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Plz excuse any mistakes :)


Fawn laid lazily across the bed enjoying her guilty pleasure of reality tv. As she sat watching tv, she heard her phone vibrating. Fawn glanced at the screen and hopped up. It was the phone call she'd been waiting for.

"Hello." Fawn answered, praying for good news.

On the other end of the phone was a woman from the DNA lab. It had been a week since she sent both August and Liyah swab's in and she was more than ready for the results.

"Your results are in. I think you should come down to the lab." Hearing those words only put Fawn on edge.

What could they possible tell her, that couldn't be said over the phone. "Okay. Can I come now?" Fawn asked getting out the bed.

"Yes. Just come before one." Fawn told the woman okay and ended the phone call.

She looked at her outfit and decided to change. She settled on some jeans and threw on the most proximate shoes by her. Grabbing her belongings she was headed out the door.

Everyone was out so there was no one there to question her on where she was going. August had been working on opening his second club while the girls were out organizing a charity event. They always made time to do for others in need and helping anyway they could.

Fawn got inside her car and drove twenty minutes to the lab. Once she had arrived, she was told to sit in the waiting room. The office was almost empty so she knew it wouldn't be a long wait. Tapping her phone with her nails, she waited to be called.

"Doctor. Kelly will be with you right now." The receptionist said. 

Fawn stood to her feet and walked to the back where Dr. Kelly stood waiting. "Hey. How are you today?"

"I'm good and you?" Fawn asked.

"I'm good." The doctor smiled. "So let's get to it. You sent me the previous DNA test results with the swabs you wanted me to test. Now seeing the previous test didn't match the new one, I made some phone calls."

As expected Fawn knew what the outcome would be, but she wasn't expecting what she was about to hear next.

"It seems homogeneous to someone rigged the test. The samples that were summited was both of the mothers."

Fawn eyes shot open. She couldn't believe what she was hearing, then again it was Diamond they were talking about.

After going over everything Dr. Kelly let Fawn keep the previous and new test. Fawn thanked her and was on her way back to the house. She stuffed everything inside her purse and zipped it up.

Fawn wasn't comfortable with the fact she was going behind August back, but someone had to have his and Fawn made sure it was going to be her.

After getting back to the house, Fawned stored the results and locked it up. Getting that off her shoulders there was one more thing to be done. Fawn had not forgotten about Diamond's friend Mariah and she knew just how she was to handle it. Diamond's post baby shower was this evening and Fawn was sure Mariah was going to be there.

Jasmine snuck up on Fawn, but Fawn was aware of her presence already. Fawn turned around before Jasmine could scare her and smiled. "I knew you were here when you slammed the front door." Fawned said laughing.

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