg "I'm sorry, I just feel like I should be dancing," He said, as the music started to play out of nowhere "What? No, no, not now, no, not in class, I want to graduate high school, you know?" I said, annoyed "Come on Naya, you know you want to," Blaine said taking my hand. I sighed frustratedly and nodded my head as a disco ball dropped from the ceiling "Fine, but this is the last time we're doing this in class"
You Should Be Dancing — The Bee Gees (Sung By Blaine, Mike, Naya & Brittany)
We managed to dance and sing our way onto the auditorium stage and the Glee club was watching us. They all clapped for us when we finished and I sighed, out of breath "Wow, guys, what brought this on?" Mr. Schue asked, coming up onto the stage "Well, we know this year's nationals them. was "Vintage," so we thought we needed something old, but something with a lot of energy. So we thought disco" Blaine explained, throwing an arm around my shoulders "Also, I only did this as a way to get Blaine to stop fidgeting in class, but it was actually kind of fun," I said, doing finger guns at Mr. Schue. Blaine looked at me confusedly and us the arms that weren't around my shoulder to stop the finger guns "Absolutely. I don't know if I ever told you guys this, but back when I was in Glee Club, we took it to nationals with the pure power of unadulterated disco" Mr. Schue said proudly "Um, well, there's only one problem with that idea" Puck said,  frown on his face "And what's that?" "Disco sucks!"
"Psst" I hissed at Mike beside me. He didn't respond "Mike" "Naya, what are you doing?" Mike whispered back confusedly "Trying to get your attention, obviously," I said, rolling my eyes "What's that?" I asked pointing to the weird elevated white flooring in the middle of the room. He shrugged his shoulders and turned away from me "Real helpful, Mike" "Did someone steal our floor?"Brittany asked, staring at the square in wonder as she, Santana, and Blaine walked in "Don't worry, we'll have it back by the end of the week. In the meantime, Sue has lent us her-" "My very own personal, one-of-a-kind, lit-from-within, shatterproof, Plexiglas dance floor. Modeled, of course, on the dance floor immortalized by a young, musky John Travolta at the height of his potency in the legendary identical Saturday Night Fever" Sue explained as if it answered all of our questions "Coach Sylvester, while we applaud your proper use of the terminology, we told Mr. Shue we do not support disco in this room" Rachel said, placing her hands on her hips "Ah, but some of you. So for this week's assignment, we are going back in time to the songs of Saturday Night Fever" Blaine glanced down the line of people at me and smiled excitedly. I smiled back at him, doing a thumbs up "Come on, Mr. Schue. That's, like, a record our parents listen to" Finn whined "That album, teen Solomon Grundy, is one of the best-selling soundtracks of all time" Sue said matter-of-factly "Tony Manero's story is your story. He's a guy who works at a paint store, struggling to figure out his life. And the only time he feels sure about himself is when he's performing on the dance floor. He has a dream. To get out of his old neighborhood in Brooklyn and get to New York City. And by the end of the movie, that's what he's done. He's turned his dream into a plan" Mr. Schue said, trying to motivate us "So why the dance floor?" Kurt asked, tilting his head "Well, Porcelain, because we're going to start with a dance-off. And the winner will receive a replica of John Travolta's iconic white polyester suit, which I am having a cadre of expert Viennese tailors painstakingly reproduce" Sue explained, holding up a miniature model of the suit.
Excited chatter resonated throughout the group, different people claiming how much they needed the suit "So you just want us to start dancing like Soul Train-style?" Mercedes asked, placing her hands on her hips "Uh, no, actually, Sue and I will start us off. We actually met with Joe and Blaine beforehand. Just get up when you're ready. And everyone has to participate. Everyone, Puck" Joe and Blaine joined Mr. Schue and Sue on the stage, Blaine blowing a kiss to me as he walked past "All right let's hit it"
Night Fever — The Bee Gees (Sung By Will, Joe, Blaine, Sue & The New Directions)
During the song, Blaine came to me and grabbed my hand, pulling me onto the dance floor. He spun me around and we danced together, to cheers from the group. Then the whole class grouped up on the dancefloor and danced as a whole "Okay, officially, officially, you guys are amazing" Mr. Schue said, clapping his hands when the song ended "I was just conferring with my co-judge, and our three finalists for the suit are Santana Lopez, Mercedes Jones, and Finn Hudson" "What?" Finn asked confusedly with a dazed look on his face. Everyone clapped happily for him and he smiled excitedly.
