1) Saved? Unfortunately.

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(A/N: This is my first book so I don't expect it to do well. I'm going to try and keep a constant schedule of posting which's probably going be once or twice a week.
Thank you for reading my book! ⊆(⌒ᗜ⌒)⊇ )

(**Note: I went through my chapters to change how they text with each other, just a small change: instead of seeing their own name in pov they'll see 'Me' while texting.

Ex. Izuku POV:

Me: Hi!

Npc: Hello)

Izuku POV
00:45 | 12:45
I was on an abandoned building's roof, which was about 8 stories. I was writing a letter to whoever would find me.

'Dear whoever is reading this,
My name is Izuku Midoriya. I'm quirkless.
I was bullied by my whole school, all my life. Teachers, students everything, even the principal. My friends turned on me and bullied me too, all because I still wanted to be a hero. I am one of the many quirkless kids that have taken their lives because of this.
I hope I'm on the news for this, so the world knows the truth about what it does.
I know this isn't really a sappy suicide letter. But that's so you guys will actually use your brain and figure out what it's like being quirkless.
You guys are the reason why villains exist.

I folded up my letter and attached it to a notebook using a paper clip. The book was titled "The Truth About Heroes." I was about to walk to the edge when I got a notification from my phone.

Unknown Number: I'm on patrol right now, what do you want?

Me: You have the wrong number.

Unknown Number: Oh, I do. Sorry about that.

They probably texted me something else after that, but I ignored it and turned off my phone to put it in my backpack which was next to my shoes that were neatly lined up against the edge. 'Finally' I thought as I walked to the edge and got ready to jump. I turned around and closed my eyes, leaning backward I started to fall. 'Goodbye life' is all I thought as I was falling, feeling the wind breeze while falling was amazing.
A couple of seconds passed.
'Am I still falling..? No, I don't feel a lot of wind anymore. Unconscious? No.. I don't think so.
Don't tell me I got saved..' Just as I opened my eyes and looked around I was floating—no something was holding me from falling.
"Heya there little birdie" I looked up, 'I know that voice. Hawks. He was one the victims to the hero commission..' I was pretty mad that he saved me. I started to look for what was holding me up. 'Oh, it's his feathers' I mentally face-palmed myself. 'Why didn't I think of that?' I tried reaching them but no dice. Hawks flew closer to me, I only fell for 2 stories it looked like. "I shouldn't have answered that text.. ugh how could you be so stupid Deku? Now I have to figure out how to get out of this situation... maybe he'll let me go after and I try again? No, I don't think he'd leave me here.." I was about to continue when I heard hawks trying to get my attention. "Birdie? Hello?" Hawks tapped my shoulder. I snapped out of my thoughts, I was too concentrated to notice I was mumbling or that Hawks was trying to talk to me. "..uh sorry.." I said in a quiet tone. "It's alright little birdie! Let's get you back to the rooftop so we can talk." He started to fly to the rooftop while telling his feathers to bring me there. The feathers set me down in the middle of the rooftop. 'Probably trying to keep me away from the edge. Whatever it's not gonna work anyways.' Hawks sat down next to me. "Are you injured?" I was because of the bullying Bakugo and his friends did, as well as my father from this morning and last night. I had a couple of bruises, burns, and a few cuts. Was I going to tell him this? No. "I'm fine," I told him, avoiding his gaze. I don't think he really believed me. "Well I should still bring you to my agency and have them check up on you anyways, it's protocol." I stayed silent and didn't answer him, I just stayed staring at the ground. "Not very talkative huh?"
"Okay... well, what's your quirk?" I stared him in the eyes, giving him an uncomfortable stare. "I'm quirkless." He hesitated for a moment, but that moment was enough time for me to sprint a jump off the roof again. "KID WAIT!" That was all I heard before I lost consciousness.

|Word Count: 778|
(A/N: Have a good night/morning/afternoon!)


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