Back Home...but all good???

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The Jet landed and docked at one of the gates.

As Shantelle walked up the ramp she saw her Nicolas standing near the gate entrance, smiling nervously at her with a bunch of stunning pink roses in his hand.

She was home, in beautiful, busy Paris.

"Shantelle, Mon Amour," He said, trying to stay calm, he had no idea how she would react to him picking her up from the airport. They hadn't spoken in four, very long weeks, and he missed her more than anything.

Without thinking, she fell into his arms, crying.

"I'm pregnant Nicolas!" She sobbed.

He gently wiped her tears away with his handkerchief.

"Dad told me Shantelle, it's okay, we'll get through this! I promise you!" He told her gently lifting her head with his finger under her chin, she fell in love with his deep, loving eyes all over again as they gazed at each other, her in close to him.

"I'm so sorry Shantelle," He told her, "for the fight, for not trusting you, for my jealousy, you should be able to talk to Kimi whenever, it's just that part of me wants you to stay away from him...But if.."

She silenced him with a soft kiss "can we go home? People are starting to take photos, Nicolas!" She whispered

He smiled and let the people take one more photo as he kissed her again.


By the time they had arrived home, there were several photos on Twitter.

"Pharaoh! My boy!" She exclaimed, happily seeing her big, dopey-eyed, drooling, and slobbering St Bernard come charging for her.

He was so excited to see her that he knocked her into Nicolas who had to use all his strength to prevent them both from falling.

"We've both missed the beautiful Mrs Prost haven't we, Pharaoh?" Nicolas said, patting the massive dog as he obediently sat at Shantelle's feet.

"This is not my Pharaoh, Nicolas!" She said shocked at her dog's different behaviour.

"Trust me it is! He was really down and mopey when you left for Brazil so I went out and bought him some treats and every day I took him out for a walk! One morning we walked over to the Eiffel Tower, stopped in for breakfast at our favourite little café, and he slobbered over all the waitresses, ate two plates full of bacon, eggs and toast and drank two bowls full of water! But the waitresses loved him!"

She smiled proudly at her husband and gently kissed his cheek, "thank you for looking after him for me Nicolas!"

Slowly he pressed his lips against hers, kissing her softly and tenderly but still with passion.

Pharaoh looked up at his owners; the Prost's, cocking his head slightly, trying to work out if they were deliberately ignoring him, finally, he let out a few loud barks and jumped up resting his massive white paws on Shantelle's back, letting them know that they were ignoring him and that he wouldn't stand for it any longer.

She turned her head to look at her dog, as she was facing Nicolas, being held in his strong arms.

"Watch this Mon amour!" He said proudly to his wife "Hey Pharaoh? Walk time?" Nico said, enthusiastically, smiling at the dopey-eyed dog.

The St Bernard, soon rushed out of the lounge room, clattering through the house and came back with his leash in his mouth.

Shantelle was amazed, Pharaoh hated walks at the best of times, even getting him to walk through the Toowong Cemetery was a job, no fun at all. Most of the time he just wanted to go home and sleep.

"He's not a dog that walks long distances, Nicolas!" She argued.

"Oh, he is now! And I think he's even trimmed up! He's looking fit and really good since we started our walks!" Nicolas said as he knelt down to clip the leash onto the ring of Pharaoh's black collar.

The big gentle giant gave Nico's cheek a massive slobbery lick.

"Fancy a walk Mon amour?" He asked as he stood, holding the leash tightly as Pharaoh was rearing to go, pulling on the leash. "Pharaoh, sit!" He said to Shantelle's dog.

The dog obeyed without hesitation.

She smiled at him and took her arm around his and said "Yes and I want to know what you have done with my dog!"


They would have walked over three kilometres and by the time they got home, Shantelle was the most exhausted.

Nicolas sent her to rest as Pharaoh lapped from his water bowl in their Kitchen.

She had fallen asleep on their bed; a cool afternoon breeze blew through the open French doors of their private balcony, keeping her cool.

She didn't even hear Nicolas' family come over.

Nicolas, after getting his Mum, Dad, brother and sister all a drink went to gently close the master bedroom door to avoid waking his sleeping wife.

He and Sacha still had to start talking to each other, since his brother had kissed Shantelle he refused to talk to Sacha.

Alain looked at both his sons and said firmly "Ne plus ignorer l'autre ... Réagissez! Nicolas? Sacha?"

"Don't yell in my house, Shantelle is asleep and I want her to stay asleep!" Nicolas warned his little brother.

"I didn't know it was entirely YOUR house?" Sacha sniped.

"Sacha!" Alain growled, "we have some time to sort this out before Shantelle wakes, do not waste time by being smart!"

"I can't see what all the fuss is about!" Sacha finally said.

"YOU can't see what the fuss is all..."

"Nicolas!" Anne Marie hushed "You'll wake Shantelle! She's just down the hall!"

"Sacha, C'est quoi ce bordel est le problème avec vous? Vous embrassé ma femme! Vous avez dit à ma femme de «fuir» avec vous!" He growled at his brother as their parents watched on.

Alain had started to unwrap a Toblerone bar.

"I'm sorry! Okay! I think Shantelle is just absolutely beautiful, I admit! And she looked so sad watching you and Kimi fight I just wanted to take her away from everything!" Sacha confessed

Nicolas had started to pace back and forth, "I don't want you anywhere near Shantelle, Sacha! How can I trust you?!"

Sacha rolled his eyes and mocked "Trust? You want to talk about trust? How do you think Shantelle feels? You have a baby with Delphine and now your wife is pregnant! So that means you will have two children to two different mothers just a year apart! Every time Kimi texts her you go all fucking crazy and jealous! And you know what? I'm glad Kimi beat the SHIT out of you! YOU DESERVED IT!"

"SACHA!" Alain growled, nearly choking on his Toblerone.

"I have no reason to have anything to do with an opinionated, moron of a brother like you Sacha!" Nicolas snarled and with that, he headed down the hall and into the master bedroom.

"Well, I don't know what you were trying to achieve Sacha, but that was really disappointing!" Anne Marie said to her son.

Sacha eyed his mother and said "someone has gotta speak the truth around him and it's about time someone put him in his place!!

"Oh, Sacha! You big hero!" Alain said sarcastically "You two had better start talking soon!"

"So Isoäiti didn't leave Nico?" Lucas asked,

"And what happened to Sacha and Nico?" Elysia asked, "Did they ever start talking to each other?"

"I want a dog like Pharaoh!" Lucas said, "So he eats my sister's dolls and drawings!"

"Or slobbers all over her things!" Shantelle said "No you know, your Isoisä made a new friend shortly after I got back from my holiday in Brazil! And didn't THAT cause grief!?"   

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