Disco Inferno — Tina Turner (Sung By Mercedes, Santana & Brittany)
I noticed Sam filming Mercedes during the song and I shot him a confused look, which he brushed off "Alright, I have an announcement to make. Contrary to my current opinion, I do have a dream. See, my dream is Mariah. It's Whitney—rest in peace. It's Aretha" Mercedes said, crossing her arms "Those are people. They aren't dreams" Mr. Schue said confusedly "My dream is to be like them. To sing big, fat, juicy, number-one hits that inspire people. But how's that supposed to happen, even if I move to L.A.? I don't know what to do or where to go. It's scary to even think about moving across the country" "Well, I mean, I'm moving to New York, Mercedes" Rachel said, almost as if she was trying to make the conversation about her "You'll have somewhere to stay. You'll have something to do. You have two parents that support you. And my dad is a dentist. He thinks my dream is unreasonable and insane. You know what, he's right. I don't know the first thing about getting a recording contract or a manager" Mercedes said, her breathing becoming heavier as she started to panic slightly "The cream always rises to the top, Mercedes" Mr. Schue said, rather unhelpfully "Yeah, I'm cream in here, Mr. Schue. But what if, out there, I'm just skim milk?"
If I Can't Have You — Yvonne Elliman (Sung By Santana)
As Kurt, Mercedes, Tina, and I sang the backing vocals for Santana, I glanced over at Blaine beside me. I smiled at him leaning my head on his shoulder and taking his hand "Incredible. And I could see exactly where you were going with it. This was more than just a beautiful love song to Brittany. It's also a powerful way to convey your dream that marriage equality will someday be a reality for everyone, and you're off to law school to make it happen! Amazing" Mr. Schue said. I furrowed my eyebrows at him, I knew Santana and that is the last thing she would do "Of course, I want marriage equality. And yeah, Brittany will always be my girlfriend-" "Score!" Brittany shouted out "But my mistress is famous. And that song was all about how I can't live without my fame" Santana continued "Then I'll have to say I'm disappointed in you. Fame is not something to aspire to" Mr. Schue said, shaking his head "How about you save the lecture for the theatre nerds that are gonna starve in New York while desperately trying to tap-dance their way into the chorus of Godspell? No offense, Gayberry. And everyone can stop hating, because you all want to be famous, too. The only difference is that I'm a thousand percent sure that I'm going to be famous, just like I'm a thousand percent sure that our Man/Child piano player keeps a petite Eurasian locked in a trunk underneath his bed. Sorry, James. Write this down—cause there will be a quiz—I'm gonna be famous. If it's the last thing I do"
"Come on," I said, grabbing Blaine's hand and pulling him away from his locker. He planted his feet firmly on the ground, and since he was stronger and taller than me, I couldn't move him "Naya, can you let me at least close my locker before kidnapping me?" He asked as I continued to tug on his hand. I sighed and stopped moving, letting him close his locker "Thank you, Nay-Nay, now what do you want?" "Follow me!" I exclaimed, tugging on his arm again. He chuckled, allowing me to pull him down the corridor. I pulled him into the auditorium and sat him down in a front-row seat, kissing him on the cheek. I pulled myself up onto the stage and nodded at the band to come and sit down at the instruments. I grabbed a microphone stand and a microphone placing them both in the middle of the stage "Okay, so I know that this song isn't from Saturday Night Fever but none of those songs really captured what I wanted to say in my song. So I chose a different one, but it's still a disco song. Anyway, this is for you Blainie" I said with a wink. He blew me a kiss and I nodded to the band.
More, More, More — Andrea True Companion (Sung By Naya)
Ooh, how do you like your love?
Ooh, how do you like your love?
But if you want to know
How I really feel
Just get the cameras rollin'
Get the action goin'
Baby, you know
My love for you is real
So take me where you want to
Me and my heart, you steal
(More, more, more)
How do you like it? How do you like it?
(More, more, more)
How do you like it? How do you like it?
(More, more, more)
How do you like it? How do you like it?
Ooh, how do you like your love?
Ooh, how do you like your love?
But if you want to know
How I really feel
Just get the cameras rollin'
Get the action goin'
Baby, you know
My love for you is real
So take me where you want to
Me and my heart, you steal
(More, more, more)
How do you like it? How do you like it?
(More, more, more)
How do you like it? How do you like it?
