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{Blaine's Pov}
Brittany and I sat alone at a table in the cafeteria. Naya wasn't there because she had an official shift during lunch. She had actually been really good with sticking to her official hours lately but even still she had to work quite late sometimes or she had to spend the whole weekend at work if there was a wedding. Britt and I were watching Marley and Jake be all cute and we both just felt depressed "Oh, young love" Brittany muttered sadly "Do you remember when you first started dating Santana and I started dating Naya, back before everyone was so busy and so far away. Things were so much simpler. We had so much more hope and innocence.
Every day was just like Valentine's Day" I said, propping my chin up on my hand "We're still going. Shouldn't we still be experiencing those things?"
I lay on my bed, reading over some sheet music when my phone started to buzz beside me. Reading Naya's name on the caller ID, I quickly answered the call "Hey, stranger" "Hey, uh" I heard a phone ringing on the other line "Crap, can you hold on one second? Lima's Sensational Singing For Weddings, how can I help you?" "Um, it's me Naya" "Oh, my God, I thought I was getting the hang of this. I'm so sorry. I've taken over Alessia's phones for the week and they just won't stop ringing. It's extremely confusing" "It's...it's okay. If you want to call me back later, we can talk about them" "I can't, I'm finishing really late tonight, so I thought I'd call you now when I'm supposed to be on my break, but I guess clients don't know when my break is" She sighed heavily over the phone and I frowned slightly "Look, I know this is Frustrating. It's frustrating for me, too, and I hate that we hardly see each other lately despite my trying to keep to my official times. But, I promise this will all be over soon, we just have to hold on for one more month. You know this is shaping my future, it could help me work towards my dream job" "I get that. I—I do. I really get it. It's just...I really miss you. I know we see each other every day in Glee but, i—it's not the same, you know?" "I know, I miss you too, so much. Okay, look I was going to keep this as a surprise but I managed to get us some really, really cheap seats on a flight to New York so we can go see Rachel and Kurt because I know you've been missing them too, and we'll get to spend some time together in New York, where Alessia and Glee and school can't reach us, okay?" "That—that sounds great, when is it?" "A couple of days I think, I'm not sure—I'll check the tickets when I get home" "Okay, well what am I supposed to do until then?" "It's just a few days, Blaine, we can do it. Shoot, one of our high-paying clients is calling. Um, all right, I will call you or text you later with the details, if I don't get a chance to I'll speak to you in school tomorrow, okay?" "Okay-" She hung up almost straight away "I love you"
Barely Breathing — Duncan Sheik (Sung By Blaine & Finn)
I tried calling her again later but she didn't pick up. I walked around my house, trying to take my mind off of how much I missed her, imagining Naya was beside me. I picked up my phone and scrolled through Facebook when someone messaged me 'Eli. C' text saying 'What's up, sexy?' I didn't think, just messaged him back. He then text 'You want to come over?' and once again without thinking, I agreed. Naya was so obviously done with me, I just didn't care anymore. He sent me his address and left the room, going to meet him.
Naya and I did end up catching a flight to New York, the next day pretty much, and the entire time I felt so on edge around her. She was being all cute and flirty and just generally happy and all I could think about was how I cheated on her, I cheated on her the love of my life.
{Naya's Pov}
Blaine had been weird all day, but I brushed it aside, thinking it was probably nerves about the flight or seeing Kurt and Rachel again or something. We arrived outside the front door of Kurt and Rachel's apartment and I knocked excitedly. Blaine and I both had bouquets with us, planning to surprise them with them and we hid our faces behind them as Kurt slid open the door "Surprise!" We both shouted, poking our faces from behind the flowers "Blaine! Naya! This is amazing!" Kurt said, pulling the both of us in for a hug "We were completely not expecting you!" "We know, we wanted to surprise you!" I said excitedly as Rachel and Finn came running up to us. Wait... Finn? "Finn, I didn't know you'd be here!" I exclaimed, jumping into his arms as Rachel hugged Blaine "What are you doing here?" Blaine asked, a mixture of shock and confusion in his voice "I'm not really sure at the moment, but..." "It's fantastic—we're all together here. Just like the hood old days" Rachel exclaimed excitedly, taking my hand and pulling me closer to her.
