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Plz excuse any mistakes :)


It's been two days since I left the house. August hasn't called once and I wasn't going to call him. I did meet up with my sister wives for lunch yesterday to see them after I took Jasmine to the airport. They want me to come back, but me being the stubborn person I am, it wasn't happening.

I finished getting ready to go meet Tre. We were going out for drinks just to catch up with each other. I grabbed my room key and placed into my clutch. I left the room and walked to the elevator, being greeted my Adam.

"Going down Ms.Gonzalez?"

"Yes." I smiled, stepping inside.

He pressed the button and the elevator started moving. I fixed my hair before the doors opened and Adam stepped aside.

"Have a good evening."

"You too Adam."

Valet had my car out front so I got inside and drove to the bar. I let the top back as I cruised through the pretty Miami streets. Once I arrived at the bar, I hurried inside since I was late. Tre was already sitting at the bar on his phone so I walked over and slid into the chair next to him. He smiled once he saw me and sat his phone down.

"You always pop outta no where?" He laughed.

"Maybe, you've been waiting long?"

"Naw too long.  You want something." He asked, waving the bar tender over.

"Your not twenty one." I whispered.

"I got this ma."

"Okay then." I said, in defense.

Apparently Tre had connects. He got us all the drinks we wanted but I wasn't too much of a drinker and I had to drive back.

"What's been going on with you?"

"Nothing besides what you see on Instagram if you follow us and I start school in January."

"How did that happen actually?"

"Long story, but he found me after my aunt put me out and helped me."

"Damn. What's it like living with all girls and one guy? Do y'all share dick?" He chuckled.

I rolled my eyes. "No we don't share dick."

"I'm just asking. If I was your boy, I'd be hitting everybody."

"I bet." I mumbled. "But how's your life going?"

"It's straight, in school and shit."

"Your not just going to school just because, hope your actually doing something." I told him, turning around so I was facing him.

"I'm on the defensive end on the football team." He grinned.

"Wow, didn't know you played."

"Yeah. Come to my game sometime?" He questioned.

"I will, just let me know."

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