baby girl

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Cassandra pov

"How do you know you're supposed to go to the hospital" Chloé asks "um when my contractions are like 5 minutes apart like now they are like 30 minutes apart? I don't know they just aren't as close" I explain she nods.

The boys walk in chuckling.

I'm pretty sure they just got some stuff to heal the wounds "hi mi vida" Antonio whispers in my neck.

"What are you two talking about" Mason asks "stuff about birth" "okay that's.." Mason says going into the fridge we laugh.

"To be honest Cassandra you are going to be so hot after you have this baby literally a milf" Chloé says as I laugh "Antonio is just…" "you are going to let her bully me' I laugh "she's joking mio marito" I say rubbing the back of his head.

"How are my girls" he asks standing behind me laying his head on my shoulder and rubbing my belly.

"Good, I'm having a lot of contractions" "do I need to take you to the hospital" he asks I giggle "no" he looks at me "are you sure" "yes" I laugh as he kisses my cheek then rubs my stomach.

"Are you guys excited at least" Mason asks "I am" Chloé says "well you aren't going to push the human out" I mutter as she laughs.

"But you know what we can do to waste time" "Sleep" Chloé says.

"No… we can decorate for Christmas" Chloé rolls her eyes "shut up Chlo when would you like to decorate on Christmas day?" I argue "Cass you know I like hate Christmas" "you've said that your whole life and you still spend Christmas with me promise me it will be fun" I say "and there will be a baby involved " Antonio says pointing at my belly.

"Fine" she mutters I smile "do you not feel her" Antonio says "doing what?" "She's kicking a lot" he says I hum as he rests his head on mine.


Antonios pov.

I feel someone shake me awake "yeah" I groan "my water just fucking broke Antonio" "what" I shoot awake as she chuckles holding my shoulder.

"Your water broke you're having a baby" she nods, holding my shoulder digging her nails into me "okay" I say holding my hand over hers.

"Hospital bag come on Antonio my fucking contractions" "right" I stumbles around the room grabbing the hospital bag her shoes and mine as well.

"Just get me slippers so I can slip them on" "yes okay" I say grabbing her pink slippers putting them at her feet bending down so she could keep herself stable "can you sit here while I pack the car" "sure" she says I sigh "I'm sure" she tells me as I walk downstairs waking up Chloé.

I turn on Masons light "wake up my wife is in fucking labor holy shit" I mutter going to the garage putting her bags and the car seat in it's spot.

I walk back upstairs to Cassandra "okay come on" I say holding out my hand for her helping her down the stairs.

"Wait" she says, stopping at the stairs for I assume a contraction I rub her back "do you know how far apart they are" I ask she shakes her head "okay let me know when you get one" I say kissing her head walking to the garage.

I open the car door helping her into the car "okay we need to hurry it hurts really bad" she says as I put her seatbelt on "okay mi vida" I say hurrying to the driver side starting the car.

"Im so tired" she tells the doctor "I know I'm sorry and your baby girl doesn't want to come out you are still at 5 centimeters I mean if you want you can try a exercise ball we can try having your husband give a message so you can relax you can also try walking around the room" the doctor explains to Cassandra she sighs "we will try everything okay and we can see where that gets you" the doctor says as she nods.

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