Rachel, Finn, and Kurt dragged Blaine and I with them to this karaoke-Broadway sort of bar place called Callbacks, Blaine was still acting really weird. I tried my hardest to ignore it but I think even the others were picking up on it. We sat down at a table as the other three went to get drinks "You okay?" I asked, taking Blaine's hand "You seem a little...out of it, you know?" "I'm—I'm great. Just a rough flight, I mean, you know, you were there. Screaming babies just really did my head in" "Well, I think it was worth it. It's our first night out in New York. We'll never forget this" I said, leaning in to press a kiss to his cheek. We sat in a strange sort of awkward silence for a good five minutes before Rachel and some guy, one of Rachel's friends went up to the stage, and Finn and Kurt came and sat down with us.
Give Your Heart A Break — Demi Lovato (Sung By Rachel & Brody)
When the song ended, Rachel came running back down to our table, smiling widely. I saw Finn's blank expression form across the table and gently kicked his leg. He looked up at me and I did a small lie thumbs up at him asking if he was okay. He shrugged his shoulders and shook his head slightly as Rachel began to speak "Oh, my God, you guys. It's so amazing up there. You have to your Sweeney Todd mega-medley" She said to Kurt as she sat down "And risk a Page Six spread? I don't think so. 'Vogue.com intern sings without warming up'. Not happening" "What about you, Naya?" "Oh, no, no. I've been so busy lately the only song I can remember the words to right now is the Britney Spears song I sang the other week" I said, using my straw to stir my drink "I want to sing something" Blaine said suddenly "Yeah, just, uh, as Pascal" Rachel's friend said to Blaine. He got up and walked over in the direction Rachel's friend pointed "Oh, uh, Naya, this is Brody, a friend of mine from NYADA" Rachel said quickly. I turned around in my seat and shook Brody's hand, smiling warmly "Nice to meet you, Brody" "You too Naya" I turned to face the stage as Blaine sat down at the piano "Um, hi, everyone. I, um...I want to sing a song that's very special to me. This is a song that I sang, for the very first time that I sang with the love of my life. Um, so, Naya, this is for you"
Teenage Dreams {Acoustic Version} — Katy Perry (Sung By Blaine)
During the song, it became very apparent that he was crying. My smile faded slightly when I saw just how distraught he was. Finn, Rachel, and Kurt all cast glances over at me and I shuffled uncomfortably in my seat. I didn't understand why he was so upset and I was really worried.
When we left the bar, Blaine and I walked along in silence, a few meters behind Finn and Rachel, Kurt had left earlier—claiming he had a headache and Brody when his separate way so it was just the four of us "So that was...moving" I said, breaking the silence "I guess I'm kind of wondering why that was" He was silent as if he was hesitating "Well, you know, I, uh, I've really missed hanging out with you lately" "I've missed you too. And I'm really glad we're here, spending time together. But you've been so emotional and weirdly sad. Please stop pretending that there's nothing wrong" I said worriedly. We stopped walking and Blaine turned to face me properly, tears in his eyes "I was with someone" He said slowly. I felt my heart shatter in my chest, he was with someone? Did he cheat on me? Or did he just mean that he hung out with someone? I had hoped it was the second meaning but as I saw the tears in his eyes and his guilty look, I knew which option it was. He cheated on me. I felt my tears prick the corners of my eyes and I started to breathe heavily "Wha—what? What do you mean?" I asked confusedly, my voice becoming choked up, praying that I had completely misread the situation "I was with someone, I—I cheated" "But it doesn't...it didn't mean anything. It was just a hookup, okay?" He asked as if it made everything okay "Who was it?" "It doesn't matter who it was with, Naya. What matters is that I was by myself. I needed you. I needed you around, and you weren't there. I was lonely-" "Oh, so what, that makes it okay? I—I can't control when I have to work, Blaine! I can't just- just tell my boss that I don't want to go to work because I miss my boyfriend. I—I don't make up the rules, or—or—or the shift times. Th—that's not how it works in real life, Blaine. I—I promised you that I was trying to change it and try and spend more time with you but—but I can't control when Alessia's going to need me or how long she's going to need me! This—this was a huge opportunity for me and it was only going to last one more month—one more month and then—and then everything was going to be—be okay again, we were going to be okay!" "I'm really sorry" "Sorry doesn't cut it this time, Blaine! I don't think you understand what this means, it—it means something horrible and awful and-" I cut myself off, feeling the tears start to roll down my cheeks. I slapped my hand over my mouth as I realized the full depth of what he had done "I'm so sorry, Naya. I really am" I ignored him, not being able to stand near him anymore, and walked away, trying my hardest not to start sobbing.
