十四 The Way You Drive The Clouds Away

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Airi wore a black knee-high dress with purple streaks on the side. "Your brother will be here soon. While waiting for him, why don't we just take a stroll?", Reiji invited. Airi felt hesitant after turning him down for the second time.

I thank you for taking care of my brother but I don't see you romantically. I wouldn't give any more reasons.

"I'd just call him for the last time", Airi dialed her brother's number. "Don't run away from me, Airi. Do you have someone in mind? Is there any reason why you can't see me as well?", Reiji grabbed her wrist. The lady was startled but Reiji's grip are not too threatening. "I don't want to give any reason, Reiji-san. Whatever I say, it will not change the fact that I don't see you romantically, until now", the girl bowed very low. The lad patted her head. "Don't bow too low as if you're too apologetic. You're making me look pitiful", he laughed. Airi flushed and looked up to see Reiji's gentle smiling face. "I understand. I'm not giving up though. I don't think you're seeing someone as well", Reiji saw Hazuki arriving.

"Hey! Are you guys planning to ditch me?", Hazuki sighed. "You're the one who is late. Apologize", Airi gave her brother a punch in the gut. Her brother pretended to be in pain. "You're so scary, Airi. Is this the lady you would like to go out with?", Hazuki whined.

There was a thin wall separating them from the two listening to them. "Let's go, Hakkai. I still have to work on my project", Mitsuya called on him. "Are you alright, Taka-chan?!", Hakkai followed him noticing a different kind of aura surrounding him.

Takashi's Residence

Hakki entered a new apartment which they moved into after Mitsuya started earning money from his designs.

Luna and Mana are now taller but they still remained clingy to their brother. Mitsuya hugged his sisters back and went to prepare dinner. "You're basically being their mom and dad at the same time", Hakkai will always adore his hero. "That's what I'm trying to make them feel. Luna and Mana weren't there when Dad keeps beating Mom. I commend my Mom for leaving that scum", Mitsuya minced the garlic. "Mom died early and we don't see the father as much. If ever I'd have a family in the future, would I actually be able to fill in those roles?", Hakkai leaned on the wall. "It's quite interesting that you're thinking about those matters. Is there a girl in your class that interests you?", Mitsuya gave a short laugh. Hakkai flushed and kept denying it. "I will never be comfortable with anyone aside from my sister and Hara", Hakkai shook her head.

"It's not because of our past, Hakkai. Even if we haven't tried being in a normal family, we still have the decision to be different. You'll turn out to be a good father, you've got a big heart", Mitsuya assured. Luna ran and clung to his brother's waist. "Brother will not get married. He's mine!!!", Luna shouted. "He's also mine!!!!", Mana also came and tried to fit herself and hug his brother from the back. "Yes, yes. Your brother is not fit to get married, anyways", he chuckled. "If I were to be a girl, I'd also die to marry you, Taka-chan", Hakkai said on a whim. The three looked at him. "Creep", they all said in unison.

Hara's Residence

"We're home!!!", Hazuki shouted as she entered the house. "Welcome home", Rio greeted. A girl around her age sitting in the living room. Airi looked at Hazuki. "Who?", she squinted her eyes. "Senju here", the lady introduced herself. "Oh, you really entered the house and made yourself feel comfortable", Hazuki chuckled and walked towards her as if it was nothing. "I saw her around and she was so interesting so we became friends", Hazuki gave a thumbs up.

"Senju-dear. Would like a matcha latte? I just updated the recipe I'm using since these two are starting to lose their sweet tooth", Rio offered. "Nice to meet you, Senju-san", Airi bowed and also sat with the three. "I'm Hara Airi, unfortunately, my brother's sister", Airi introduced. "I heard from you. Senju Kawaragi", the light-pinked-haired with emerald eyes waved her hand. The peculiarity in her image made Airi stare longer. "You were charmed?", Hazuki noticed. "You're beautiful, Kawaragi-san", the lady laughed nervously. "Senju is fine. Your brother is a great dude so you're my friend as well", the lady reached out her hand for a handshake. Airi took it and hid how startled she is to feel Senju's tight grip.

