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Plz excuse any mistakes :)


I watched as Michael took a seat across from August and I. This time he insisted he come with me. He says he doesn't trust Michael.

"Hey." I spoke.


"August." He added.

August gave him a head nod and continued scrolling on his phone. The waitress came and took our order. We ordered drinks since no one was hungry.

"I know you have a lot of questions."

"I do in fact. Like how I didn't know I had a twin. Or where you've been for the past eighteen years." I stated the obvious.

He played with his straw and looked at August, who played as if he wasn't listening.

"Some things were agreed upon when you both was born. The decision wasn't easy but we figured it was for the best. You mother and I weren't good for each other. If I stayed we would've killed one another."

I understood some parts but I felt like he wasn't telling the whole truth. I honestly didn't care for him being in my life. I wanted to talk and leave nothing more after this.

August cleared his throat after what Michael said. Meaning just like me, he also figured it was a lie too.

"What could've been so bad about you staying, or why didn't she just keep both of us."

I looked at him as he tried to find the right words to say.

"I was in a bad business and supplying your mom stuff I sold, before she really got addicted her sister threatened to snitch if I didn't leave. She let raise Fawn in hopes that you both would meet one day."

"Did you know my mom died?"

"I found out a few years ago."

"So why didn't you come find me?" I questioned.

All I was thinking was he could've been my ticket to get away from my aunt. But then again he seemed sketchy, needless to say I guess everything does happen for a reason.

I was happy, I found people I could call family and depend on. So I wouldn't change anything if I could.

"I'm really sorry, I couldn't. I tried but no one could get information on you." He lied.

"Well I'm sorry I had to meet her like that." I sympathized.

"Me too."

"We should get going." I grabbed my stuff as August dropped a twenty on the table.

I got up and Michael grabbed my arm gently. He quickly removed his hands when he looked at August face.

"You should come over sometime. I could show you some pictures of Dawn and you can have some of her things if you want?" He suggested.

"Sounds nice, I'll let you know." I smiled and walked off.

I got to the entrance of the restaurant and looked back. He and August was talking. They looked like they were having a serious conversation. I tried my best to ease drop but the conversations near me wasn't making it easier.

August slammed the door as he got in the car making my headache worst.

"How do you really know Michael and don't lie."

"I use to handle business for him before my brother got killed.

"He said my mother almost got addicted to something. Was he taking about crack?"

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