28. Part 2

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Plz excuse any mistakes :)


"Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to my baybeh. Happy Birthday to you." I sang wakin' Fawn up.

She didn't kno' what was goin' so she put the pillow over her head and laid there. "What time is it?"

"It is twelve fifteen."

She slowly sat up and looked at Zoe, who was knocked out with her feet on Fawns chest. Fawn carefully moved her feet without wakin' her and looked at the huge cupcake I was holdin'.

"Oh my god.. I can't believe I forgot my own birthday." She whispered, moving her hair away from her face.

I sat the cupcake on the tv dresser and grabbed both, her hands. "All da' stressin' and worryin' you do, I bet you did."

"All for nothing, huh?" She smiled.

"For nothin. Soon you'll have everything you want and more. Now let's enjoy dis' cake befo' da' lah one wakes up."

"I can't believe I forgot my birthday babe." Fawn said laughing.

"Dat's why ya got me." I told her.

She took her finger and lifted the icing from the cupcake. Rising from her spot she moved closer and put her legs on each side of me. "I do don't I?" She grinned, feedin' me icing '.

I sucked her finger and followed it with a kiss. "Mhm." She smiled against my lips and started grindin'.

I held her waist and stared at her. "You love me?"

"Yes I love you very much." She said, layin' her head on my shoulder.


We stayed in this position and jus' talked about any and everythin' before Fawn fell back asleep. I carried her to the bed and laid her next to Zoe, before I got in myself. Pullin' my girls closed to me I kissed both their heads and closed my eyes.


I held Zoe as Fawn snapped a picture of us standin' in front of Animal Kingdom entrance. We had been to two parks so far and Fawn was goin' a bit over board wit' da' pictures.

She wanted to capture every moment for Zoe and I meant every singe thing. "Okay. I'm done for now." She said smiling wide.

I gave her a yeah right look and placed Zoe in her stroller. "I think you got enough pics baybeh."

"It'll be enough after we go to Magic Kingdom." She responded looking through the pictures.

I pushed Zo's strollin' as we entered the park. It was animals everywhere and I was waitin' to see how Fawn acted.

She wasn't really an animal person so I knew this adventure wouldn't last very long. We got in line for safari tour and Fawn stood behind me with her arms wrapped around my torso. "It's so hot. I don't know what I was thinking this morning." She complained, referrin' to her outfit. 

"You always dressin' like you bout to walk on somebody run way. I bet you is hot and you prolly got my baybeh burnin' up."

"I was trying to match. I think our little family look cute." She stated rubbing my stomach.

She went around to Zoe and pinched her cheeks softy. "You hot fluffy puff?" She cooed, switching her shoes out.

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