"let me teach you"

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Antonios Pov 

"We need to talk" I tell her as she looks at me confused "about?" "Us now sit down" I demand she sits fiddling with her fingers.

I put down the box she gave me sitting it the stool in front of her "you might think I'm soft fucking bitch but I don't like this. I don't fucking like how your so awkward around me I just want you to be comfortable around me I won't hurt you" I tell her as she looks at me.

"I don't know how to, I don't think you understand I don't know how to love. I've been hurting all my life. You don't know what they put me through."

"I do Cassandra I do know what they put you through I knew since I was fucking 14 please just let me fix you. let me teach you how it feels to be loved by someone. Please" I beg.

"I made this fucking shit I made this arrangement to save you Cassandra I waited years for you to be ready knowing you were getting hurt because I couldn't do shit as a little boy when I laid my eyes on you.

A 13-year-old girl getting hurt God knows how. I know what I set up for I know what they fucking did and it pains me because that's your fucked up parents I can't hurt them for you" "I'm sorry I'm so fucking sorry they hurt you but I want you to know I can't and I won't ever  fucking hurt you Cassandra I'm in love with you. I've been in love with you. Let me fix you god damnit please" I beg.

"I will fucking beg as much as I need to fix you" I add on at this point she's crying in her hands I take her hands away from her face making her look at me "give us a chance" I tell her laying her and my hands on her thighs.

"I don't know how to" she says sobbing "I don't feel like myself I feel horrible I feel ugly i-" "I don't give a shit Cassandra you don't have anything that's not beautiful I promise and I will try my fucking best to make you love yourself again" I tell her as she nods "okay" crying into my shoulder as I pick her up spinning her.

"I will do everything in my power to keep you safe and make you feel better" I say "your 'flaws' don't matter to me Cassandra you are stunning I don't care what the fuck you're parents said about you. Try and forget that. It's just me and you now" I tell her as she nods "don't hurt me" she whispers.

I'm so fucking hurt.

"I will never in my fucking life" I state she nods trying to wipe off her running mascara.

"Ok so since you know everything tell me everything" "start to finish" I nod.

"I was 14 and last year my mom passed away because of..mafia shit. Me and my dad were really not doing good and me and my dad use to just lay in bed and cry my dad got better but me I couldn't get up without crying my dad and I grew a closer bond so once I got a little better I started getting more into the Mafia and I would tell my dad I wanted to get married to beautiful girl. Pretty dark eyes and hair and dimples so I found you in a stack of my dad's piles and I fucking kept the file and I might sound weird but I kept it by my bed and I read all about you and what mafia you were apart of and the age they said you wanted to get married at was 23 so I waited years finding out more shit about you then just your fucked up parents which my dad told me so when I was 23 I finally told my dad that I found you and I wanted to arrange a marriage because I was the leader I could do whatever I wanted. I did your parents tried to seem like they cared but they didn't I even tried finding you siblings which I know you have but they didn't come up so I'm guessing they didn't give the Mafia to your other siblings they gave you it. Fuck anyways I did everything in my power to marry you first you are my dream woman" I rant as she nods.

"I was really a pretty girl at 13 hm" she says laughing as I chuckle with her "Belleza I was 13 describing how I wanted my wife to be then you showed up an angel from heaven" I tell her as she smiles covering her face "my favorite part is the dimples" I add as she stops smiling hiding her dimples.

I chuckle "us? A chance together" I ask her once again "promise you won't hurt me" she says holding her pinky up to me "promise on everything" I say connecting Pinky's.

"Sleep with me tonight" I say pushing it "you're going far" she says "maybe" she mumbles.

It felt so good holding her in my arms that night.

A pretty woman my dream my fucking wife in my damn arms all night that morning.

This morning.

I'm awake and she's still asleep.

I've been watching her sleep...

I hope it isn't creepy.

The sun the light shines on her as I cover it "fuck you for being this damn pretty and fuck your damn parents for making you feel like shit. Making you feel like you aren't anything like you are nasty and ugly. I wish I could... I don't know I hate them I just want you to feel pretty I want you to feel beautiful again" I whisper.

"I am in love with you I don't hate you. I don't think your nasty. I think your breathtaking I am unable to breath hearing your voice seeing your face and seeing you smile with your dimples a real damn smile. It's me and you are against the world and I will do anything for you Belleza. You want the world in ashes the world will be in ashes to make you happy my happy girl my happy woman. 

My happy wife.


Well this obvi didn't happen in the original but I feel like it needed to happen because idk how I was gonna make them fall in love tbh LMAO, but Cass is/ was going through hard shit with her parents and shit making her not feel good SOOOOO YK Antonio being the whipped mf he did what he needed to anyways LIKE COMMENT LOVE YALLLL.

Well this obvi didn't happen in the original but I feel like it needed to happen because idk how I was gonna make them fall in love tbh LMAO, but Cass is/ was going through hard shit with her parents and shit making her not feel good SOOOOO YK Ant...

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