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I was so nervous as Jasmine helped place the veil on my head. She helped me to the mirror and I smiled. It was the first time I actually seen everything together. The Cinderella theme was suggested by Zoe and August and I liked it.

"Excuse me." Jasmine said, walking away as she fanned her eyes.

I pouted and titled my head to the side. I didn't want to ruin my makeup and Jasmine wasn't helping. "Come on now. At least after I make it down the aisle."

"I knoww. I'm sorry. I'm just really happy." She said laughing.

I motioned for her to come over and hugged her the best I could. "I can't believe I'm here."

"I knew you would get here. You deserve it. I'm so happy for you and I love you."

"I love you too." I responded letting go.

There was a knock on the door, letting us know it was time. I blew out a breath of air and turned to Zoe who was getting the finishing touches on her hair.

"You ready baby?" I asked Zoe.

She gave me a wide smile and nodded. "Mommies a princess."

"Yup mommies a pretty princess who will be a queen ten minutes from now." Jasmine said grabbing a hold of Zoe's hand.

Zoe giggled and I started laughing. Jasmine opened the door and everything became real. I held my dress as we walked the hall and stood in front of two white closed doors.

Jasmine handed me my bouquet and we linked arms. Zoe stood in front of us ready to walk first. She looked so angelic in her dress and I couldn't be a more proud mom.

I tried to calm my nerves as my heart started beating fast. "Hey." Jasmine said softly. "It's going to be okay. Just calm down." I nodded hearing her words.

I was shaking like crazy and I wanted to run back to the dressing room. After this I was going to officially be August Alsina's Wife. I was going to be Mrs. Fawn Alsina. I smiled at the thought and the double doors suddenly opened surprising me.

Zoe started walking first. After rehearsing this fifty million times she eventually got the hang of it. Throwing flowers everywhere, she received a chuckle from the crowd.

It was my turn to walk and everyone stood up. So High by John Legend started to play and my eyes met with August.

My nerves were shot and only one thing could calm me down. Him. His smile, his voice, his touch. Everything about him had me head over heels.

He eyes stayed fixed on mine and he looked shocked. I started to think I looked crazy. Did he not like the dress, was my hair a mess. He then smiled as I kept over thinking.

I wanted everything to be perfect. He continued to smiled and then he turned away. In this moment I knew it was real. He was crying and that brought tears to my eyes.

My eye sight became blurry and Jasmine let go of my arm. I looked at her and she gave me a reassuring look and stood behind me. I took a deep breath and stepped up to my soon to be husband.

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