12) Question

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(A/N: Sorry for posting so late- I don't have an excuse or anything ;-;)

Continuation of Aizawa's POV

'I wonder where he even found that.'

'Nevermind- I'll just get Nezu to check it later. At least he's okay, though based on his reaction this probably happens more than often...' I sighed 'This kid is basically walking full of red flags at this point'

'I wonder if he likes cats- ok nope getting off-topic I should finish up patrol' I hovered around the house for a bit, I don't think he was in immediate harm. I am going to try and get him out of that house though.

(A/N: I know that in the anime the sludge villain attack happened on a school day, but I'm changing it 'cause screw the canon timeline)

Izuku POV

I was having a decent day, but of course, I can't have that. Apparently, he did know I was home, and around 2, busted into my room. Right when he came in I could smell the alcohol on him and my nose scrunched up. 'Ew-' was all I could think before he started to talk. "O-i! Useleeszz" his words were stretched out and slurred. "Gy.." was all I heard before I literally jumped out the window with my bag. It was only a few feet. Why did I just do that? Cause he's annoying, it would've taken me a full 5 minutes to hear whatever he was trying to tell me and I did not feel like wasting my time on that.

Plus I was getting bored, oh I could go to the library. And it wasn't like he was going to remember anything.

I was just walking around, it was a nice day. But of course because I can't have anything nice. I stopped when I heard a weird sound coming from.. below me? No. It was coming from the sewers. 'Well shit' I thought while the sludge-like villain wrapped itself around me. I already know I wouldn't be able to get him off me, so I'm not wasting my energy like that. "Y'know kid you'd make a great skin suit!" 'Skin suit? What is this, a horror movie?' is what I would be thinking if I wasn't y'know, actively getting killed. "You're me hero kid. I'll try to make this quick." Ouch. I get called a hero for the first time and it's when I'm being killed.

That's when I realized what he was trying to do. He was suffocating me by forcefully filling into my lungs and throat. God it was so uncomfortable that on instinct I tried spitting, scraping, you name it, trying to get this thing off me. I could hear ringing in my ears, my vision was getting cloudy. I couldn't breathe.


It was dark.

Almost peaceful in a way.

Then it started coming back to me.

I heard ringing again, as well as vibrations that must be someone talking. 'Who..? Are they talking to me?' my thoughts were interrupted from feeling someone softly slapping my check... trying to get me awake? What?

I opened my eyes to see someone, my vision was blurry but it started to clear... the face was getting clearer and HOLY SHIT THAT'S ALL MIGHT-

I sprung forward so I was sitting up. "Ah, there you are my boy! Worried I lost ya there." All Might cheered. 'My notebook-! Where is it! What happened?' I looked around frantically looking for my notebook. I grabbed it and was looking through it. "Oh and don't worry, I already signed your notebook!" I got to the page to see an All Might signature. "OhmygoshAllMightthankyousomuch!" my words were slightly slurred since I was still a little hazy. All Might only responded with one of his signature laughs.

"Well, I better get this villain to the police!" He patted his pants, which I then realized there was a bottle with the villain in it. 'Uhm.. A soda bottle..? If it works, it works I guess... Oh wait All Might was going to leave!' "Wait!" I called to All Might, but he promptly ignored me and continued to take off.

Out of instinct I grabbed his pants while he was taking off, and was lifted into the air.

Listen, I probably shouldn't have grabbed onto him.. but I wanted to ask soo....

"Listen, I love my fans but this is a bit much" All Might spoke as he was actively trying to push me off him. I barely got this out from the wind pushing against me. "I-If I let go I-I'll die!" I stated, that probably clicked in his brain and he stopped trying to push me off and landed on the nearest roof where I gratefully collapsed taking a deep breath. Wow that did not feel good going... how ever fast we were going.

Instead of checking on me, making sure I was okay. I was scolded by him for a few minutes. "C-can I ask you a q-question?" I asked. Instead of waiting for a response I asked, "C-can I be a hero? W-without a quirk?" All Might looked at him, with pity. Oh how much I hate that look from people. "I'm afraid not young man," he was already starting to talk but it didn't matter. He was just going to crush my dreams more. All Might continued, "There are plenty of other ways to help out, why not become a police officer, doctor, or even a nurse?"

3rd POV

Izuku barely even registered that All Might left. Barely even registered that he had been standing for a while now. He was just... gone. He might've been there physically, but mentally, he was broken. His Idol, the world's Idol. Just crushed his dreams without a thought. All Might had told him what other adults and kids always told him. That he was useless.

Useless... the word was practically engraved into him. 'Deku' was the nickname Bakugou gave him to make fun of him. Adults have always indirectly called him useless, not letting him play with other kids, not being able to be as smart as the other kids because they thought he was 'cheating', not being able to do any of the classroom tasks in elementary school. Just.. anything. No matter how small, Izuku was never allowed to do it.

He didn't even register that he had moved to the edge of the roof. His shoes stayed on. He was just sitting next to the railing. Staring, viewing, thinking. 'What now?' was the only thought that rang through his mind. He should try to come up with an answer, but he realized that he just didn't care. He just wanted some peace and quiet.

He didn't register a lot during the... minutes? hours? days? Izuku didn't know. He brain just.. stopped working. Hurtful words repeating in his mind over, and over, and over over over and over again and again.

He didn't register the birds chirping nor the light wind. He didn't register his notebook besides him, he didn't register his bag that was now moved to the side of him. When did that happen again..? Izuku couldn't find enough energy to care. He didn't register the sun starting to go down, nor the way he was feeling the late (night? afternoon?) chill.

(A/N: Sorry for this slight cliff-hanger- I was originally going to make this longer but I was running out of time to post.. so uh sorry for making you wait ill try to post tomorrow)

|Word Count: 1267|

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