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Cassandras pov

Here I am sitting in this stupid plane with my fucking parents, and we are going to California for a dinner with the Spanish Mafia. I've always hated dinners because I'm basically the only kid my parents are taking care of since my brother and sister moved out when they got married.

I'm so tired of trying to be good enough for my parents but they still treat me like shit.It hurts that your own parents would hurt you and wouldn't even try to stop it but its whatever anymore. "Hurry up we are in California" my mom says while I get up off the plane into the black SUV waiting for us outside.

I sit in the back of the SUV waiting for my parents to get in the car as they are talking to security. My mom gets in the car same as my dad then starting to drive to the hotel.

we had finally made it to the hotel and thank fucking god I have my own room to myself I don't have to deal with my parents. Once I walk I in the hotel room all my bags are already in there i jump on the bed but get a notification from my mom telling me to get ready for the dinner.

seriously I just got in the room.

I groan getting up from the bed going to the bathroom starting the shower. Once I get in the shower I wash my body and wash my hair quickly getting out so I have enough to get ready.

I grab my blow-dryer drying my hair and straighten it before putting my clothes on.

"c'mon Cassandra we got to go" my mom yelled as I hurried and put my heels grabbing my purse and phone leaving the hotel room. 

The car finally stops at this very fancy restaurant I mean fancier than the ones we have. My mom and dad get out of the car as I do the same as them following inside the restaurant.

"ah there you are hello this is my daughter Cassandra Shes 22 years old" my dad showing me off as some fucking toy but all I do is smile at them.

"Ha great this is my son as you all know the leader of the Spanish mafia Antonio, he is 25" The older man says as Antonio smiles at me kissing my hand making our way more into the restaurant getting a booth. "You're a beautiful lady" he says as I stare into his grey eyes "mph thank you" I say smiling as he winks.

he groans adjusting himself in his seat as soon has I stop smiling I lean back crossing my arms.

He just stares at me. We get interrupted from our "staring competition" "Did the both of you hear anything we just said. You both will be going to the ball with each other" Antonios dad says as i widen my eyes "why can't i just go with Chloe like I always do" I ask. My dad rolls his eyes "we said it's already been said and planned you have no choice" I groan slumping back in seat "sit up hermosa we don't want your back hurting, do we?" Antonio asks.

"Why do you care?"

"Well, I don't want my dates back in pain at the ball" he says leaning forward in his seat.

never knew a man like this would have so much power over me.

I sit up rolling my eyes and crossing my legs again as he chuckles "you... your feisty." 

"And I love every single fucking second of it." He ends as I squint my eyes at him while he fucking winks again "do you have and eye problem or something fucking winking at me" I say.

"What does it mess with you" he asks.

fuck yeah.

"Just stop doing it. Its nasty" I say.

He chuckles "sure Belleza" "bye Fernando, I will see you at the ball next week" my father says "hey do me a favor stop rolling your eyes at me" Antonio says to me I laugh "you wish " I say before catching up to my parents.

I get in the SUV putting on my seatbelt "so how do you like him" my mom asks "mm he is alright" I say as my mom groans turning back around.

Once we get to the hotel I go straight to my mom quickly telling my parents goodnight closing my room door going into the bathroom to take all my make up off and change into my night clothes. Once I finish all that I lay on my bed falling asleep.


This chapter is so short but it only is because i took out the text messages between chloe and cass but I HOPE YALL LIKE THIS BETTER THAN THE OTHER ONE BECAUSE I KINDA LIKE THIS BETTER.... Anywayyyyysss LOVE YALLLL

 Anywayyyyysss LOVE YALLLL

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Word Count; 851


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