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I sat on the ground pleading my aunt not to kick me out. I watched as she continued to throw my clothes in the garbage bag. Never in a million years I actually thought she would kick me out like she said back when I first got here.

10 years ago

It was cold and raining outside. I was waiting for my mom to pick me up from school but she never came. Instead I saw my auntie that didn't come around much. Her and my mom always fought and she was always mean to me.

She walked up to me and motioned me to follow her and when she saw I didn't move she snatched my hand and practically dragged me to the car.

She opened the door for me and I climbed in. I waited until she got in and asked where my mom was. She looked back at me and sighed and told me she wasn't coming back.

Tears clouded my eyes and I stayed silent as the tears fell. When we got to my aunts house I climbed out the car and walked to the door sniffing and crying still. My aunt opened the door and I walked inside and I seen all my belongings against the wall . As I reached for my stuffed animal my aunt said, "Im going to look after you until you turn 18 cause them checks are going to stop coming in and I can't afford to take care of your ass after that."

Flashback Over

I didn't really think she meant what she said but after my 18th birthday, which was two days ago she kept her word.

"Let's go and stop all that damn crying." My aunt said in an annoyed tone.

I slowly got off the floor and followed behind her walking towards the door. We walked pass the living room where my two cousins were watching tv. Once they heard us they turned around and had a confused look on their faces.

My oldest cousin Jasmine walked over to us and asked my aunt what was going on. She explained in the most rudest tone ever and opened the front door and threw the garbage bag outside.

Jasmine ran over to me and gave me a long hug. My aunt came over and tried to pry her off me and Jasmine started crying. My eyes shifted to my other cousin and she was laughing to herself as she watched the scene unfold.

My eyes started to water again as my aunt pushed me out the door. I told jasmine I love her before my aunt slammed the door in my face once I was outside. I sat on the steps and cried my eyes out wishing for my mom. Some people watched me as they walked passed, but I really didn't care at the moment.

It was getting dark and I had no where to go. I reached in my purse and pulled out fifty dollars. Hopefully it could get me a room at the motel up the street I thought to myself.

I picked up the trash bag and walked up the street. A few men tried to talk to me as I walked by, but I just kept it moving. I made it to the motel and went to the front desk and asked for a room. The room was eighty dollars but the man reasoned with me and took the fifty I had.

I got to the room and opened the door. It was nice for a motel. I walked in and sat the garbage bag down on the bed before I searched for some pajamas. Once I found everything I went to the bathroom and turn on the shower. I stripped out my clothes and got in.

I was in there for about half a hour. After I got out I dried off and put on my clothes. I climbed in the bed and laid back. I stared at the ceiling as I felt the tears building up. I said my prayers and cried my self to sleep.

The next morning I was thinking about going to school but I had bigger problems. I was worried about where I was going to stay tonight and how I was going to eat.

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