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Antonios pov

"I'll be back mi vida" I whisper as she hums. I know she didn't hear a thing I said. All she cares about is sleeping.

"Finally" Mason whispers once I make it downstairs "shut up Mason" I mutter grabbing my keys along with my gun just in case.

"No cause you tell me a fucking and go to rush me half the time you aren't ready-" "fuck off Mason get in the fucking car and stop arguing" I demand starting the car driving to the location.

"His name is fucking Phil" Mason complains after me and him both learn Cassandras dads name.

"I guess so" I mutter while walking into his office.

"Ah Antonio Gonzalez glad to be seeing-" "cut the shit I've made a arrangement correct I've got your daughter out of your household also correct and you have gave your daughter the role of being the Italian Mafia leader but your trying to hurt her I don't understand why" I ask he stops looking around the room.

"Explain" Mason says "i- Cassandra wasn't supposed to have the Mafia you set an arrangement which only causes me to give her the Mafia-" "it doesn't if you didn't want her to have it you have two other kids who would love that" he stop his fiddling with his tie.

"I swear to fucking God if I find you you sent another fucking threat to my wife or anyone that is apart of my household and yes that fucking means Chloé. I will fucking hurt you. My wife doesn't need nothing more than her being my fucking wife. If you need anything more from me figure it out and me and MY wife will discuss what we will do. Understood" I demand as he nods "thanks for wasting my time" I grunt leaving his office

"But I want to help" she begs "please she is even kicking she wants to help too" I chuckle "fine" I mutter taking the box to the room.

The last thing we have to build for our daughter's room is her crib and then we are finished.

"Okay what do you want me to help with" she says sitting in the rocking chair "nothing just look beautiful" "Antonio" "yes Hermosa" "I want to help" "amor you are about to have our baby in a couple weeks mi amor I don't want you two to get hurt" I explain.

"Antonio you're so boring" "I'm being safe you're probably about to sleep in the chair soon" "I'm not" she says rubbing her belly with a giggle.

"You're giggling because you know I'm right" I say as she continues to laugh I roll my eyes putting the pieces to the crib together "you keep saying you two or my girls when she isn't born yet" "mi vida I've been saying that since I found out I was having a daughter" I chuckle she hums.

"So if your ever talking about me and her you go my girls" she says trying to mock my voice "yes I will forever" I tell her she smiles "can we get dinner" "of course do you want to eat out or do you want me to cook for you" I ask "um eat out I want panda express" "okay mi vida" I say kissing her legs.

"You work pretty fast" I hum screwing in the last screws putting the baby mattress in the bed.

"Easy" I mutter, holding out my hands to help her up then kissing her cheek.
She giggles to herself and I look at her while Mason and Chloé  continue to talk "it's resting on my stomach" she laughs I chuckle and kiss her hand.

She gasps, taking the coffee cup off her stomach and grabbing my hand to feel her stomach as I feel our baby girl kick my hand.

"I think I woke her from giggling" Cassandra says as I chuckle rubbing her belly.

"Maybe she wants to come out" I joke Cassandra starts to laugh again covering her face "I need to stop" she says giggling.

A loud sigh comes from her as she lays her head on my shoulder making some of her hair move into her face.

THE MAFIAS BELLEZA - REWRITTINGWhere stories live. Discover now