"I'll be in my room. Have fun", Airi excused herself and went upstairs.

The next day,


After jogging for an hour, Airi decided to take a rest at the flood control. She recalled having a conversation with Mikey at the same place. She wonders what the lad is doing after graduating high school. She climbed and sat on top recreating how Mikey sat with his eyes looking at the horizon. "Mikey-kun, where are you? My brother brought home a girl and she kind of reminded me of you. There's a strong aura around her", Airi said her thoughts aloud.

"Are you worried that your brother's attention will no longer be just for you?".

Airi heard a familiar voice and flushed. "Takashi-san", she was startled and lost her balance. Mitsuya was able to hold onto her shoulders for her to regain her balance. "Thanks", Airi squinted her eyes. "You're welcome", Mitsuya smiled and assisted the lady. "Can I join you?", the lad asked. Airi nodded. After Mitsuya climbed on top of the flood control, he sat beside the lady. The entire place was available to take a seat but Airi felt warm on her cheeks feeling Mitsuya's arm just beside her.

"We also want to know how Mikey is. What he is doing now, who is he with, and what his plans are", Mitsuya said with a small smile. "You also don't know where he is?", Airi was surprised since they were all close and would stick with him. "After he disbanded the gang, he suddenly disappeared", the lilac head answered. "Where could he be?", Airi sighed. "So you were talking about your brother. I'm not Mikey but maybe I can lend an ear", Mitsuya offered. "Oh, about that. I'm not surprised that my brother would be meeting ladies but he was never this serious enough to bring her home", Airi started talking about how Hazuki is childish and wouldn't think seriously about relationships. "You sounded like my sisters. They actually don't want me to get married. Though, I also agree with them. I don't think I will make a good husband and a father anyways", Mitsuya gave a short laugh. "Hakkai-kun says that you're never mistaken but I think you got it wrong this time", Airi looked the other way.

"Hakkai-kun is right when he said that you're everything a person would ever want to be a friend, brother, and everything else", Airi insisted. "Sometimes, I am reminded of my guilt. One time, I ran away from my responsibility leaving my sisters. I roamed around and saw Draken. He brought me to his place and was surprised that he grew up in such an environment but that explains why he respects women that much. I said on a whim that I would like to live with him but I received a kick in my face", Mitsuya chuckled. Airi pouted hearing that someone would step on Mitsuya's precious face. "She told me to go home. While I was walking back home with Draken, he told me how fortunate I am to say that I hate my mother's cooking because he never got the chance to say so", Mitsuya's expression turned to be gentle. "Draken was cool and composed. From that time on, I decided that I will follow him wherever he goes. It also pains me that even him, who was Mikey's best friend, would be left by Mikey", the lad added. "My incapabilities sometimes make me sick. Sorry, I just went out to breathe fresh air and I saw you. You're easy to talk to Hara", Mitsuya closed his eyes and breathed deeply. "Takashi-san", Airi called on his name. "Your words gave me confidence, then", he stretched and loosened leaning his other arm on the back.

"Of course. I have a lot more to appreciate", Airi felt jitters hearing him. "Like?", Mitsuya turned to her and looked into violet eyes. Airi gulped seeing the lad that close. "Uh....", her voice broke. "You don't have to squeeze your brain, Hara. What you said is enough", Mitsuya laughed. "You're responsible, gentle, sweet, and kind. You're good at sewing and designing. Hakkai-kun said that your food tastes incredible. You smile honestly and you don't seem to be a person who will keep grudges", Airi panted after talking continuously. "That's kind of overwhelming", Mitsuya patted Airi's head.

"Thank you, Hara. There are so many things I also appreciate in you", Mitsuya leaned closer making Airi feel like exploding.

Chapter end.

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