4) Aizawa

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Hawks POV
A few hours before izuku went to sleep

(A/N: 'Me' will show up even though it's Hawk's POV, it's like that because Izuku owns the phone.)

After I got back from getting my chicken, the healer already left since her shift ended. I grabbed his phone out of his backpack and checked the notifications, but there was none. 'Weird how this kid's parents haven't called him or texted him at all. Shouldn't they be worried?' A notification popped up

Unknown Number: You alright?

'Maybe this is his parent? It's weird that it doesn't have a contact though' I clicked on the text but I had to unlock his phone first. 'It needs Face ID so...' I put the phone in front of the boy's face so it would unlock, and it worked, surprisingly.
It looks like they tried to contact them before, but I didn't read their conversation since I didn't want to invade that much of his privacy

Unknown Number: You alright?

I decided to respond back, maybe this guy knows this kid.

Me: Hello who is this? Do you know the person that owns this phone?

Unknown Number: No, but it sounds like you don't own this phone. Who are you?

Me: I asked you that first

Unknown Number: *sigh* I'm an underground pro, hero names Eraserhead

'Oh, I've actually heard of this dude before. Why does this kid have his number? And also, did he just sigh through text??'

Me: Did you just sigh through text?

Unknown Number: Yes, I did. Have a problem with that?

Unknown Number: Anyways now it's time for you to answer that question.

Me: I'm the pro hero Hawks

Unknown Number: Since when do you kidnap kids?

Me: I didn't kidnap him! Also, how did you know he's a kid?

Unknown Number: Gut feeling.

Me: You're weird

Unknown Number(UN): Why do you have the kids phone though?

Me: I was going to try and contact his parents

UN: No luck?

Me: Nope

UN: You're of invading his privacy doing this chicken.

'Did this dude just call me a chicken!? The audacity!'

Me: Did you just call me a chicken!?

UN: Yes. Go cry about it.

Me: ...

Me: You're right though, I probably should give him his phone back

UN: Good, now bye.

'This Eraserhead dude is weird'
I turned off the phone and put it back in his backpack. I made sure to leave one of my feathers with him so I would know if he tries anything.
And with that, I headed to the top floor which had my bedroom.

Aizawa POV

After I accidentally texted the wrong number, I made sure I didn't have the wrong number and texted my husband. But I had a gut feeling about a few things, and my gut has never been wrong. The wrong number I texted I'm pretty sure was a kid, but he was acting weird, usually kids have more energy in their texts you could say. Like a kid would probably type "Sorry! You have the wrong number :) " or something like that. So, trusting my gut feeling, I texted the number again. A few seconds later it had 'read' under my text. 'So he definitely read my text, but why wasn't he responding?'

UN(Izuku): I'm the pro hero Hawks

'Ok, this is weird. What's the chicken doing with a kid?'

(Only visible to Aizawa)Eraserhead changed Unknown Number's name to 'Kid The Chicken Kidnapped'

I continued on with the conversation while trying to think of reasons Hawks would have this kid 'under his wing' as he would probably say. 'God Hawks is so cheesy with puns' I let out an annoyed sigh. "What's annoying you now?" I heard Hazashi say in a tired voice next to me. We were on the couch, though Hazashi was half-asleep already. "The chicken kidnapped a kid or something." Hazashi turned to look at me, "Chicken? Do you mean Hawks?" "Yes." aizawa gave a quick response. "I'm sure the kid's fine, sho." Hazashi said before closing his eyes again and drifting off into sleep. 

|Word count: 650|

(A/N: Sorry this chapter is so short!)
(Editedx3, dang this needed to be edited a lot T-T)

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