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Few days later

Living with girls has been great well besides Diamond but y'all knew. August and I have gotten close but he's always switching up on me. One minute he wants me the next he's distant and with the beast (Diamond).

It was early Saturday morning and today I would be graduating. AB was in my room waking me up and she had some balloons and a bag with a bow on it.

"What's this?" I cheesed.

"Open it."

I slowly pulled a box out and opened it. A necklace that read Fawn was inside. No lie it was pretty and looked a little expensive. After I opened the rest of the stuff everyone got me I said thank you and went to get ready. After I got out the shower I put on my red fitted dress with some nudes heels (Outfit in MM). I curled my hair and did my makeup.

I walked downstairs and everyone was doing their own thing. Ash came over and hugged me and the other girls did the same.

"Good luck!" They all said at the same time.

I really wanted them to come at least but they had things to do. I grabbed my cap and gown and purse and walked out. The driver was waiting on me. I got in the car and was off to graduate.

Once I got there I found my class. We all stood back waiting for the graduation to start. I saw all the proud parents and family members fill the seats out front. I was kinda hurt because nobody was here for me. I was ready to get this over with. Tre came and stood beside me and nudged me.

"Hey you good?" He smiled a little.

"Yes I'm fine." I half lied.

"When this over meet me in the front." He told me before giving me a side hug and leaving. It was time for us to be seated and we sat down how we practiced. The ceremony started and they talked and stuff before calling our names. When they got to my name of the alphabet I was nervous.

"Fawn Gonzalez!" The principle called.

I walked to get my diploma and heard cheering.

"Fawn go girl!"

"That's my sister wive!" I turned around and all the girls and August was here. That brought tears to my eyes and I also seen my cousin. I walked off the stage so the next person could be called. I was very happy in the moment and I knew my mom was smiling down on me.

After the ceremony everyone was out front. Tre approached me and we shared a hug. He gave me a pink bear that had on a cap and gown. I smiled and thanked him. We talked for a little while and took a picture together. He told me he would text me later and I said ok.

I walked over to my sister wives and August and we all grouped hugged. I noticed Diamond wasn't here and I could care less. August smirked at me and I playfully rolled my eyes.

"All grown up now huh lil beybeh?" He grinned.

I nodded and he pulled me into a hug. I took in his scent and the hug felt like home. My cousin called my name breaking me from the hug. She gave me a card and told me congrats. We conversed a little before she left. August said we had lunch reservations so that's where we headed.

We all piled in one car. I sat in the passenger seat while Aug drove. He put his hand on my thigh and I looked at him while he just drove.

"I got you a present." He smirked.

"And what is it?" I raised my eyebrows.

"You'll see later." He chuckled.

I made a list of things that he could have possibly gotten me. We arrived at the five star restaurant and made our way in. It was dark with candles and dim lighting. I could get use to this I thought. We all were seated and I sat between August and Ashley. We ordered drinks and different dishes. We laughed together and just had a good time as a family.

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