Don't Speak — No Doubt (Sung By Finn, Blaine, Rachel & Naya)
I woke up early the next morning, looking over at Blaine as he slept. I took a deep breath and got out of bed, going to sit in the living room. I sat with my head in my hands, thinking, replaying last night over and over again in my head. I stared down at the floor, only looking up when someone walked into the living room "Leaving so soon?" I asked Finn as he tried to sneak past me "Dude, you totally spooked me. I thought I was the only one awake" He said, stopping as I turned on the lamp beside me "Been waiting for somebody to come out. I was hoping it'd be Blaine" "No. I kind of feel like I'm going to die. Guess I don't have to ask you what you're doing apparently" "I'll talk to her later about it. I—I just got to get away for a bit" "Six months ago, did you ever think that things would be like this?" "Sometimes, I miss high school, you know?" "No, I don't know. I'm still in high school and look where I am" "Come on, give me a hug before I go" I smiled softly and stood up. Finn pulled me into a tight hug, pressing a friendly kiss to the top of my head "Hey, uh, do—do you think I could come with you? I need to get back to school anyway. I'm assuming you're going back home" "Yeah—yeah I am. Your welcome to come, keep me company" "I'll grab my stuff" Finn dropped me off at Moriah's house and as I approached, I could feel my eyes watering again. I knocked gently on the door, knowing it was early—only just turned 6:30 am. I heard footsteps inside the house and Moriah opened the door. She saw the state I was, in, the watery eyes, red nose, and messy hair, and immediately pulled me into a hug. I fell apart in her arms, sobbing loudly and breathing heavily. She didn't say anything, just held me close. When I calmed down she gave me some clothes to change into and told me to have a shower—which I did. She then made me breakfast and gave me a lift to school, despite her protesting that I obviously wasn't in a good mental state for it.
Finn and I sat in the choir room, I was leaning on his shoulder and he had his arm wrapped around my shoulders. We sat quietly, absorbing all the comfort we could give each other when Blaine came in. I froze as I saw him and felt Finn's arm removed from around me. Instead, he brought it down and took my hand, squeezing it reassuringly "Hey" Finn greater as Blaine approached us. I stayed silent, avoiding Blaine's gaze "Um, by the time I got up, you were both already gone. I didn't get a chance to say goodbye" "I mean can you blame us? It's a bit hard being around a cheater" I mumbled, Finn, squeezed my hand again trying to stop me. Instead of stopping I got up from my seat, pulling away from Fin "No, I'm sorry, I can't do this right now" I said, walking out—not in the mood for Glee Club today "Why'd you do that to her?" Finn asked Blaine and I stopped, hiding behind the door so I could hear the conversation "I don't know. I just...there's no excuse, she won't talk to me. That—even though it was, you know, a snide comment—it's the most she's said since we left the bar. I don't even know if we've broken up" "Finn! Dude, what's up?" Sam shouted, walking into the classroom and I straightened up. Tina walked past and I quickly grabbed her "Can you tell Mr. Schue I won't be in today?" I asked her, she nodded her head and pulled me in for a hug when she saw my face "Are you okay?" "No. I really just don't want to be around Blaine right now, I'll fill you in later or something—I just can't be here" "Yeah, yeah. I get it. Go, I'll tell Mr. Schue" I smiled gratefully at her and pulled away before hurrying off down the corridor, wiping away stray tears.
