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Antonios Pov

The flight is almost over we only have around 2 hours before we land, and it's been quiet.

Cassandra doesn't really talk much which is boring and sad.

I could literally fall asleep to her talking.

"are we almost there" I hum as she leans back "you know your the only person who calls me Cassandra" She mocks the way I say it "I rather you call me Cass" "I'm good Cassandra" I say.

Hours later.

"Fucking finally" she says walking out the plane as her hair flies all in her face "fresh air" She screams as the guards look at me confused, I stare at them letting them know to get the bags while I jog opening the door for her.

"you're a bitch" She says placing her bag down as I pick it up "Cassandra you aren't supposed to put bags on floors its bad just hold it" I tell her as she rolls her eyes and groans.

"wait can we actually stop and get food" She mumbles I hum closing the door as the guards tell me the bags are in the car.


I get in the car "what do you want" I ask driving out the lot "food" I look at her driving to a random food place.


Cassandras Pov

Antonio took me to chick fil a ITS WAS AMAZING it was only good because I didn't eat anything before.

I had chicken nuggets they were so goo-

"c'mon" Antonio interrupts my thoughts while I look at his house "wow very modern" I say grabbing my bag "mhm" he hums closing the door after me then opening the house door.

The actual house is on a small hill and is very far back with a huge front yard and huge ass tree covering the view to inside.

I could for real walk naked in here-

"Living room" he says while I sit on the couch "wow pretty comfy" I add placing my bag there along with the food.

"Do you want to see your room" he asks "duh" I scoff as he takes me upstairs to a room.


it's very modern with a huge mirror in the corner and a very large bed I HAVE A WHOLE ASS LIVING ROOM IN MY ROOM.

"Was your room not this big" "no like half of this" I tell him as he shows me the large bathroom and EVEN FUCKING BIGGER CLOSET.

"I will literally get lost in the closet" I tell him as he laughs.

his laugh was just like...

"And your guards already put my shit in their places this is amazing" I tell him "you like it?" He asks "fuck yeah" "good" he mutters "I want to like sleep in the god damn closet" I mutter sitting on the bed.

"Well, I'm going to leave I have a meeting and paperwork so ill be gone all night mostly" he tells me "boring" I say knowing I'm going to have to do the same shit soon.

"Have fun being depressed and working" I yell while he leaves my room.


Antonios Pov

"Why hello" Mason says "what" I mutter walking into my office "I heard you're... married" he asks.

Mason is my best friend he is basically like a brother technically.

We've been friends since we were kids.

"Sure am married" I say sarcastically "woman of your dreams" He adds "exactly how I told you" "and when do I get to meet her" he asks "shut up Mason go kill someone" "your wish is my command" he says leaving the room.

I don't know what's wrong with him.


HEYYY THIS CHAPTER IS short. LIKE FR I'm so sorry the chapters after this get a little more a longer and I also let you guys meet mason earlier so BE HAPPY ANYWAYYS LOVEYALLL.

 LIKE FR I'm so sorry the chapters after this get a little more a longer and I also let you guys meet mason earlier so BE HAPPY ANYWAYYS LOVEYALLL

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Word count; 653


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