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Antonios pov

Cassandra's birthday was a while ago. I bought a car for her…

But it just came in now which is horrible but she's been wanting this so I got it for her of course I did.

"You need a haircut" Cassandra yawns softly as I smile "willing to give me one vida?" "of course" she says sitting on the stool next to me.

"I didn't think you would be awake" she says laying her head on my shoulder I place my hand on her thigh "I had a meeting" I groan loosening my tie "did you eat" she asks I hum "I'll feed myself soon" I say looking at her.

My hand goes back on her thigh and she sighs "what's wrong" I ask her kissing her forehead she hums "nothing " I kiss her forehead "you promise" I whisper she laughs "I promise…I just can't believe where I'm at right now" she says I lean back in my chair "how so" I ask.

"Um I mean I'm married to you.. I never thought someone could actually love me" she laughs I smile "I love you Cassandra you are a very lovable beautiful woman who wouldnt love you" I say putting some hair behind her ear.

"You're a good woman Cassy I'm so fucking sorry you had to live with people who couldn't see that in you and treated you like absolute shit i am not like that I know your worth and you deserve to know you are much more than what you think. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me along with having a daughter" I say and kiss her cheek.

"Make you feel better?" I ask she hums "yeah I love you too Antonio " she says I smile "how'd you sleep" I ask "alright how did you sleep" she asks I hum "I slept fine" I groan she looks up at me before I kiss her forehead.

"You need a haircut go wash your hair" she says running her hands through my hair I chuckle leaning my head in her hands while she massage my head.

I hum closing my eyes "now" she demands pulling her hand away my from my head I sigh kissing her cheek "yes mami" I mutter getting up from the stool.

Cassandra pov

Antonio is the one to give names.

Like cute nicknames, mine has always been Mi vida or mi amor but it's recently changed to mami which is interesting but whatever along with Aurelia like hers will ever change it will always be princesa always.

I walk into our bathroom steaming from Antonio shower and him walking out with the towel around his waist.

He holds the towel at his waist coming up from behind me kissing my cheek "don't dry your hair" I demand he nods walking into his closet "you know your going to need to shower after too" I say from the bathroom he comes back inside "your right" he mutters the towel still around his waist and he sits on the bathtub "should I buzz you" I joke he sighs.

I giggle "do whatever you think I look best in if it's bald let me know because I would think you're lying" he says I smile, trimming the long pieces of his hair then getting the razor to trim the sides.

His hands travel to my ass "you're not helping me concentrate" I mutter he hums kissing my stomach and squeezing my ass "Antonio" "yes vida" he mutters as I pull away from him looking at the even sides.

He nods "better" "yes" I whisper seeing Aurelia sir around in the bed "you'll be okay today? I have a couple meetings but I will try and get home as fast as possible" Antonio asks I smile "I'll be fine I'm always fine" I say he kisses my hand "promise" he mutters "yes I promise " I roll my eyes pulling away.

"Mommy" Aurelia whines as I chuckle , putting the hair away from her face.

She got really big. She's almost one. She's learned how to walk very well and she's really good at talking.

"Where is dada" "dada is in the bathroom let's go get breakfast" I say lifting her and her head lays on my shoulder "what do you want for breakfast" she stays on my shoulder stays quiet.

I sigh lifting her to look at me and she smiles "you little liar" I say she giggles "I want dada" she says "daddy is coming down soon" I say place her on the island chair and she crosses her legs moving her hair out her face.

"Hey princesa" Antonio says his jacket in his arm he kisses her cheek as she smiles he places his jacket on the chair picking up Aurelia and she squeals.

"Dada" she says wrapping her arms around his neck and he starts to tickle her "my girl did you sleep good?" "Yes dada" "good" he kisses her cheek again setting her back down on the stool.

"Wife" he mutters as I cut some fruit up he grabs my waist "Antonio I have a knife in my hand" I mutter he shakes his head kissing me "you didn't cut me and if you did I don't care" he whispers pecking my lips twice.

"One more" he whispers, kissing me a couple more times "you said one" I pull away he chuckles walking over to Aurelia kissing her cheek again "bye bye I see you later and I love you two" he yells quickly leaving the house.


Um so

Me and Aurelia have a problem with letting cute things go which I had to break her little heart by not buying the fucking dog for her.

Because I respect Antonio and we girls don't know if he's okay with it.

Which if Aurelia wants it we are most likely going to get it.

"Hey my girls" Antonio walks in kissing me then picks up Aurelia "hey princesa" he mumbles as she rests her head on his shoulders "sleepy girl" he whispers rubbing her back.

"What did you two do today?" he asks holding my waist "nothing much we went out and she seen puppies" "did you buy a puppy" he asks "no but she really wanted one I did too but I didn't because I didn't know how you would feel" I say.

He chuckles kissing me "we can buy the animals tomorrow-" "I thought you didn't like dogs" "I don't but you two both want it so I can go through it for you" he says I smile "okay well" I say he kisses me.

"She's sleeping"  I say he chuckles while we walk up to the bedroom.

This chapter is very unorganized but it's FINE it will most likely be getting re written or wtv ANYWAYS VOTE AND COMMENT LOVE YALLL

This chapter is very unorganized but it's FINE it will most likely be getting re written or wtv ANYWAYS VOTE AND COMMENT LOVE YALLL

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Word Count: 1153


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