九 Not So Hero

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"Make the last shot, Hara!", the P.E teacher whistled. The girls gave each other high five as the ball enters the ring. "You really don't let anything makes you the second best", Shira wiped her sweat as she walks closer to Airi who barely made it to buzzer beater. They're having p.e class during a cold day which makes the group complain a lot about having their muscles frozen. "If your brother is with us, maybe we could make it to the Nationals", the p.e teacher sighed. "Sensei, the basketball isn't that weak. Even without brother, I believe they can manage", Airi forced a smile and sat on the bench.  

"It's already time. You still have some appointment with Sano Manjiro's sister, right?", Shira reminded. "I'm not sure anymore. I wonder if it was the right decision to ask Mikey-kun for help", Airi messed with her hair. "Hara!", she heard a familiar voice and flinched. 

"Areh?~ Isn't that Sano Manjiro?"

"Why is he here? He's an upperclassman, right?". 

Airi gulped and stood. She can see the blonde waving at her. "My precious image", Airi face-palmed. The lady wore her jacket and approached the lad. "I'll just be changing my clothes. Maybe you can go ahead. I'll just be at the park that Emma-chan told me to go to", Airi gave a nervous laugh. "She said she won't be able to make it since she decided to make as many cookies as possible", Mikey informed making Airi lose her soul. The arrival of Draken made it more complicated. 


Airi looked around and noticed other high schoolers cowering at the sight of Mikey and Draken. Unlike Hazuki, they're both repelling people as if they have the same charges. "There have been lots and lots of attacking lately. Members of Toman were caught with the newly formed gang in Kantou. I believe they are called Tenjiku", Draken informed Mikey. "Let's not talk about that now", Mikey smiled and looked at Airi. She felt a little warm that Mikey would consider her hearing certain matters. 

Small-scale gang members are fighting at the alley they passed through. Airi paused for a while after hearing someone banging his head on the wall. She gulped and tried to look away but she would keep coming back to look at the scenario. She's being left behind by the two. "They're just a bunch of youngsters who are fighting with their fists, Hara. Emma is waiting for you and she'll scold me once we're late", Mikey said without looking back. Airi stepped forward but heard someone shout. 

"Stop! Please, we won't be back on your turf!". 

"Stop it already. You've outnumbered them", Airi gulped as she jumps to interfere. She wasn't sure where the confidence is coming from. Was it because two of Toman's strongest fighters is with them? Was it because there's nothing to fear more than being seen with Mikey and Draken?

"Hoho~ A chick. Why don't you go ask for some kind of hero to save you?", one of them walked closer. They are high schoolers, taller and older. "I bet you just shouted to get our attention, you slu-", one of them bit his tongue as someone pounded his head like a whack-a-mole. "Don't say such nasty words. She's quite innocent so she might look it up just to know the meaning", the friendly and lively sound of his voice made Airi's beating heart calm down. "What are you doing here, brother?", Airi looked at Hazuki who is just playfully making faces at the high schoolers. "Mikey-kun and Draken-kun were very much prepared to jump in so I thought, wow, there might be an interesting fight happening. If I jumped in front of them, they'll be outshined by me", Hazuki shrugged. One of the delinquents throws his punch but Hazuki just evaded making the gang member fall to the ground. He grabbed Airi to stay on the side. 

Please protect him with me. 

Hazuki started pulling those who were beaten on the ground while avoiding attacks from the rest of the gang members. "Stop putting your nose on everything. You're such a walking hazard!", Airi said with her eyes filled with tears. Hazuki stopped and someone took advantage. Mikey kicked him in the face. "Listen to your sister. We'll handle it from here", Draken stared at the gang members and they all knew what was coming next. 


"He cares too much and because of that, he's the one that ends up always getting hurt", Airi sighed while going back in forth on the swing. "Draken is already having a word with him. He's better at talking to people. He gets the idea when he saw you kneeling on the roof", Mickey informed pushing Airi on the swing. "Do you think he will listen? He's a stubborn guy. If I could just tie him inside his room", the lady pouted. "If he would not come to terms with himself, he will just keep doing crazy things to deal with the pain", Mikey said as if he was going through something similar. 

Airi turned and saw a serious face that he doesn't usually show. "What kind of crazy thing?", Airi gulped. "There's some kind of darkness inside me, Hara. Something that I wanted to suppress because I'm worried what will happen if I let it loose", Mikey gripped the swing's chain tightly. "Mikey-kun?", the black-haired lady called his name. "Let's go and see Emma", he invited. 

Sano's Residence

Airi looked around the living room and saw a photo of Shinichiro. "Mikey lives next door. He turned our brother's garage into his room", Emma noticed her friend looking outside the window. Emma came into the room with a tray of cookies. "I've invited the others", Mikey entered with the rest of the group. "Mikey, I never remember telling you to bring them here", Emma pouted. 

"Hi, Emma-chan. That's nice of you to bake for us", Mitsuya waved his hand. "Takemitchy said he's got a date with Tachibana, lucky bastard", Chifuyu clicked his tongue. "Don't make too much noise", Hakkai tried to hush them. "If Pah-chin would be here, he won't give us a chance to taste the cookies", Peyah chuckled. The Kawata brothers also entered. 

Airi gasped and tried to look for any escape route. "You're also here, Hara", Mitsuya noticed her. "Oh! Are you wearing Mitsuya's earing?", Smiley went closer. "Don't get too close. You're scaring her", Angry tried to pull his brother. Airi was about to cover it. 

I'm happy to see my sisters taking a liking to what I create for them. 

"They're really pretty. Thank you, Takashi-san", Airi bowed her head. "Uhm, no problem. I'll go help prepare some tea, Emma-chan", Mitsuya volunteered. "We'll help as well", Hakkai raised his hand and dragged Airi with him. 

Sano's Kitchen

"Get some cups. I'll be brewing some tea", Mistuya instructed. Hakkai was able to reach the cabinet. "Do you visit Mikey-kun's house so often?", Airi asked. "We've been friends since first-year middle high", Mitsuya nodded. Airi passed the container for the tea. "Oh! I remember, I have to tell Chifuyu about something", the tall lad recalled something. 

"How are your sisters? Takashi-san? I haven't seen them since New Year's Eve", Airi tried to open a conversation to break the silence. "Luna and Mana are doing well. Luna is into sports and Mana said she'll join the music club. I'm happy that they're both exploring", Mitsuya smiled. 

I'm happy that she's exploring more. 

"Hakkai-kun is quite fortunate to have another brother", Airi remembered Taiju beating Takemichi. "They had one but it just happened that he didn't understand his role", the lilac head. "Speaking of brothers, Hara-kun seemed to be loitering around too much. He was in our school last two days ago and he's been hanging around with the sewing club members", Mitsuya reported. "I hope he's not being a bother. I'm sorry for his loudness. I think he's bugging you. I'll tell him not to bother you anymore", Airi covered her face.

"I don't mind. He makes the room bright. Although, I wonder if he doesn't have any club to join", Mitsuya's question made Airi's mood go into slumps. "He was a captain of the basketball club last two years ago. He was just a freshman but they allowed him to be the captain", the lady informed. "I can see why. He's got charisma. I don't want to pry but I hope he's not hopping from place to place because he's running away from something", Mitsuya leaned on the wall while boiling the tea. "Sorry. I know sometimes, he can be too much", Airi paused. 

There's a dark impulse inside me. 

"He didn't really mess up with you, right?", Airi looked into Mitsuya's eyes. "On the contrary, I think he's the one getting messed up with", Mitsuya looked away. 

Chapter end.

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