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Plz excuse any mistakes :)

Chapter X -Rated..Proceed with Caution..


I open my eyes to Jessica sittin' on my lap. I grinned and she kissed my lips before gettin' up. "Good morning papi. I made you breakfast. I have to go but I'll see you at dinner, yeah?" She rushed out, sliding on her dress.

"Leavin me already?" I asked, sittin' up.

I have this thing today?"

"Thing?" I raised my eyebrows, throwin' the sheets back.

"Yeah." She said rollin' her eyes. "I volunteered to help one of my good friends. She needs a model, and I'm a model." She smiled widely, being sarcastic.

I motioned for her to come to me and she reluctantly came. I picked a strawberry from my plate and held it before her lips. She bit it and took it, lettin' me bite it as well. 

"Your so sweet." She whispered against my lips. "But I have to go."

I laughed and watched her rush out the room. "See you later papi." She hollered.

I nodded smilin' to myself. Gettin' out the bed, I sat the plate on my nightstand and peeled the sheets and covers off. I left them on the floor so I could shower.

Afta' gettin' dressed I was ready to leave the house. I looked at the plate on the nightstand and picked it up. I wasn't really a breakfast person, but no one knew dat' better than Fawn.

Messin' wit' Jessica was a temporary thing. She was bout' her business and didn't question us. I enjoyed her company cause she already knew what is was, unlike women who wanted a ring afta' the first night.

As on schedule I was headed to Fawn's condo to pick up baybeh Zo'. I walked down the luxury condo halls and knocked on her door. The door flung open and she stepped out with Zoe.

"Could you get here a lil bit earlier next time maybe?" She stressed.

I looked at my phone and read the time. "It's seven thirty."

"Well in the business world, your late if your on time and you're on time if you're early." She said handin' me a sleepin' Zo'.

"Why she sleep?" I asked Fawn as she locked the door.

"She didn't go to sleep till' three this morning."

We all walked to the elevator and Fawn pressed "lobby".

"Hey what are you doing tonight?" She asked looking at her phone.

I thought about the dinner I planned with Jessica and debated on tellin' the truth. Fawn looked up afta' she didn't get a response and did a head gesture.

"Chillin' with Killa."

"Good. You can watch Zoe." She said replying to a text.

The elevator doors opened and we stepped out. "I mean we were going out. You got somethin' to do?"

"Yes a company dinner." She stressed.

"Aight." I said, thinkin' how I was goin' to cancel my plans with Jessica.

She was crazy and demandin'. I kno' she wouldn't take no for an answer. Even after I tell her I have Zo' with me.

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