Back at Moriah's home, I sat on my bed in her spare room. She had said, a couple of weeks ago, I could stay for as long as I liked, so I had pretty much moved in with her over the past week or so. I had all of my stuff here with me, apart from a few pieces of furniture. In front of me on the bed was everything I owned that reminded me of Blaine, was given to me by Blaine, or was Blaine's. I took a deep breath and reached up around my neck. Flicking my hair out of the way, I unlatched my necklace from Christmas and took it off. I placed it in a box and suddenly I felt a wave of anger wash over me. I picked up the box and launched it a the door, yelling out as I did so. I felt the tears spring in my eyes once again and took a deep breath. Looking down at the pictures of the two of us, I had the strongest urge to just destroy them, rip them, burn them, erase them from this world. So 1 did, I picked up the photo of us from when we first sang together and all of the photos of us from the photo shoot, one of us as Maria and Tony, and went downstairs. I walked into the kitchen, grabbed a lighter, and went out into the garden.
Burn — Hamilton (Sung By Naya)
I saved every letter you wrote me
From the moment I read them
I knew you were mine
You said you were mine
I thought you were mine
Do you know what Angelica said
When we saw your first letter arrive?
She said
"Be careful with that one, love
He will do what it takes to survive."
You and your words flooded my senses
Your sentences left me defenseless
You built me palaces out of paragraphs
You built cathedrals
I'm re-reading the letters you wrote me
I'm searching and scanning for answers
In every line
For some kind of sign
And when you were mine
The world seemed to
You published the letters she wrote you
You told the whole world how you brought
This girl into our bed
In clearing your name, you have ruined our lives
Do you know what Angelica said
When she read what you'd done?
She said
"You have married an Icarus
He has flown too close to the sun"
You and your words, obsessed with your legacy...
Your sentences border on senseless
And you are paranoid in every paragraph
How they perceive you
You, you, you...
I'm erasing myself from the narrative
Let future historians wonder how Eliza
Reacted when you broke her heart
You have torn it all apart
I am watching it
Watching it burn
The world has no right to my heart
The world has no place in our bed
They don't get to know what I said
I'm burning the memories
Burning the letters that might have redeemed you
You forfeit all rights to my heart
You forfeit the place in our bed
You sleep in your office instead
With only the memories
Of when you were mine
I hope that you burn.