(More, more, more)
How do you like it? How do you like your love?
But if you want to know
How I really feel
Get the cameras rollin'
Get the action goin'
(More, more, more)
How do you like it? How do you like it?
(More, more, more)
How do you like it? How do you like it?
(More, more, more)
How do you like it? How do you like it?
When the song ended, Blaine joined me on the stage and pulled me into his arms. He swayed me slightly and peppered my face with kisses. I chuckled slightly, pulling away a little "I'm guessing you liked it?" I said, cupping his face with my hands "Of course I liked it. It was...groovy" I made a face of disgust and pulled back more from him. I took my hands off his face and put them on his chest "Groovy?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at him "It sounded wrong when it came out of my mouth" He said, grimacing "Blaine, I love you, but never say 'groovy' again" I said, chuckling and moving my arms to wrap around his neck "I won't, I promise. But seriously, that was fabulous and I love you too" He said, before pressing a kiss to my nose. I turned to the band and nodded at them, letting them know they could leave. Blaine took my hand and pulled me down off the stage, sitting down in the seats "I actually wanted to talk to you" "Oh, yeah?" I said, getting comfortable in my seat "What about?" "Your parents," He said. I took a deep breath and avoided his eyes "Have you spoken to them since Regionals?" "No. Even if I had wanted to, they left that night and haven't been back since" I said, crossing my arms. Blaine pulled my arms away from each other and took my hands in his "You should speak to them Naya, they're your parents, and you need them" He said, rubbing the back of my hands. I snatched them away from him and frowned "I don't need them, I haven't needed them since I was five" "Naya, they're your parents, you only get one set of parents" "Yeah, well it's not them. What would I even need them for after all this time?" "I don't know, money for college? I don't know, I just know you need them" "No! I don't! Stop!" "Naya-" "No, Blaine, stop! I don't need them Moriah and her family, I have you. I have my friends. They left my life and stopped being my family the second they chow jobs over me. I see them for a total of. two months a year. And it's been that way since I was five. I turn 17 in a few weeks can guarantee they won't be around for it They may be my biological parents but they are not my mom and dad. My sister is more of a mother to me and she was fifteen when they started leaving. They forced her to grow up a lot sooner than she was ready for and now it's like she has five kids instead of four. They forced me into feeling like a burden to my own family and they destroyed my mental health. If I let them back into my life, they would just leave again and ruin all my efforts to fix my brain. I don't need them. I just need to be loved, and I am, so please can you stop? I know you have my best interests at heart, so please accept that I don't want them in my life, because that's what's in my best interest, not having them" I exhaled sharply through my nose and stood up. "We have to go to Glee" "Naya, please, I'm sorry, don't be mad," Blaine said, reaching out to stop me from walking away. I sighed and turned to face him "I'm not mad, Blaine. I swear, I'm just...I'm fine, I just don't want to talk about this or them ever again" Blaine nodded his head and stood up. He pulled me closer to him and wrapped his arms around my waist. I hugged him back hesitantly but as soon as my arms were properly around him, I sunk into his embrace. He held me tightly and I buried my face into the crook of my neck, letting a stray tear fall.
More Than A Women — The Bee Gees (Sung By Finn & The Glee Club Couples)
"Come on, who won, Mr. Schue? Who gets the suit?" Tina asked, walking into the choir room with Mike. They both came and sat down beside me, smiling excitedly "Well, I left that up to Sue" Mr. Schue said, giving way to Sue "And if there's one thing I enjoy more than punishing you lazy idiots it's rewarding you for being slightly less lazy and idiotic. Will the winners please enter?" Sue said, pointing to the door. Santana, Mercedes, and Finn walked in, wearing exact replicas of the suit we had been shown and they all looked fabulous. Everyone cheered and clapped as they walked in "Even in polyester, I feel like a million bucks in this" Santana said, flipping out her lapels "So what now?" Mercedes asked, "What do you wanna do?" "You know what I want to do?" Finn asked "What?" A few people in the class asked "I said, do you know what I want to do?!"
Finn asked louder "What?!" The whole class said louder, trying to get an answer out of Finn "Strut" Finn said, and miraculously music started playing. Suddenly we were all in the same suits as Finn, Mercedes, and Santana and on the auditorium stage—I genuinely don't know how it happens and I am convinced there were witches in the choir room.
Stayin' Alive — The Bee Gees (Sung By Finn, Mercedes, Santana & The New Directions)

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