2) Heya little birdie!

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Hawks POV

"What's your quirk?" I asked him. He gave me an.. interesting stare. 'Damn this kids stare is unsettling.. kind of impressive!' "I'm quirkless." His stare changed from unsettling to bone-chilling 'Quirkless? Oh... I guess that makes sense. The look he's giving me is...'  was the only thing I could think before he sprinted to the edge again and jumped off. "KID WAIT!" I yelled while flying and commanding my feathers to grab him. He fell at least 4 stories because of how much of a head-start he had. I flew over to him moments after my feathers caught him and picked him up into my arms. He was unconscious and surprisingly light. 'I don't like how light you are, birdie. I should probably get your stuff too.' I had my feathers retrieve his stuff while we flew to my agency.

A few minutes later; Hawk's agency

I walked in and immediately took him to my healer that works there.
Right, when I walked in I was greeted by her "Hawks? Where did you find that boy?" "He was on the rooftop of an abounded building a couple of miles from here. Tried jumping and now he's unconscious" I answered. "Oh my! He's so young too. Poor boy" she came over and took him out of my arms, carrying him to a bed. "Do you have his stuff too?" "Yeah, I did." "Good, cause if you didn't I would've knocked some sense into ya!" although she didn't sound like it, she was actually kinda scary. "Er..yeah glad I got his stuff then" I responded. "Can you take care of him while I finish up patrol?" "By patrol do you mean getting chicken nuggets?" She looked at me with a 'you do this every time' look. "Uhm... maybe?.. but I was also gonna get some for the little bird!" She rolled her eyes at me and went back to the kid. "Yeah sure. I'll do a check-up on him too." "Thanks!" With that, I flew out of my agency to get some chicken nuggets for me and the little bird.

Half an hour later

I got back to my agency with my chicken. I looked at the time 01:34. 'Dang it got late' I was surprised to see my healer still here as she walked up to me. "I had to bandage many wounds, which were some bruises, cuts, and burns"

《★~ TW! You can skip over this part ~
"Although they didn't look like they were self-inflicted, though he did have some scars that were definitely from that."
《★~ TW over :) ~

"What's the boy's quirk?" "He said he was quirkless." I responded, "Ah, in that case, this might be a case of quirk discrimination/bullying. As well as illegal quirk usage cause those burns didn't look like they came from a simple match, lighter or stove." She was telling me this while looking at the boy, I could tell she was worried for him. "By the way," she looked back at me "Does he have a phone or anything that could help us find out who he is?" I thought for a moment 'He did have something on top of his backpack. It looked like a letter attached to a notebook, which would make sense "I think he had a letter, where did you put his stuff?" She pointed to a corner by one of the beds. In the corner, there was a pair of red shoes, a yellow backpack, as well as the notebook and letter that I thought of from earlier. 

I walked towards it and grabbed the letter, "I feel kinda wrong reading this.." I said as I started to open the letter. I was pretty surprised to see what he wrote, it was interesting for sure. "So? Does it say a name?" "Huh- oh yeah, Izuku Midoriya" 'Wait it says to look at the notebook, weird' "You might want to read this though" I handed the letter to her and grabbed the notebook. It read: The Truth About Heros. 'The truth about heroes? Weird title but sounds interesting.' She must've been done reading the letter, "So I was right about the bullying then. Poor boy. We should sue the school." "Yeah, but I'm not sure I would really be able to do that, he also didn't say what school he went to." I was already opening the notebook and reading the first page. "I bet Nezu could" I immediately stopped when I heard his name "Really? The rat demon? THE rat demon that can blackmail even the hero commission?" She just looked me dead in the eyes and responded with "Yes" "...Alright then I'm just going to read his notebook." I started to read it and oh boy this was interesting, it had a lot of details about popular heroes. Especially Endeavor. '

How in the world did he get this information?' I then realized there was a page about me, immediately when I started to read this I felt a shiver go down my spine 'What the hell..' there was a detailed analysis of my quirk, along with my real name and my past with the hero commission. The healer must've saw I was on edge "What's wrong Hawks? Something weird in that book?" "..he.. how?" I didn't even try to explain and just showed her the pages. She was one of the only ones that knew a bit about my past so it didn't bother me as much. I just heard her chuckle "This kid is really something" "Yeah.. no kidding"

I started to look in his backpack 'Oh boy he has a lot of notebooks' there were at least 7 notebooks, as well as a med-kit, and a phone. "Hey he has a phone, do you think we should try and contact his parents?" She walked over to me "Hm, we should probably wait till he wakes up." "Alright." I put his notebook by his backpack and zipped it back up. "It's getting late so I'm heading home. He'll probably wake up in a few hours, just tell him to go back to sleep and keep an eye on him. He needs rest." "Okie dokie!" I responded back watching her leave.

|Word Count: 1038|
|Next chapter will be in Izuku's POV|

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