I burned the photos, and set fire to them all whilst sobbing "Naya! What the hell are you doing?!" Moriah shouted running over to me. She tried to take the lighter out of my hands but I pushed her away "Go away!" I shouted, setting fire to another "Naya, come in, stop! Stop! Put the lighter down!" "Moriah leave! Leave me to be destructive and burn my photos and wallow in my heartbrokenness. Go away!" I yelled scrambling away from her as she tried to take the light again "Naya, look I get it, your hurting but talk to me, tell me why you're burning the photos of you and Blaine, burning memories that you can never get back" "They're only copies, I have the originals back at mom and dads" I muttered swatting her hands away as she tried to snatch the photos "Okay, well talk to me, so I know why we're being destructive and maybe we can find a safer way than burning photos" She said, grabbing my elbows and stopping me from moving. I relaxed, turning the lights off and throwing them and the photos across the garden. Moriah pulled me into our arms and I cried quietly "Naya, what's going on?" "He—he cheated on me. Then tried to blame my job. But the worst thing is that he knew that I was trying to lower my work hours so I could fix what was going wrong and he still cheated. He slept with another man" I said in between sobs "Who did, Blaine?" "Yes, Blaine! Who else? He cheated on me, ruined our relationship, and destroyed everything in one fell swoop. I wasted a year of my life on him, just for it to end like this. He—he promised that things were going to be okay, that we would always have each other, and- and then he does this. What did I do to deserve this?" "Naya, you didn't do anything. He's just a stupid teenage boy" Naya said, rubbing my arm comfortingly "But he was my stupid teenage boy, now everything's just over. I'm sick of people just walking in and out of my life. No matter how sweet or kind or loyal I am, everyone just leaves. Whether it's for college or work or another man, they all go. What's the point of trying to be the good little girl if it doesn't change the way people treat me? I don't want to be that idiotic trusting girl anymore" "I know, Naya. I know it's hard, it's so, so hard. But you can't help who you are. You can't change yourself just because people have hurt you. You have to stay who you are to show them that you're stronger. Whatever they do, they can't break you, they can't change you. I know my little sister, she is the sweetest, kindest, most caring girl on the planet. If she lets this change who she is, then they'll have won and I don't think she wants that"
I sat at my desk at work, a bouquet of Howers sitting proudly in front of me. They were pretty flowers, red and yellow roses with ribbons tying the stems. I sighed and picked up the note that was propped up on them. It read 'Naya, I'm so sorry. Please forgive me xoxoxo Blaine' I put the note down and pinched the bridge of my nose. I had no idea what to do. The man—no boy—the boy broke my heart and I wanted nothing more than to just tell him to get the hell out of my life. But I loved him. I loved him so much that it hurt "Well, someone's either seriously crushing on you, or seriously trying to make up for something" One of my co-workers—Tracie—said walking up to my desk. I sighed and brought my hand down from my face "The latter" I said solemnly "Ouch, he cute?" She asked, admiring the flowers "The cutest" "Oh, that sucks. I'm sorry. Hey, do you need to go binge-watch some sappy romantic movies? Alessia's summoning us to the conference room. I can cover for you" "I'm okay. I'll be okay. I just need to express my sadness and anger and just end things, once and for all. Then—then I'll be alright" I said, nodding my head and dropping the note in the bin.
"Finn!" I shouted down the corridor as I spotted Finn entering the choir room. He stopped walking and turned to me, smiling softly "Naya, everything okay?" He asked as I caught up to him at the doorway "I need you to sing a song with me. You know exactly how I'm feeling right now, hurt, betrayed, angry and I don't think we've ever actually sung a duet together. So now is a perfect time. We can sing this song, express our feelings, and find a way to move one, whether it's with Blaine and Rachel or without them" I said, reaching my hands up and placing them on his shoulders. He smirked and placed his own hands on my shoulders "That sounds great, what song?" I moved one of my hands and pulled out the sheet music that was folded up in my pocket. Handing it to him with a smile on my face, he accepted it and his smirk grew wider when he read the title of the song "You know it?" "It's the perfect song," He said, nodding his head. We walked into Glee Club, his hand on my shoulder still. We went straight up to Mr. Schue as everyone else went to their
seats "Mr. Schue, Naya, and I have a song we'd like to sing if that's okay" Finn said, squeezing my shoulder encouragingly "Yeah, yeah. That's fine, go ahead" "Actually—um, we need to go to the auditorium for it" I said, smiling softly. Mr. Schue nodded his head and told the Glee Club to follow us to the auditorium. Finn and I went up onto the stage and grabbed microphone stands, placing them center stage "Okay, everybody. So, um, Finn and I have had a stressful, hard, sad week. And we'd like to sing a song that just represents how we feel about two individual people. I'm assuming you can all guess who they are. But, anyway, here we go" I said as Finn nodded to the band, the music started and I took a deep breath, forcing myself to look directly at Blaine.
Apologize — OneRepublic (Sung By Finn & Naya)
I'm holding on your rope
Got me ten feet off the ground
And I'm hearing what you say
But I just can't make a sound
You tell me that you need me
Then you go and cut me down, but wait
You tell me that you're sorry
Didn't think I'd turn around, and say that
[Finn & Naya]
It's too late to apologize
It's too late
I said it's too late to apologize
It's too late
Too late, oh-oh
I'd take another chance
Take a fall, take a shot for you, oh-whoa
I need you like a heart needs a beat
But it's nothing new, yeah, yeah
I loved you with a fire red
Now it's turning blue, and you say
Sorry like the angel
Heaven let me think was you, but I'm afraid
It's too late to apologize
It's too late
I said it's too late to apologize
It's too late
[Finn & Naya]
It's too late to apologize
It's too late
I said it's too late to apologize
It's too late
It's too late to apologize, yeah (Too late)
I said it's too late to apologize, yeah
I'm holding on your rope
Got me ten feet off the ground.
I sat in the choir room, on my own after Glee practice, just thinking. Thinking about Blaine, about what to do with our relationship, about how much my heart hurt—like physically felt like it was ripping apart. I sighed quietly and buried my face in my hands. I heard someone walk in and come and sit by me. They placed a hand on my back and I straightened up. I saw Blaine's face and gently moved his hand off of my back, much to his disappointment "So, I'm guessing that song was aimed at me" He said with a slight chuckle "Yeah it was, I don't know why you're laughing though, this isn't funny matter" I said crossing my arms "Look, Naya, how many time do I have to tell you I'm sorry? I'm so, so sorry and I promise I will never ever cheat on you again" "Blaine, sorry isn't going to work this time!" I suddenly shouted cutting him off and standing up "I can't trust you anymore! You used to be the one person I could tell everything to. You were the one person who saw me for me, loved me, and made me feel appreciated but you are not that person anymore. And it's breaking my heart. It hurts so much, so, so so, much. It feels like it's burning like my heart is being torn apart and I can't handle it. I loved you, Blaine, I loved you and I thought that you loved me. I thought that we were enough for each other-" "Naya, I do love you, we are enough-" "No! Blaine, you're not listening. I can't do this anymore, it's too difficult it's too hard. You promised me that we were going to be okay, you promised we would always have each other, you promised me that we could hold on for one more month and then things would be all right, we would be alright. But you broke that promise, yo. broke every promise. And—and—and I don't know what to do. I love you more than anything but this is killing me. It's too much. Too much pain, too much hurt, too much sadness, too much betrayal" I felt tears well up in my eyes and I took a deep breath "The bottom line is I don't trust you anymore. And I can't be in a relationship where I can't trust my partner" Blaine stood up and came over to me, placing his hands on my arms, sliding them down to take my hands "Wha—what are you saying?" "I—I think we need to break up," I said, my voice breaking "No, no, Naya, no, please. We can work through this. Please, don't do this" He said, his voice wavering "I—I'm sorry, I just—I can't. I can't be with you anymore" I said, letting the tears roll down my face "Naya, please, I love you so much. Stay with me, we can work this out, please" He said, rubbing his hand up and down my arm as the other one went to frame my face "I love you too, and—and that's why this is so hard. But it—it's what's best for both of us. We're over, Blaine" "Naya..." "You have to let me go" "No, I can't—I can't, Naya, stay" "I can't stay. You have to let me go. This isn't going to work out. We're broken up.
I'm—I'm not your girlfriend anymore. So, please—please let me leave, make this a tiny bit easier" He reluctantly pulled himself away from me. Without thinking, I stepped closer to him, pressing a small kiss to his lips "Goodbye, Blaine"
The Scientist — Coldplay (Sung By Finn, Blaine, Santana, Naya, Brittany, Will, Emma & Rachel)

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